What are the maximum number of downloads you would recommend someone listen to at any one time? For example, if there were six downloads that I felt could help me would I be best served to purchase and listen to all six regularly for a few months? Or would it be better to purchase, say two, listen to them for a few months and then move onto another two?

Jon Rhodes
You can listen to as many as you wish over a period like you have described. However I would advise not to listen to more than 3 different hypnosis downloads in a day as your unconscious mind may start to get a little confused about what it is supposed to be working on!
I have quite bad hay fever. This makes the summer months miserable for me. I don’t expect an outright cure, but could hypnotherapy lessen the effects of hay fever?
Absolutely. There has been a recent study that has proved that hypnosis can reduce the effects of hay fever by getting the patient to visualise cool snowy mountain landscapes, which was reported by by Roxanne Khamsi, Nature Magazine, July 5, 2005
The BBC also recently reported about a Swiss team who observed improvements in hay fever suffers because of the use of hypnosis. Read about it here – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4485969.stm
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Can hypnosis be used to make you forgot a negative event from the past?
Yes, you can install amnesia to block specific memories. However I prefer not to do this, as you may suppress these memories in your unconscious and never deal with them. I prefer to modify these memories so that they seem less traumatic, or even amusing depending on the event. Alternatively you can get the patient to view these memories from a different view point, so that you can watch yourself in the situation. This significantly reduces the emotional response to them, and allows a more objective interpretation of the events.
Does my Doctor need to know if I am undergoing hypnotherapy sessions?
Generally no. However it is sometimes necessary in order to eliminate the possibility of more serious complaints. For example if you want pain relief for IBS, or headaches, it may be beneficial to contact your doctor in case the complaint is more serious in nature than you thought. The pain relief could prevent you from seeking the correct medical help. Also if you know you have any serious medical complaints, then it may be worth talking to your doctor just to be sure. Remember that hypnotherapy is a complimentary therapy, and if you are in any doubt you should consult a doctor.
I have been to a few stage hypnosis shows. Please could you tell me why the hypnotists use a pendulum type device to put people “under their spell”?
It is not necessary for a hypnotist to use a pendulum. However there is a stereotypical image of this, so a stage hypnotist may use this to fulfil this expectation. A clinical hypnotherapist also may or may not use this method. This is called a ‘hypnotic induction’ and there are many different techniques that can be employed.
If I have to stop listening to a hypnosis download halfway through would this have any negative effects?
No it would not. However you are likely not to receive the full benefits of the session. If you do stop listening part
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