Does a sports psychologist use hypnosis as part of their profession?

Jon Rhodes
Yes, some appear to do so. For instance many encourage the use of visualisation where the athlete imagines performing their sport very successfully. This technique is very commonly used in hypnotherapy for any type of performance, particularly sports. They also typically use some similar principals as hypnotherapists’ use in order to increase confidence, motivation, and attentional focus.
When I listen to one of your hypnosis download I try to lie down so I can completely relax. At the moment though I’m suffering through a prolonged virus which has made this position uncomfortable. Is it okay to sit up in a chair or even stand up while undergoing hypnosis?
Yes, it is perfectly fine to sit up, or even stand up during hypnosis. Each of us has our personal preferences as to what position is most comfortable for us. Go with what you prefer, not what everyone else prefers. That said, most people prefer to be led down, and some prefer to be sat up. Few people prefer being stood up, but if it works for you then go with it! One word of caution – make sure you are in a safe place should you lose your balance. If you feel in any doubt about your safety, then it’s probably best that you use a chair.
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Is hypnosis a new age practice akin to crystal healing or aromatherapy?
Crystal healing is an alternative healing technique for strengthening the mind and body using various forms of natural crystals. The theory is that gemstones carry vibrational pulses, which when placed within the aura, change the speed of the vibrations in your aura. Hypnotherapy does not normally work with treating the aura in order to heal. However hypnotherapists’ do occasionally refer to auras in their therapy, but usually more as a metaphor for the unconscious mind, rather than directly attempting to change an aura.
Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils and other aromatic compounds from plants, in order to change a persons’ mood or health. The oils are often applied with massage. This is very different to hypnotherapy as it is very rare that any form of touching is necessary. That aside, it is probably likely that a person will benefit from going into a form of trance if sufficiently relaxed by the massage and the smell of the oil.
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