Why You Shouldn’t Learn Dating Techniques

Why You Shouldn’t Learn Dating Techniques

There are good reasons why you should NOT learn dating techniques…

Many dating “experts” teach various techniques in order to improve your chances of attracting a mate. This is the wrong approach. Here’s why…

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Dating tips

There various techniques that “experts” (who usually want your money) advocate for helping you attract a partner. They often consist of using “special” body language techniques, eye movements, and saying certain things at certain times. Some of these techniques may work to some degree, and some certainly don’t.

The problem with using dating tips is that they’re fake. You know it, and the person you are with can smell it a mile away.

It’s difficult to play the dating game when you have a whole list of rules to try and remember. They actually make you less confident, as you fumble your way through, desperately trying to remember what technique to use when.

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Flirting Confidence Hypnosis MP3

Even if these dating tips work, is it worth it? You might convince them you are more confident or charismatic than you really are. But does this help you in the long run?

The day will come where you have to be yourself. You cannot live a lie forever. Then they discover you’re not the person they thought you were. Wouldn’t it be better if they genuinely liked YOU for who you are?

The solution

Work On Yourself, Rather Than On Dating Techniques!

The best way to attract a suitable partner in your life is to develop YOU.

People love to see confidence, but not fake confidence. They like to see deep rooted inner calm that has been developed by time and experience. Fake confidence is easy to spot, and it’s not attractive.

The best way to develop this is to give yourself more life experiences. You learn and grow from them.

Why not sign up to the local amateur dramatics club for example? You’ll gain new friends, and be forced to grow in stature as you push out of your comfort zones.

There are many other examples of things you can undertake to help you grow and evolve, and meet new people. College courses, sporting activities, part-time work are just a few examples. Really live your life and you’ll grow in stature and meet new people.

These experiences help you to grow as a person, and meet many new people along the way. This MASSIVELY increases your chances of finding a suitable partner who likes YOU.

Say yes to life and try new things. You’ll gain social skills, new friends, and confidence, which is all you need to increase your chances of finding a partner. Don’t bluff your way into a relationship – it just doesn’t work.

Final thoughts

Instead of learning various dating techniques, work on self improvement. Keep pushing yourself through new challenges, and each time you will grow in stature. This is what really attracts people.

Even if you are currently in a relationship, why not work on improving yourself? You’ll find that your partner becomes more attracted to you.

As you learn and grow there’s more of you to be attracted to. Your stature and personality become bigger and stronger. Go for it!

Want some help feeling confident enough to show your true self…


Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Flirting Confidence Hypnosis MP3

Can I Be Hypnotized?

Can I Be Hypnotized?

A common question people ask is “Can I be hypnotized?”

(Scroll To The Bottom Of The Page For My FREE Video Hypnotisability Test)

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

The answer is a resounding “yes” – 99% of the time. When you learn what hypnosis actually is, you will realise that it is not what it is often made out to be.

(There is a video at the end of this article that tests your hypnotic suggestibility)

Can I Be Hypnotised?What is hypnosis?

A hypnotic trance is a natural state of mind that most of us slip into several times every day. It is that state of mind where you are daydreaming or your mind is “somewhere else”.

When you are deeply engrossed in a book or the TV, you actually slip into a hypnotic trance. This is why advertisers pay so much for TV advertising. The audience are in a light hypnotic trance, and are therefore more suggestible to their messages.

Although it is a natural state of mind, not everyone can enter this state at will. Most people need some help. This is the role of the hypnotherapist. They are there to help you get into a hypnotic trance. It is perfectly possible to do this on your own, but it’s far easier with help.

Can I Be Hypnotized?It is not a battle of wills

Many people make the mistake of thinking that hypnosis is about a battle of wills. The hypnotist tries to over power the subject, and the subject tries to resist.

That is one big reason why many people say they cannot be hypnotised. They don’t want to admit that someone might be able to take over their mind – and I don’t blame them for not wanting to admit that! But here’s the truth…

The truth

Luckily the truth is that hypnosis is the complete opposite. A hypnotherapist is there to help a person achieve a trance state. They cannot force anything.

The subject can resist very easily. It is no challenge. The hypnotherapist relies on the subject to work with them. The actual skill on the part of the subject is being able to let go and allow their mind to enter this pleasantly calm and relaxing mindset.

It is a skill that improves over time

Getting your mind into a trance state is a skill that improves over time. Most people can successfully be guided into a hypnotic trance the first time they experience it, but some people have initial difficulty letting go. Out of those who experience difficulty. almost everyone after 2 or 3 sessions get there in the end.

Type of people who struggle

This is not 100% the case, but the typical person who struggles to get into a hypnotic trance is usually the type who struggles to relax. Some people spend their lives never relaxing, and simply don’t know how to. We all need to relax, and these type of people can receive enormous benefits once they do learn how to go into a hypnotic trance.

Not relaxing enough can lead to many knock on effects to your physical and mental health. So if at first you find difficulty, it is well worth persevering.

My Breathing Meditation Is A Great Introduction To Learning How To Relax

Type of people who excel

The more adventurous and creative people seem to have very little difficulty letting go and slipping into a peaceful trance. They probably live a percentage of their lives in this mindset anyway, so it is second nature to them. These people are often capable of achieving deep levels of trance.

Try it for yourself!

If you have never tried hypnotherapy, then why not give it a go? I can talk about it all day, but you won’t really understand what it is until you try it for yourself. It is perfectly safe and pleasantly relaxing.

The active parts of the brain change during hypnosis.
The active parts of the brain change during hypnosis.

You could open your mind up to a new tool that will help you change and grow into the person you want to be. As you change and grow, so can your chances of success.

Everything you do starts with a thought, so it is well worth looking after and enhancing your thought processes. Hypnotherapy can help you lead the kind of life you really want to lead.

You can be hypnotised right now! Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My BIG Collection Of Hypnosis Audios. Enjoy!

Top 10 Tips To Help You Reduce Stress – How To Reduce Stress

Top 10 Tips To Help You Reduce Stress – How To Reduce Stress
Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Here’s my top 10 guide on how to reduce stress. This is vital to know…

Stress can fill your body with stress related hormones, which can be more toxic and damaging than cigarettes and alcohol. It can weaken your immune system, which massively increases your chances of getting almost any illness.

Stress also massively increases your chances of suffering from mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety. That’s why it is so important to manage your stress levels. Your quality of life, and longevity depends on it.

Here are my top ten stress busting tips…

  1. Break up your day. If at work, or at home, work in half hour bursts. We work at our most efficient for half an hour. After this point we begin to tire, and stress builds up. By working for half an hour then taking a 5 minute break, the quality of your work will improve, and you will actually get more done.
  2. Meditate every day. Learn how to meditate, or listen to some meditation audio’s. At the very least take 2 minutes out a few times a day and take 10 slow deep breaths. This can be really effective.
  3. Learn how to think more positively. Be mindful to think more positively. Put reminders in prominent places. Place post it notes on your computer, and notices on your walls. After a few weeks it will become an automatic habit.
  4. Remember there is only so much you can do in a day. Don’t try to cram too much in. Some things just have to wait.
  5. Eat a healthier more balanced diet. Eat more naturally and cut down on processed foods. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Giving your body the proper fuel it requires will help your feel more calm, relaxed and content.
  6. Make sure you have outdoor time every day. We are not designed to spend all day indoors. Fresh air helps calm and relax you.
  7. Play some relaxing background music. Research shows that relaxing music helps reduce your heart rate and blood pressure.
  8. Learn how to say no. If you find it difficult to say no, then this could be a massive cause of stress for you. People pick up on this, and use it against you. Don’t let this happen. It is your life and it is up to you to live it on your terms.
  9. Learn to forgive. People you know and love will wrong you from time to time. Nobody is perfect. Don’t bottle these feelings up – let them go. It only causes YOU harm. If necessary, talk to that person in a calm and rational way.
  10. Laugh more. Nothing is more therapeutic and stress busting than having a good laugh. Seek out more humour in your life. Turn off the news channel and watch comedy instead.

Relaxation hypnosis mp3Now you know how to reduce stress. If you would like some help, please CLICK HERE for details of my Super Relaxation Hypnosis MP3

What Is White Noise Therapy?

What Is White Noise Therapy?
Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

What Is White Noise Therapy?

This is a very different therapy to hypnosis…

White noise contains all the frequencies your ear can hear, mashed up and played randomly together. Examples of white noise include a waterfall, the hiss on a radio, the sound of the sea, and leaves rustling in the wind.

How does white noise work?

White Noises Like Waterfalls Contain Thousands Of Different Random Sounds.

Your brain is capable of listening to several things at once, and picking out one to focus on. However when you have thousands of different noises, even your powerful subconscious mind cannot pick them all out. Your brain quickly realises it can’t follow all these sounds, and so gives up trying. This can lead to a nice state of relaxation.

White noise helps distracting noises fade into the other noises so that they no longer distract. They blend into the rest of the white noise sound. Then there are no sounds that stand out and catch your attention.

Many people believe that white noise contains special therapeutic qualities because it is a similar sound to what we hear in the womb. This makes sense as many parents notice that their babies settle to the humming sound of a car engine, or even the noise of a vacuum cleaner.

What does white noise therapy help with?

White noise therapy helps filter distracting background noises. This is why many people experience relaxation and pleasure from listening to heavy rain. White noise helps calm your mind and distract it from intruding sounds and thoughts. This is why people often use white noise therapy, either natural sounds or man made white noise, to relax and meditate.

Many people find that white noise helps them to get to sleep, concentrate when studying, ease stress, and help with meditation and self hypnosis.

Why is it called “white noise”?

It is called white noise because of it’s relationship with light. White light is a combination of all the colours in the spectrum. This is why a rainbow is formed when the sunlight hits the rain, as the colours are split up. White noise is made up of all the sounds combined together.

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Sounds Of Nature MP3

Other coloured sounds

Now you know what is white noise, I’d like to tell you about other coloured sounds. Most notably there is pink noise and brown noise. Pink noise combines fewer frequencies than white noise. It focuses more on the lower tones and so sounds smoother and less busy than white noise. Pink noise is great for helping you relax whilst maintaining focus and energy.

Brown noise has more emphasis on the lower frequencies than pink noise. This deeper sounding noise can be useful for helping deep sleep, curing headaches, and masking tinnitus.

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Collection Of Colored Noises

Can Nature Sounds Help You?

Can Nature Sounds Help You?

soundsofnatureDid you know your mental and physical health can suffer if you don’t experience enough nature?

Nature sounds have a profound effect. The sound of a bird chirping may instil feelings of peace and tranquillity. Millions of years of evolution have given them this ability. The sound of the rain may help you to concentrate.

Please CLICK HERE For My Collection Of Nature Sounds

The effect of nature sounds is personal to the listener, but most people agree that they are pleasant, and leave them feeling good. Most sounds of nature help you feel calmer.

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

The lives most of us live are far different than what nature intended. Most of us spend the majority of our time sheltered away from the world. We are either in our homes, at work, or travelling to another indoor destination boxed in our cars.

Our bodies and our minds miss out on the nourishment of nature. We are designed to spend the majority of our days outdoors with nature all around us, not indoors in our sterile environments.

(Take a look at my collection of sounds of nature mp3s.)

We are supposed to have the sun on our skin. We are supposed to feel the breeze in our hair. And nourish and stimulate our minds with the sights and sounds of nature.

Catch up

When the weather starts improving I begin to go outdoors more often. After a cold winter in England I might not have ventured out much. When I do venture into the countryside I feel exhilarated. Like a person eating their first meal in days. I feel like I have been missing something and I’m on “catch up”. These feelings convince me that to be healthy and happy we need doses of nature.

Sometimes when the weather is good I will work outdoors in my garden. I am lucky that I can take my laptop outside and work there. However it cannot be raining as it will damage my laptop, and it cannot be too sunny because I can’t see my screen! I try to get out as much as I can, but sometimes the weather is too harsh, or I’m rushed off my feet with work or family commitments.


About a year ago I came up with a remedy. What I decided to do was get hold of some sounds of nature and play them when I’m in the house. Often I have them on in the background whilst I work. I particularly find the sounds of rain and moving water help me concentrate.

These water sounds are described as “white noise”. They are a mishmash of all the different sound frequencies played in a random way. This can be great for blocking intrusive sounds and thoughts, and help you focus on what you’re doing.

Starved of nature!

After I returned to the UK after living in Morocco for 18 months I was craving the rain. Whenever it rained I would open my front door and watch and listen. My levels of rain experience were starved and I needed topping up.

I also experience this when the migrating birds return for the summer. I find that I really miss their chirps, even though I don’t realise it at the time. I only noticed how much I miss these sounds once they return.

My collection of nature sounds have really helped me, and they can help you too. Although it is not as good as the real thing, it is a damn good substitute. It can be really uplifting listening to the calling of birds or the crashing waves of the sea.

I have a collection of 12 nature audio sessions that all last one hour each. They are available to buy for $3 each, which is good for an hour of peace and tranquillity whenever you need it. You would struggle to buy a relaxing coffee or pint of beer for that money, and they usually don’t last an hour – and you can’t reuse them.

If you are interested, take a look at my collection of nature sounds.

Treat yourself with a fix of nature today.