Do you have a habit you want to change? I will show you a simple, but powerful method of how to change ANY habit in 28 days…

Jon Rhodes
Think about a habit that you REALLY want to change. This can be absolutely anything from addictions to subtle characteristics you’d like to change.
It must be a habit that YOU wish to change, not one that others want you to change. This is important as you will remain motivated to change.
Close your eyes and think about a habit you really want to change. It can be any habit at all.
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Now think about how your life will change for the better now that you have changed this habit.
You must now FULLY commit yourself to 28 days to change a habit. FIGHT!
(Psychologists generally agree that it takes 28 days to break a habit, and 28 days to make a habit.)
Note what the date is today, and what the date will be in 28 days time. Record this everywhere you can. In diaries’, calendars, on a piece of paper on your wall, everywhere. This will serve as a reminder that you are working on a change.
Be brave and be stubborn. For 28 days you will work hard on making this change. Face it head on. Accept any pain and discomfort – it’s only temporary.
After 28 days one of two things can happen. You will either revert back to your former habits, or you will keep this change. If you revert back to this old habit, then you have lost nothing. In fact you are likely to have gained. For example if you gave up smoking for 28 days, then you will have saved money and given your health a welcome boost. You are also likely to have learnt about yourself, which you can use to change other habits in the future.
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If you make the change permanent, then even better. You have successfully invested 4 weeks of your time, which would have passed anyway, for something you can now benefit from for the rest of your life.
If you don’t want to make this change right now, ask yourself why not. Find the good reason why you should postpone or avoid this. If you don’t really ever want to make this change then that is fine. But think to yourself – Is there ever really a perfect time to make this change?
It requires effort and yes there are no absolute guarantee of permanent results, but why not give it your best shot? There is nothing to lose. If you want your life to change for the better then you can’t wait for it to magically happen. You must make a conscious decision to change and stubbornly stick to it right now.
I assure you this is easier than it sounds once you make up your mind to change a habit. Don’t allow yourself any ifs or buts or grey areas. You must make a positive and definite decision to make this change for 4 weeks, no matter what.
If you leave any areas for maneuver in your mind, then you will not stick to it. It’s no good saying to yourself “I will try for 2 days and see what happens’, or ‘I will stick to it unless I have a bad day at work’. With this mindset you are setting yourself up for failure.
Say to yourself that you will definitely make this change for 28 days. You will invest 28 days of effort to make this change. Leave no uncertainty in your mind. Promise yourself. Give yourself your word that you will make this change for 28 days. Right now say to yourself that you will commit yourself to 28 days of changing this habit no matter what.
If you do this, then you will have a far easier time than you think. Your mind will not be looking for a way out as you are totally committed. This removes a lot of the struggle. You have nothing to struggle against as you have set a clear goal. There are no grey areas to fight against.
You will quickly learn to live with this change, and your life will be enhanced because of it. You may also learn to enjoy the challenge, ticking off one day at a time, moving closer to your goal. Very soon living with this change will be your normal default way of life – it’s remarkable how quickly you adapt to change. That’s how to change any habit.
So march forward with courage and commitment and work towards an improved lifestyle. Go on, you deserve it!
Have any addictions? If you want help kicking a habit, check out my Beating Addictions Hypnotherapy MP3 session. It can reduce your urges on ANY habit…
Please CLICK HERE for more details of my Beating Addictions Hypnosis MP3
Hi Jon, do you have any hypnosis program for this 28-day changing habit? I’ve tried this multiple times and never made it to 28 days, which makes me very frustrated with myself..
Hi Van. I have created an “Ego Boost” session which could help you. This sessions strengthens your mind by increasing your confidence and self esteem. This helps when trying to achieve anything. Many hypnotherapists use an Ego Boost as a first sessions when giving a course of treatment for many things. It can be found here –
If more appropriate to your goals, I also have a “Beating Addictions” sessions, which can be found here –
Don’t be down on yourself with not making it to 28 days Van. I obviously don’t know the full details, but you managed for some time to change this habit, and you keep trying. That takes guts. Keep visualising your goal and you will get there in the end.