Thanks for visiting my Jon Rhodes “about” page. I won’t do what many people do and write about myself, pretending it’s someone else writing about me!
Here’s a bit about some of my unique skills and experience I have…
Mental health
I have worked in the mental health field with people suffering severe mental health problems since 2001. I been involved in the successful rehabilitation and helping people integrate back into society.
Many of the people I work with are suffering from severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, autism, personality disorders, and various secondary illnesses such as depression. It can be challenging at times, but they are a great bunch of people and I can learn so much from them. Spending all day helping them can really get my therapeutic intuition working.
Please CLICK HERE For An Interview With Jon Rhodes
I spent several years as a professional musician – mainly active from 2001-2008. I played over 150 live shows on various instruments such as guitar, bass, keyboards and vocals. During this time I watched and learned how music effects people. I feel this has greatly helped me develop a powerful therapeutic intuition with music.
I still dabble in music these days, regularly playing open mic nights on my guitar.
I bolstered this learning by reading many books and articles on the therapeutic aspects of music. I promise you it’s a fascinating area if you’re interested.
I’m a lover of learning, so in 2002 I signed up to learn clinical hypnotherapist at the London College Of Clinical Hypnotherapy. It was something that for years I had wanted to learn about. It was expensive, but I was taught by some of the UK’s finest hypnotherapists, such as Peter Mabbutt, and Ursula James.
I soon started my own practice, offering a home visit service where I travelled to patient’s houses. This was a great business model as I didn’t need to rent office space. Also people who struggled to travel could still receive therapy. Quickly my services were in big demand.
After a while I wanted to reach out and treat even more people. I also wanted to offer a solution that was even more affordable. Then the penny dropped – I could combine my talents of music therapy and hypnotherapy…
This was a really exciting time setting up the HypnoBusters website. I had never done ANYTHING like this before.
Since I knew precious little about web design, I got my brother on board as a partner. He set up the website so I could concentrate on recording the audio’s.
It was A LOT of work writing and recording all these sessions, but well worth it. Very quickly there became a demand for them. I started receiving emails from people sharing how they have helped their lives – then I was hooked!
Over time I have been gradually adding new sessions and new articles, so please keep visiting. There are also comment sections on most pages, so it would be great to hear from you.
I have a passion for writing. I mainly write about things related to health and personal development. I have written many articles on this website, which can be found here – HypnoBusters Articles. I also regularly write articles for the HypnoBusters Blog.
I also contribute to many blogs and websites on the internet. If you do some searching on Google, you’ll find them. Search for terms like this…
“Article by Jon Rhodes HypnoBusters”
“Jon Rhodes hypnosis”
“Jon Rhodes HypnoBusters”
“Jon Rhodes article”
Other skills
I have a law degree from Glamorgan University, which I finished in 2001. I love playing chess, although I struggle finding people who want to play these day. I can make a mean curry. And perhaps more impressive, I can juggle!
Please CLICK HERE For An Interview With Jon Rhodes
You can also get in touch with me at the places below…
HypnoBusters on Facebook (Come say hi!)
You can write to us here…