Do you struggle generating new creative ideas? The problem with this is that you can get into a negative cycle of thinking. The more you worry about not being creative, the worse it gets. You should learn how to do automatic writing…
Automatic writing is a simple but powerful technique. It gets you out of this rut, giving a massive boost to your creative juices…
What is automatic writing?

Automatic writing is writing from your subconscious mind. This is the powerful creative part of your mind that creative geniuses tap into. It’s where your thoughts flow as you “go on a roll”.
Words, pictures and symbols can flow from your subconscious and onto the paper. It’s fascinating what you find flowing from you.
Here’s how to do automatic writing…

Jon Rhodes
Sit at a table with pen and a piece of paper. Close your eyes and take 10 slow deep breaths.
Has something really funny happened around you in the past? Imagine this funny situation as clearly as you can. You may have been fooling around, or something happened around you. Visualise the scene as clearly as you can. Notice how funny this feels, even now. Do you feel like you want to laugh? Good!
Once you have this scene clearly in your head and you are suitably tickled, start writing. Don’t think about what you’re writing, just write. Don’t look at what you are writing, just write. Write as fast as you can.
It may help to pull funny faces as you write. It sounds daft, but it will help you. You MUST NOT worry about what’s going to come out. It WILL be rough. Just enjoy the flow.
If for any reason your flow stops, leave a space, take a slow deep breath, and start writing again. Don’t think about it, just let it happen. Have fun with this. It can be amazing what you later read.
When you’ve finished
When you have finished, wait at least 10 minutes before you look at it. By the time you return to it, you will be dying to see what you have written. This helps you look at it in a non critical way – almost like it was written by someone else. And that’s the weird thing about automatic writing – it’s like someone else wrote what came out of your hand.
You may find complete gibberish, but usually somewhere there is a nugget of genius that shines out. I have often written short funny poems like this. They may require a ‘tidy up’, but the foundation is there.
If nothing else, this technique helps give you a starting point to writing – and starting can be the hardest thing.
This technique is based on self hypnosis. It works because you turn down the conscious part of your mind, allowing your more powerful subconscious to surface. This is the part where your genius lies. We all have it, but most of us rarely use it.
The more you do it, the better you get. Ultimately you may be able to write whole pieces like this, and give them a ‘tidy up’ at a later date. This is a really useful technique to aid creativity, and prevent ‘writer’s block’.
Now you know how to do automatic writing. Give it a go and see what happens.
Want a creativity boost? I can help relax your conscious mind, allowing your subconscious mind to flow with more creative ideas…
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