Nightmares can make you wake up in a cold sweat with your heart pounding. You can experience real feelings of terror.This is not a great start to your day, and the disturbance can leave you tired and lethargic.
Nightmares are worse for your health than most people realise. The sleep interruption is bad enough, but there is more to it than that…
Your mind has trouble differentiating between reality and your imagination. If you think of some thing stressful right now, your body will react as if it’s really happening. Your heart rate will increase and you will feel stressed in a very real way.
The stress of nightmares affect you in a real way. Many nightmares leave you in stressful and life threatening situations. This effects you as if it is really happening – not good for your physical or mental health.
Hypnosis is an excellent tool in getting rid of nightmares. Here’s why…
Your dreams are controlled by your creative subconscious mind. They are a mental rehearsal for things that could happen in your life. For some reason your subconscious mind is fearing the worse, and wants to prepare you for that.
Hypnosis is a tool that deals with communicating with your subconscious mind. In this session I will talk to it and persuade it that it is not necessary to think up such terrifying scenarios.
This session will also help you gain control of your dreams. Whenever you sense a dream turning into a nightmare, you will take control and steer it back into a pleasant direction.
Your nightmares will become pleasant dreams and allow you to get the peaceful rest you need.
Be at peace when you sleep.
If you want to swap your nightmares for pleasant dreams, then download Hypnosis For Nightmares hypnosis MP3…
If you are using e-cigarettes to quit smoking then you could be wasting your time – and money. It is likely that they will not help you quit smoking. Here’s why…
E-cigarette addiction
E-cigarette users usually become addicts of e-cigarettes.
Manufacturers argue that it is the lesser of evils. However there has not been enough research to confirm the long term effects of e-cigarettes. Time will tell whether they are less harmful, and by how much. But…
Wouldn’t it be better if you had no addiction? E-cigarettes still contain poisonous nicotine.
Nicotine is the major toxic part of cigarettes. Just 40-60mg of nicotine is enough to kill an adult, so don’t be kidded into thinking e-cigarettes are not harmful. You wouldn’t want your 9 year old daughter smoking them would you?
Nicotine is also the major addictive part of cigarettes. E-cigarettes contain just as much nicotine. Therefore…E-CIGARETTES ARE JUST AS ADDICTIVE AS NORMAL CIGARETTES.
Why would you switch to them in order to quit smoking? You are just swapping one addiction for another slightly different one. There are also other problems…
Using e-cigarettes causes apathy, and the e-cigarette companies know it. Users feel like they have quit smoking when in reality they haven’t. This stops many people from trying to quit properly.
E-cigarette companies can continue selling refills for years, as people don’t bother to quit. Retailers don’t care that you don’t quit smoking. In fact it is in their best interests for you to continue using their products for as long as possible.
Do they offer any help or support for you to quit e-cigarettes? No – despite many of them selling e-cigarettes on the basis of them being a tool to help you quit smoking.
Smoke more
Many users of e-cigarettes actually end up smoking more nicotine. E-cigarettes are not yet banned from being smoked in most public places. This gives users more opportunities to smoke.
Many people hang them round their necks and puff away almost constantly. Without realising it you can smoke more than you did with traditional cigarettes. They can be too convenient to smoke.
Quit smoking all together
If you are serious about quitting smoking properly, don’t waste your time and money using e-cigarettes. You need to quit smoking, and you need to quit nicotine. Only then will you be truly free.
Using e-cigarettes is just kidding yourself that the problem has gone away. It hasn’t. You still have a nicotine addiction. And it is still just as difficult to quit smoking e-cigarettes as it is normal cigarettes.
If you need help quitting smoking, then why not try hypnotherapy? Unlike e-cigarette companies, hypnotherapists have no interest in you continuing to smoke. They WANT you to quit smoking forever. It’s good for their reputation, and is likely to encourage you to visit them again for other treatments, such as weight loss or phobias.
Hypnotherapy does not encourage a long drawn out quitting process that many products advocate. Nor does it encourage dependency. Hypnotherapists don’t profit from your continued smoking.
Hypnotherapy aims to quickly reprogram your subconscious mind to reduce cravings for cigarettes. It usually does this in 1-3 sessions. This enables you to stand on your own two feet and fight the smoking addiction yourself. Then you have the best chance of quitting smoking for good.
How To Sign Up To The HypnoBusters Affiliate Program
It is free and relatively simple to sign up to the HypnoBusters affiliate program. You can be signed up and be making money in less than 10 minutes. Here’s a brief look at how to join.
Scroll down to the bottom of any page on HypnoBusters, and hit the “Affiliate Program” link to take you to our affiliate page. Or click this link – HypnoBusters Affiliate Program.
You are now on the affiliate page that has lots of info about the HypnoBusters Affilite Program. It’s well worth reading! If you scroll down a little you will see the “Sign Up Here!” link. Click it.
You will now be taken to E-Junkie, who process all our affiliate sales. This will take you to the page where you can register to join. Enter your email address in twice, and a password, then press “Submit”.
You will then be emailed an activation code. Go to your email and copy the activation code, and enter it into the box that will have appeared, and submit.
You will now be required to enter a business name and your Paypal email address. This is the email address that you have associated with your Paypal account. If you don’t have a Paypal account, then sign up for one here. It is relatively simple, and free. You will need one to receive your payments.
Congratulations, you are now a HypnoBusters affiliate!!
You now need your unique affiliate link. When your special link is clicked and someone makes a purchase, tracking software automatically detects this, and will award you your 50% commission. Click on “Get Affiliate Code”.
Now click on “Get Affiliate Code” to get your unique affiliate link.
You will now see the above. You can copy and paste this code, which will give you your unique affiliate link with the anchor text “Click here to visit HypnoBusters”. (“Anchor text” is text that when it is clicked will take you to another place).
If you just want the link without anchor text, then you only need to copy the highlighted bit above.
If you want a link for a specific HypnoBusters product instead of the site as a whole, then select one from this highlighted list by pressing the small arrow down on the right hand side. A list of all the HypnoBusters products will appear. Simply select the one you want, hit “Get Affiliate Code”, and you will again get your link. This link will take your visitor to the specific product page.
Final thoughts
The links you get are a bit long. However they can be shortened by using a URL shortening service. There are loads of free services available. Google do one, which you can find here – Google URL shortening.
The good thing about promoting a specific product is that if a person clicks on this link, but decides instead to buy a different product, then you still get credited with your 50% commission for the sale. They may buy several products. If that is the case, you will still get credit for all of them.
There are many places where you can put your link in order to entice people to click on them. You can put them on your website or blog for instance. If you don’t have one, then don’t worry. There are plenty of places on the internet where you can put them. Check out this following article for details of where to promote affiliate products without a website.
YOU can make money online by selling HypnoBusters products, and you don’t need a website to do it. Sounds good?
HypnoBusters runs an affiliate program where you sell HypnoBusters products and make a profit. (Click here for details of HypnoBusters affiliate program).
Christine was able to quit her regular job by selling HypnoBusters products…and she doesn’t even have a website!
I recently received a really heart warming email from a regular customer of HypnoBusters, Christine. She was working a 60 hour week plus caring for her ill sister. As you can imagine, she was stressed and tired.
She told me that she quit her day job thanks to the HypnoBusters affiliate program. She earned the same as her wage, and is now able to spend more time with her sister. I was so happy for her, and asked her how she did it.
(I have written a book that will help you sell more online. It is FREE and you can get it by following this link.)
To my surprise she didn’t even have a website or a blog! I was intrigued to say the least. She agreed to share with me her secrets, and gave me permission to share them with you. Nice lady don’t you think?
Here are Christine’s secrets to selling HypnoBusters products without having a website or blog. With some hard work, you too can earn enough to quit your job!
How it works – Affiliate links
Before we begin, here is a brief description of how the HypnoBusters affiliate program works so that you can better understand Christine’s tips.
When you join our HypnoBusters affiliate program you will get your own unique affiliate links. These may point to an individual product, or to the whole site. It’s your choice. When someone clicks on your special link, this is automatically tracked. If they make a purchase, then you are automatically credited with a 50% commission for the sale.
You get a 50% commission on ALL products they buy when they follow your link to HypnoBusters. This is good because many people make multiple purchases. If you are selling an individual product, you still get 50% commission if they buy a different product(s) to the one(s) you recommend. You have, after all, still sent them here and you deserve to be rewarded.
You can link to one of our informative health articles. Many have links to products, and you get paid if your visitor makes a purchase. This removes the “hard sell” feel, and often visitors will thank you for pointing them to useful resources.
Here are some top places where Christine sells HypnoBusters products.
If you go on Facebook anyway,then you might as well make some money right?
It is within Facebook’s terms to leave affiliate links in your status updates. You could put something like this…
“Wow, I have just managed to quit smoking for a week now thanks to HypnoBusters hypnotherapy audio session. Check it out here (INSERT AFFILIATE LINK).”
If people comment, then great. Respond to their comments and encourage the conversation. This increases the visibility and interest in your link.
For a softer sales strategy, you can link to one of our informative health articles. Many have links to products, and if your visior makes a purchase, you get paid.
You can also add your HypnoBusters affiliate link to your Twitter updates. Just like on Facebook, a personal recommendation from a product you have tried yourself comes across as more genuine and trustworthy. Again engage with any responses, comments or questions.
Classified ads
You can put adverts promoting HypnoBusters products on many classified ads. Again read their terms and conditions to make sure they allow affiliate links, as not all do. Here are a few that Christine uses…
A Squidoo lens is like a mini blog that is simple and free to set up. Provide some great information and you will get some traffic. They have no problem with you adding affiliate links. Make them seem natural and part of what you are talking about and people will click on them. Don’t pile up a load of random links as people will be suspicious and not click on them.
If you find forums related to health and well being, some of them allow you to add an affiliate link in your signature. Be careful as many do not allow this. Read their terms and conditions to make sure. You don’t want to annoy people and get banned.
If you can post affiliate links, then great. Make useful posts, and try to be as helpful as you can. This helps build up your trust and standing in this community, and people are far more likely to trust the link in your signature.
Write articles
Most article directories don’t allow it, but Christine found that Article Base does allow you to add affiliate links at the end of your articles. You can write useful articles about self help, personal development, health etc. and post them with your affiliate link. Not only will people look at your article from the website itself, website owners may take your article and publish it on their own site – along with your affiliate link. The better the quality of article, the more likely this is going to happen.
You can also publicise your article in places such as Facebook and Twitter. Write a short teaser about your article, and add a link to it. This gets more views to your articles, which increases the chances of clicks and sales.
Email signature
If you send a lot of emails, then you could set it up so that your affiliate link automatically displays in your signature. Never just put the link as no one will know what it is about. Put something like
HypnoBusters greatly helped me with my life, and it can help you too! Click here to discover how they can help you… (INSERT AFFILIATE LINK)
Final thoughts
These are just a few places you can promote HypnoBusters products. If you look you will be able to find many other opportunities.
Please be an ethical marketer and respect the communities you are posting to. Always follow their rules and don’t spam with your affiliate link. Be polite, courteous and helpful. Not only does this feel much better, it will help you sell more. No one buys from spammers. People online like to buy from helpful and polite friends.
I have written a book that will help you sell more online. It is FREE and you can get it by following this link.
In theory it should be easy to get up earlier. All you need to do is go to bed a few hours earlier, then you wake up a few hours earlier right?
Many people try this tactic and are surprised to find that when they go to bed earlier, they cannot sleep. I can’t tell you how many clients of mine have done this. They lie awake for hours, and if they’re lucky, they fall asleep at their usual time, then wake up at their usual time. Damn!
The solution
It’s Impossible To Force Yourself To Sleep. But You CAN Force Yourself To Stay Awake!
The solution of how to wake up early is simple once you think about it. Going to bed earlier is NOT the solution. It’s the total opposite way you should be thinking about it.
Instead of trying to force yourself to go to sleep earlier, you should force yourself to wake up earlier. Set as many alarms as you can, get family to wake you up. Do whatever it takes to focus all your energy on getting up earlier. Don’t worry about going to sleep earlier – because it won’t happen.
It’s pretty much impossible to force yourself to go to sleep. But it’s possible to force yourself to wake up.
It doesn’t matter that you might only have 3 or 4 hours sleep, it won’t kill you. As soon as you wake up, get out of bed. Do this immediately.
Every second that you wait in bed makes in more difficult to get up, and you’re likely to fall back asleep. Don’t think about it. Just react and get out of bed. The more you think about it, the more difficult it becomes.
Once out of bed, get active. Make a coffee, read a newspaper, whatever. Get busy and stay awake. Now go and live your life for the day, and DON’T take a nap or this will mess things up for you. And don’t swell on how little sleep you might have had.
In the evening you should find that you are tired since you only had a small amount of sleep. This is good. Being tired is good as it helps you get to sleep earlier than the night before.
Rinse and repeat
When you wake up the next morning, do the same as the morning before. Force yourself up by any means possible, and stay awake. Get up immediately and stay up.
Hopefully you’ll have more sleep than the night before. If not, don’t let this put you off, as your body is adjusting to the routine. It’s just a matter of time.
Once you have woken up and got out of bed, keep busy and live your life for the day. Again you will probably feel tired in the evening. Great! You should find it even easier to sleep earlier than the night before.
Keep repeatedly forcing yourself to get up at the same earlier time no matter what. After a few days you’ll naturally feel tired at an appropriate time to facilitate this. It may take a week, or even two, but it WILL happen.
We are naturally creatures of routine and habit, and your body will quickly adjust to the new habit of getting up earlier, and going to sleep earlier.
Final thoughts
How to get up early – Instead of forcing yourself to go to sleep early, force yourself to get up early. It is virtually impossible to force yourself to go to sleep, but you can force yourself to get up early.
As soon as you wake, get straight out of bed. Don’t stay in bed for even 5 minutes. Keep repeating this and your body will adjust. This is the best way to teach your body how to get up earlier. Force yourself up in the morning, and the evening will eventually take care of itself.
Give it a try and see how you go!
Need extra waking up early? I can reprogram your subconscious mind to help you wake up early like clockwork…