3) You can listen to hypnosis downloads as many times as you wish, strengthening the suggestions each time you listen to them.
4) You can listen to the audio wherever you wish. You can relax on the beach, in your garden, or even on holiday. You could ask a hypnotherapist to accompany you to the beach, but you might get funny looks!
5) Most hypnosis downloads are accompanied by a calming soundtrack, which further aids the relaxation and therapeutic process.
6) You can purchase hypnosis downloads online without having to leave your home.
7) They can be delivered almost instantly. You do not need to wait for shipment of CD’s, or a ‘mutually convenient’ time to book an appointment.
8) Most offer a money back guarantee, which hypnotherapists rarely do.
9) You need not deal with a hypnotherapist face to face, which may be useful for shyer people, especially if you seek help for an embarrassing problem.
10) Confidentiality is assured. No one needs to know you have received therapy. You do not need to travel to a surgery where someone might see you walk in.
There are other benefits to hypnosis downloads, but these are the main ones.
You can save money, and gain independence by learning self hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is rapidly gaining popularity for being a safe, powerful tool for change. Self hypnosis is very useful to learn. You can do it whenever you wish, and create your own brand of home hypnosis. Also it is free!
To begin with, make sure that you will not be disturbed for at least half an hour. Turn off phones, and tell family not to bother you. Find a comfortable place. Somewhere that is neat and tidy, and a comfortable temperature. Subdue the lighting. You can be seated, or laid down – whichever is most comfortable.
Close your eyes and take 10 slow deep breaths – in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Say to yourself the word ‘Relax’ on each out breath.
Imagine yourself at the top of 10 steps, with a door at the bottom. With every slow step you take down, feel yourself getting deeper and deeper relaxed.
When you get to the bottom, open the door to your ideal place of relaxation. It could be a beach, a garden, anywhere. It could be somewhere real, or imagined.
Use as many senses as you can. Take a good look around. Pause and listen to any sounds. Perhaps you can hear birds chirping, or the breeze gently blowing. Perhaps you can smell the sweet scent of flowers, or the salt in the sea? Touch objects, and make it as real as you can.
Explore your relaxing haven, and enjoy it.
Remember To Always Enjoy Self Hypnosis!
This is a great technique to help relaxation. Most of us do not relax enough, and it damages our health in many ways.
Stress weakens our immune systems, causes irritability, anxiety, and unhappiness. Even if you just do relaxation work, you will improve your overall health in almost every area.
The More You Practice Self Hypnosis, The Better You Become!
If you are struggling with how to do self hypnosis, persevere. Getting into a hypnotic state is a skill that will improve over time.
It may be worth visiting a clinical hypnotherapist, or buying a recording at least once, in order to experience the feeling of trance.
When you have experienced a hypnotic trance once or twice, you will be more informed as to the state of mind you are seeking.
You can learn to give yourself specific therapy the more you practice. Here are a few techniques you can use…
Visualise The Success That You Want!
Success breeds success, so if you visualise yourself achieving something, then it will help you do just that. You may wish to visualise yourself slimmer, healthier or wealthier for example.
Or you may wish to visualise yourself having achieved something, such as a promotion or a new job. Make the image as real as you can, use all of your senses, and do this as often as you can.
Now you know how to perform self hypnosis, you are only limited by your imagination. Your creative powers will increase the more you use self hypnosis, and your overall health and happiness will increase. Set a specific time to do it, even if it is only once a week. If you have specific issues that you wish to deal with, then increase this accordingly.
If you’ve never experienced hypnosis, it’s a good to try it first. Then you know what state of mind you’re aiming to achieve. Here is a nice and gentle relaxation session for you to try for FREE…
Do you struggle generating new creative ideas? The problem with this is that you can get into a negative cycle of thinking. The more you worry about not being creative, the worse it gets. You should learn how to do automatic writing…
Automatic writing is a simple but powerful technique. It gets you out of this rut, giving a massive boost to your creative juices…
What is automatic writing?
Automatic Writing Involves Writing Using Your Subconscious Mind
Automatic writing is writing from your subconscious mind. This is the powerful creative part of your mind that creative geniuses tap into. It’s where your thoughts flow as you “go on a roll”.
Words, pictures and symbols can flow from your subconscious and onto the paper. It’s fascinating what you find flowing from you.
Sit at a table with pen and a piece of paper. Close your eyes and take 10 slow deep breaths.
Has something really funny happened around you in the past? Imagine this funny situation as clearly as you can. You may have been fooling around, or something happened around you. Visualise the scene as clearly as you can. Notice how funny this feels, even now. Do you feel like you want to laugh? Good!
Once you have this scene clearly in your head and you are suitably tickled, start writing. Don’t think about what you’re writing, just write. Don’t look at what you are writing, just write. Write as fast as you can.
It may help to pull funny faces as you write. It sounds daft, but it will help you. You MUST NOT worry about what’s going to come out. It WILL be rough. Just enjoy the flow.
If for any reason your flow stops, leave a space, take a slow deep breath, and start writing again. Don’t think about it, just let it happen. Have fun with this. It can be amazing what you later read.
When you’ve finished
When you have finished, wait at least 10 minutes before you look at it. By the time you return to it, you will be dying to see what you have written. This helps you look at it in a non critical way – almost like it was written by someone else. And that’s the weird thing about automatic writing – it’s like someone else wrote what came out of your hand.
You may find complete gibberish, but usually somewhere there is a nugget of genius that shines out. I have often written short funny poems like this. They may require a ‘tidy up’, but the foundation is there.
If nothing else, this technique helps give you a starting point to writing – and starting can be the hardest thing.
This technique is based on self hypnosis. It works because you turn down the conscious part of your mind, allowing your more powerful subconscious to surface. This is the part where your genius lies. We all have it, but most of us rarely use it.
The more you do it, the better you get. Ultimately you may be able to write whole pieces like this, and give them a ‘tidy up’ at a later date. This is a really useful technique to aid creativity, and prevent ‘writer’s block’.
Now you know how to do automatic writing. Give it a go and see what happens.
Want a creativity boost? I can help relax your conscious mind, allowing your subconscious mind to flow with more creative ideas…
Building muscle is a physical AND mental activity. We all know your mind controls your body.
If your mind does not want to go through hard and heavy workouts, your body will not want to either. You will end up going through the motions and training without the intensity required for maximum gains.
There are many mind techniques that successful bodybuilders and sportspeople use that helps them get the most out of their talents.
Arnold Schwarzenegger used to visualise his muscles growing bigger and bigger, until they literally “filled the room”. This was his minds way of telling his body what he wanted from it.
6 times Mr Olympia Dorian Yates used to visualise his whole workouts before actually doing them.
The record breaking 400 meter Olympic champion Lee Evans owes some of his success to visualizing. His strategy was to “search out and correct weaknesses in every step I take”, using his mind.
Tiger Woods’ mental coach, Jay Brunza, hypnotises him to block out distractions so he can focus purely on his golf.
Imagining A Crowd Cheering You On Can Be A Powerful Motivator
A good tactic I often use in the gym is to imagine there’s a huge crowd roaring me on when I’m attempting a heavy lift to failure. Scientific research has shown that athletes perform better when cheered on by large crowds.
By imagining this, I’m replicating the same thing. I don’t do this for every set, just when I want that little bit of extra strength. And I swear I am stronger when I do this. Give it a try when you’re next at the gym and see what you think.
I’ve also noticed in more recent times, the majority of people in the gym are looking at their phones in between almost every set. This is mentally off putting and draining.
It’s much better to leave your phone at home, or in a locker. You can look at it before and after your training, but not during! This leaves you totally focused on what you’re doing, rather than on cute pictures of cats and other such important things.
Being present in the moment when training, and being mindful about what you are doing turns weight lifting into a meditative pursuit. Focusing on the muscle as it contracts and relaxes creates a powerful mind-body connection. This allows you to move and squeeze your muscles in a way that maximises your growth potential.
Your muscles are made of many individual fibres. If you really focus on the contraction of your muscles, then you can recruit more fibres into your lifts.
Every time you lift a weight, your mind must lift it first. You must see yourself lifting it, and believe that you can lift it.
I have seen many times someone accidentally picking up a heavier weight than they intended and complete their training sets with it. They thought they could lift it, so this removed their mental block.
You sometimes hear people say they want to achieve something, only to follow it with excuses, such as “I just don’t think that it’s possible.” Or “I don’t have the genetics” They have already defeated themselves mentally.
Lots of people compare their talent to someone else, and when they see how far away they are from achieving this, they give up. The person who believes – achieves. How can you achieve anything without the belief? You will simply go about it half heartedly, if at all.
Bodybuilding hypnosis helps you improve these mental approaches. Bodybuilder hypnosis helps you establish your goals clearly through visualisation. You can rehearse and practice with visualisation.
Hypnosis for bodybuilding can also help you believe you can achieve your goals, and keep you motivated to stick to your plan.
There’s also evidence to suggest that through visualisation, you can direct your body’s energies to places you wish to develop. Arnie was telling his body to build up his muscles when he visualised them growing bigger and bigger.
It is widely documented that hypnosis can increase emotional responses in your body. These can be harnessed to release testosterone, which helps muscular development.
If you are serious about increasing your muscularity, then hypnosis could help unlock your potential and give you that extra edge.
I can help you build more muscle using the power of your mind.
Why didn’t you become a lawyer? Well I studied law for 4 years. The first year was part time whilst I worked in an office, and the last 3 years were full time. When I finished my degree, I realised that to get a job in law required even more study. I’d had enough of studying law at that point. A big part of studying law was to empower myself.
What did you do? I started working with my dad, gardening at various places. I liked it when the weather was fine, but I knew it was not my calling! I also joined my first band, which was called ‘Scenario’. We wrote and performed all our own songs. I played lead and rhythm guitar, and did a bit of backing singing.
What happened next? I was gardening at a lady’s house who ran a rehabilitation unit for people suffering from mental health problems. She asked if I would like a job, and I though “Why not?” It was something very different to what I had ever done before. I really enjoyed the job, and I wanted to learn more. I devoured many books on mental health and self help. I wanted to really understand and be more able to help these people. I often visited the library and second hand book shops to buy these types of books. One day I came across an old battered book on hypnosis. I think it was called the “Uses And Abuses Of Hypnosis”. I read this book several times and became very interested in hypnosis.
So where did you get your formal training from? Well I scoured the internet for more information about various training courses. I eventually decided to learn at the London College Of Clinical Hypnotherapy. It was probably down to it being the most expensive course. I reasoned that it must be the best if it was the most expensive!
When did you start you own practice? I did some free sessions for people whilst I was learning. Almost as soon as I finished my course I started my own practice. I hooked up with a friend of mine who had a Reiki practice. She got me quite a few clients and I was underway! I decided the easiest and most cost effective way of starting was to become a ‘mobile hypnotist’. I would travel to their homes to treat them. I could offer a convenient service at a good price, since I did not need to pass on any costs for hiring or buying premises. Word of mouth spread, and my practice grew quite quickly.
What made you decide to start practicing online? I always prided myself on giving customers a good deal, so I made a few hypnosis recordings that I would give away in order to enhance the sessions that I gave them. The quality of these recordings started getting better and better the more I did them. I was also developing my keyboard playing skills for a new band that I joined around this time, called Ignition. I thought I would try and reach a wider audience of people I could treat, and utilise my skills as a hypnotherapist and a musician simultaneously. It gave me great joy creating all these therapeutic audio sessions, and it still gives me as much joy today.
What about the future? I’m going to continue to build HypnoBusters up. I want it to be the best and most respected hypnosis downloads site in the world. For this I don’t mean contain the most individual sessions, or even to make the most money. I want it to have a reputation for providing audio sessions that actually work. I also want it to have a reputation for keeping its morals. There are limits as to what can and should be treated online. For example I see some sites that offer audios for things like sexual abuse. For a start even a very experienced hypnotherapist should have specialist training to deal with such heavy issues, and they should certainly not do it online. Who is going to provide comfort to their clients should they become traumatised with these terrible memories? There are also some sites that offer treatments for things like cancer. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that cancer can be treated by hypnotherapy. I recently heard a story about a young lady who stopped her chemotherapy treatment because she was so convinced that her hypnotherapy sessions will cure her. As far as I’m concerned, those hypnnotherapists are taking advantage of people, and probably have not thought about the possible consequences of what they are doing.
What else in the future? I am thinking of perhaps starting a guided meditation site, with audios, articles, and maybe videos on meditation. This is very embryonic in my thoughts right now as I still have a lot of work to do on HypnoBusters. I also have ambitions to write books in the future, so maybe I will write some on hypnosis, meditation, or more specific self help titles.
Thank you very much Jon. Any final words? If you want to grow and improve, then you must be prepared for change. Change can unsettle us and make us feel uncomfortable. However it is necessary in order to facilitate growth. Do we really want to be doing the same things day in day out for the rest of our lives? Just keep reminding yourself every now and then that ‘Change is good’ and that it is well worth the temporary feelings of discomfort that you might experience along the way.