What does it feel like to be hypnotized? Also what does it feel like immediately after?
Jon Rhodes
This does depend on the person and how deep the trance is. Commonly a person in a light and even medium trance is still quite aware of what is being said and what is going on if need be, although they may not be focussing on these things if they don’t wish to. This is rather like being deeply engrossed in a book or movie. Things may go on around you that you are not really aware of, but you can easily snap out of it if a situation demands it.
After coming out of a trance, a person often feels like everything is a little surreal and dreamy for a minute or two. They may also feel a little cold due to their heart rate being slower than usual.
These are just generalities. Like I said before, it does vary from person to person, but nearly everyone reports a very pleasant experience.
I saw on your twitter that you were making a hypnosis PLR pack. Where has this been made available?
This is true, it is totally free and you can sell or use the material. The PLR pack is quite big, around 200 MB so we have hosted it on our own server. It’s available at the link bellow, download it now because it won’t be there forever.
The PLR pack contains 4 MP3s, 2 videos, 65 articles, an eBook, 5 WordPress themes and 5 HTML templates.
These are yours to use in a business sense, or as a consumer if you wish. You can give them as a bonus, or even sell any of these. There is material to help you build a website. All we ask is that you don’t edit the brief mentions of HypnoBusters. That’s all we want in return, a little bit of publicity. You can definitely make some money from this.
How much does a hypnotherapist typically charge for a live session?
This can vary a lot depending on the geographical location, experience, and the generosity of the hypnotherapist. It is usually not cheap if you hire a good hypnotherapist. They are professionals with many years of learning and experience. I will testify that it is quite expensive to train as a hypnotherapist. It costs a lot of time and money to properly train as a clinical hypnotherapist. Think what you pay a dentist, or even a plumber per hour.
However I do realise that some people do struggle paying for hypnosis treatment, which is one of the reasons why I have created these affordable MP3 sessions on HypnoBusters.
Would it be safe to listen to one of your hypnosis recordings while I take a bath or could this be dangerous?
I would personally avoid listening to them in the bath, but not because of the dangers of being in trance in the bath. You are more likely to fall asleep when in trance, which could have some dangers whilst in the bath. You could also damage whatever it is that you are listening to the session on, and it may even damage you! If you must listen to them in the bath, then make the bath shallower than usual, and make sure that whatever it is that you are using to play the sessions on is safe.
Do you plan to keep adding more hypnosis MP3s and scripts?
Yes I plan to keep updating our collection of MP3s and scripts and give our visitors more choice of sessions. We get a lot of requests for various sessions, so we are slowly working our way through them. What I don’t want to do though is simply churn the sessions out like some hypnosis sites appear to do. I want each and every session to be as good as it possibly can be.