Are We Hypnotised Every Day? …
It’s a scary thought, but most of us are being hypnotised every day – without knowing it. As a hypnotherapist for many years, I know this is true. Let me explain…
Who is hypnotising us?
Primarily it is TV that is hypnotising us. Here’s how it works…
We all slip into a hypnotic trance several times a day. It’s a natural state of mind, like daydreaming. When in this state of mind, we become more suggestible.
We naturally slip into this daydream hypnotic state when engrossed in TV – and advertisers know this.
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Advertisers bombard you with their messages over several hours every day – AND THEY DO EFFECT YOU. Why else would they pay so many millions for this opportunity?
The problem is that to make you need their products, they often employ tactics to make you feel inadequate, fearful, and insecure. This is negative hypnosis.
Does it work? You bet. Be honest – how would you feel publicly using a cell phone that is 10 years old? You would probably feel embarrassed. Why is that?
It’s because the phone industry has created a culture that you MUST have the latest phone. This is great for business as they can cajole you into buying a new phone every 2 years. They would get 5 times less sales if they sold you a new phone only when you needed one.
OK this is relatively harmless – it just means you spend more money than you need to, and you’re paranoid about your phone once it’s a year old. But it gets worse…
You’re fat and smelly – want some chocolate?!

Adverts often tell you that you smell, you’re fat, you have bad breath, bad teeth, oh and you need to eat more chocolate. They get into your head, tell you you’re deficient, and the solution is to buy their products.
Weight loss adverts tell you you’re fat; deodorant adverts say you smell; mouth wash adverts say you have bad breath; and food manufacturers say you need to eat more. Confusing or what?!
Adverts aim to de-power you. A weak and vulnerable person is better prey to salesmen. This is probably the biggest reason why so many people need hypnotherapy – to counteract all the negative hypnosis that adverts bombard them with.
Advertisers DON’T care about your welfare. Here’s just one example that infuriates me…
Sunny D have convinced many parents to buy their children their product instead of natural fresh orange juice. Sunny D only contains about 2% concentrated fruit juice. This is bulked up with sugar, water and chemicals. Not good. They’ve had to do a LOT of brainwashing to convince people to buy this vastly inferior product. And poor children are drinking this cheap rubbish, which costs around the same as the real deal, thinking it’s good for them. Is that fair?
Many of us are manipulated into buying inferior products, or products we don’t need. YOU need to fight back.
What can I do about it?

The average person watches around 4 hours of TV per day. If you’re awake for 16 hours per day, that’s around one quarter of your waking life exposing yourself to this influence. An obvious solution is to reduce your TV viewing.
Failing that, you can get into the habit of turning the volume off during the advertisement breaks.
If you do watch adverts, engage your brain. Get into a critical mindset and watch how they’re trying to manipulate you. It can be fun watching how they try and tell you how you need their rubbish.
This is probably the best solution. Even if you avoid TV, adverts are creeping more onto the internet, and are on radio, billboards, magazines and newspapers.
Use positive hypnotherapy to counteract these negative influences. A hypnotherapist can help raise your confidence, self esteem, positive thinking, and much more. You can be left feeling good about yourself once more.
Final thoughts
Are We Hypnotised Every Day? It would seem so.
Approach all adverts with a cynical mind, and don’t let them fool you. They are relying on you not bothering to think, so they slip silently into your subconscious. By stealth they can influence your thoughts and decisions without you knowing it. They can also drag you down, making you feel worthless and inferior.
Engage your brain and get into the habit of questioning everything. Also question your daily habits. Should you really be spending so much time with the TV on?
When buying anything, ask yourself if you really need it, and if you do, are there cheaper and/or better alternatives. Just because a product pays to be on TV and has a cute mascot, doesn’t necessarily mean it is a superior product.
If you accept that adverts can influence how you think, you can begin to fight back. Only then can you be free to live your life on your own terms and realise your true potential.
Want help counteracting the negative influences of advertisements?
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I don’t usually watch the adverts at all. Here in Finland the adverts also come with louder volume, than the program that’s being watched. Adverts are so fast paced and annoying. There can be 10-15 of them on a single commercial break, adding 45 minutes to a 2 hour movie. That’s why I don’t watch much TV at all.
Hi Ilpo. It’s about the same here in the UK. They also imply lots of things, which can easily go into your subconscious whilst you’re in a suggestible state. Most people don’t think it effects them, but look at the products and services that most people use – the same ones as are advertised on TV!
The way I bypass a lot of adds is to record a TV show & then when watching later on just fast forward when the adds start .
Yes it’s a good tactic Maria, and I do it some times. If not, I mute the ads whilst waiting.
We are also hypnotized when we are engaged in reading a good novel or even hearing a good story.
Yes we are David. A hypnotic trance is essentially the same as a daydream state of mind. On the same lines as stories, we also slip into trance when watching TV or a movie. Advertisers know this, which is why they pay so much to advertise whilst people are in a suggestible trance state.