The Farmer’s Story
A farmer’s horse broke free and escaped from his field one day. Soon all his neighbours called round, saying to him “This is awful” and “you must feel terrible losing your beautiful horse.”
“Hmm, maybe” the farmer casually replied.
The next day the horse galloped home with 6 wild horses. His neighbours whooped in delight “Wow you’re so lucky having seven horses for the price of one”. “You must be delighted!”.
“Maybe” the farmer again replied.
A day later the farmers son attempted to break one of the wild horses. He is thrown violently in the air, thudding to the ground breaking his leg. The neighbours gathered round shaking their heads. “This is terrible”. “You must be so upset”.
“Maybe” the farmer replied.
A few more days passed and the army visited the farmer. They sternly asked to sign up his son for compulsory conscription. The farmer took the army officials to his son who was led down with his leg bandaged up. They took one look at his son’s injuries and declared they could not take him.
“That’s wonderful news” the neighbours enthused. “You must be so happy your son doesn’t have to fight”.
“Maybe” the farmer again replied!
The farmer knew something that none of his neighbours knew – there isn’t really a good or bad. And he knew the reason why…
The reason for this is that you don’t know the outcome. Let me explain…
There Is No “Good” Or “Bad”!
You may not get that break and land a new job you’ve been after. You may feel down for days or even weeks. But unbeknown to you, you might have become involved in a car accident on you way to your first morning. Or the job might not have been as pleasant as you anticipated. You might have been forced to spend your days working with nasty co-workers.
It may have been a blessing that you didn’t land that job. You’ll never know for sure.
Many people focus on the lost opportunity, and feel that somehow their life has deteriorated. But you can’t possibly know for sure, so why suffer?
A person may have a choice of two different routes on their drive home. They randomly pick one and set off. They soon curse their luck as they are hit with traffic jams. “I’m always unlucky and pick the wrong route.”
But how did they know that it wasn’t worse traffic the other route? Or that they might have run over a nail and got a puncture?
Life Is Never Perfect
A lot of people find fault with their own decisions, because the outcome wasn’t perfect. But the outcome is rarely perfect whatever you choose. By not expecting perfection, you can learn to be content with your choices.
On the other side of the coin, a person may win $10,000,000 on the lottery. Naturally they feel ecstatic. “Things are finally looking up for me”.
Then 12 months later their liver packs in with too much fine living. Or they end up losing friends and falling out with family due to the sudden change in lifestyle. Perhaps they couldn’t handle the responsibility of possessing this amount of money. Or the jealously of so called friends.
It could be that they would have been happier without the lottery win. Nobody knows for sure. So the message is also to keep your emotions reined in when something “good” happens. You can’t know how good it actually will be for you.
There isn’t really a “good” or “bad” that happens. Just happenings.
Final Thoughts
By knowing this you can better deal with what life throws at you. You can keep a calm head no matter what happens – “good” or “bad”. This allows you to think more clearly when navigating through life’s trials and tribulations. It also stops you wasting unnecessary energy cursing your “bad luck”, or over celebrating apparent good luck.
Take a neutral view of things that happen in your life. Some things will go to plan, and some things won’t – and there’s nothing you can do about this. You cannot change the world around you. But you can change your view point.
You can choose to view happenings for the neutral things that they really are. What might be “bad” now, may turn into a good thing, and vice-versa. Keep a level head and navigate life like an expert sailor navigates the wind. Life will be much easier and more joyful if you take the rough with the smooth and carry on living.
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