How To Feel OK With The “Bad”

The Farmer’s Story

A farmer’s horse broke free and escaped from his field one day. Soon all his neighbours called round, saying to him “This is awful” and “you must feel terrible losing your beautiful horse.”

“Hmm, maybe” the farmer casually replied.

The next day the horse galloped home with 6 wild horses. His neighbours whooped in delight “Wow you’re so lucky having seven horses for the price of one”. “You must be delighted!”.

“Maybe” the farmer again replied.

A day later the farmers son attempted to break one of the wild horses. He is thrown violently in the air, thudding to the ground breaking his leg. The neighbours gathered round shaking their heads. “This is terrible”. “You must be so upset”.

“Maybe” the farmer replied.

A few more days passed and the army visited the farmer. They sternly asked to sign up his son for compulsory conscription. The farmer took the army officials to his son who was led down with his leg bandaged up. They took one look at his son’s injuries and declared they could not take him.

“That’s wonderful news” the neighbours enthused. “You must be so happy your son doesn’t have to fight”.

“Maybe” the farmer again replied!

The farmer knew something that none of his neighbours knew – there isn’t really a good or bad. And he knew the reason why…

The reason for this is that you don’t know the outcome. Let me explain…

There Is No “Good” Or “Bad”!

You may not get that break and land a new job you’ve been after. You may feel down for days or even weeks. But unbeknown to you, you might have become involved in a car accident on you way to your first morning. Or the job might not have been as pleasant as you anticipated. You might have been forced to spend your days working with nasty co-workers.

It may have been a blessing that you didn’t land that job. You’ll never know for sure.

Many people focus on the lost opportunity, and feel that somehow their life has deteriorated. But you can’t possibly know for sure, so why suffer?

A person may have a choice of two different routes on their drive home. They randomly pick one and set off. They soon curse their luck as they are hit with traffic jams. “I’m always unlucky and pick the wrong route.”

But how did they know that it wasn’t worse traffic the other route? Or that they might have run over a nail and got a puncture?

Life Is Never Perfect

A lot of people find fault with their own decisions, because the outcome wasn’t perfect. But the outcome is rarely perfect whatever you choose. By not expecting perfection, you can learn to be content with your choices.

On the other side of the coin, a person may win $10,000,000 on the lottery. Naturally they feel ecstatic. “Things are finally looking up for me”.

Then 12 months later their liver packs in with too much fine living. Or they end up losing friends and falling out with family due to the sudden change in lifestyle. Perhaps they couldn’t handle the responsibility of possessing this amount of money. Or the jealously of so called friends.

It could be that they would have been happier without the lottery win. Nobody knows for sure. So the message is also to keep your emotions reined in when something “good” happens. You can’t know how good it actually will be for you.

There isn’t really a “good” or “bad” that happens. Just happenings.

Final Thoughts

By knowing this you can better deal with what life throws at you. You can keep a calm head no matter what happens – “good” or “bad”. This allows you to think more clearly when navigating through life’s trials and tribulations. It also stops you wasting unnecessary energy cursing your “bad luck”, or over celebrating apparent good luck.

Take a neutral view of things that happen in your life. Some things will go to plan, and some things won’t – and there’s nothing you can do about this. You cannot change the world around you. But you can change your view point.

You can choose to view happenings for the neutral things that they really are. What might be “bad” now, may turn into a good thing, and vice-versa. Keep a level head and navigate life like an expert sailor navigates the wind. Life will be much easier and more joyful if you take the rough with the smooth and carry on living.

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5 Simple Ways To Detox Your Mind

How To Detox Your Mind

How To Detox Your Mind…

We hear a lot about body detoxes, but what about your mind?

A body detox is where someone abstains from consuming unhealthy or toxic things in order to rid their body of toxins. This is a good idea as the air we breathe and the food we eat contain pollution. In a world full of fast paced negativity, especially in the media, a mental detox is also a good idea.

Most people are bombarded with negative ideas for most of their day. A common tactic for adverts is to tell you you’re not good enough. Then offer their product as a solution. Little thought is put into how the cumulation of these negative suggestions effect people.

Please CLICK HERE To Learn How Advertising Negatively Programs Your Subconscious Mind

There’s adverts on TV, radio, magazines, online, billboards – almost everywhere! How many adverts do you think you see every day? How many times are you told you’re not good enough?

Then there is the constant bombardment of information from phones, tablets, TV etc. We’re not designed to take in so much information so often.

Whilst you cannot get away from every mental toxin around, you can significantly reduce your exposure. This allows your mind rest and heal, and reduce the effects of negative programming.

Here is my quick and simple guide to help you detox your mind…

Avoid Social Media

The constant checking of social media is not helpful for your mind. It subjects you to negative advertising. But more than this, it shows you unrealistic snapshots of other peoples lives. This can cause depression when people think they “don’t match up” to other peoples achievements.

An outright ban of social media is unrealistic for many. Social media is good for keeping in touch with certain people.

If you can take a few days off social media, then great. The break will do you good. But if you can’t, then how about setting yourself some rules? For example you could allot a couple of times per day when you check you social media. Perhaps give yourself 15 minutes each time. This will stop the constant daily bombardment of social media on your brain.

Meditate Every Day

Regular meditation is great for your mind. You may wish to do one long meditation per day, or a few shorter ones. Some people like to meditate on their own. Some like to meditate with friends or whilst listening to guided meditation audio’s. Find what works best for you. Get into a routine and stick to it. Meditation is great for de-cluttering and calming your mind.

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Reduce TV Viewing

Since TV is often full of adverts, it is a no-brainer that reducing TV watching will help you mentally detox. Find more active hobbies where you are doing something to stimulate your mind. Learn to play a musical instrument or a foreign language for example.

If you struggle to reduce your TV viewing, then at least avoid the adverts. I often turn down the volume or go and do something for a few minutes when adverts play.

Also watch more uplifting and positive TV. There are so many negatively charged programs that can bring you down. Look for something more positive. Comedies are a good idea!

Avoid The News

Unfortunately most of the positive stories about cats getting rescued from trees and old ladies helped across the road go unreported. Whilst they are nice, they don’t shock and entice readers like a good old disaster.

Which story is more likely to make the headlines. A new library built in some remote country the other side of the world. Or the same library being blown up by a mad man?

You end up with a funnel for all the worlds bad news. Anything bad that happens anywhere in the world has the potential to make it to your news feeds. And this is funnelled to your brain! This can make you believe that the world is a more negative place than it really is.

Get Some Fresh Air

Going out for a walk in nature is great for detoxing your mind. As well as some exercise, it gives you a sense of calm, and can be meditative. I’m also a believer that we need time in nature, since this is where we are designed to live.

Look around, listen out for sounds. Experience the smells. Hug a tree. Take it in and get connected with nature.

Final Thoughts

How about committing to a full day a week doing a mental detox? Or you might want to do some of these things every day. Find what plan works best for you.

Bear in mind that your mind is not designed to be on the go all the time. It needs time to rest and wander. Properly nurtured, your mind can run at its most optimum, leaving you thinking more clearly, creatively, more productive, and settled and happier.

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What Are The Health Benefits Of CBD Oil?

What Are The Health Benefits Of CBD Oil?

What Are The Health Benefits Of CBD Oil?

You’ve probably heard stories in the media about the various health benefits of CBD oil.

Cannabis plants contain hundreds of cannabinoids. The two best known are CBD and THC. CBD is generally considered the part that contains the health benefits. THC is the part responsible for the psychoactive “high”. CBD on its own does not give you a high.

If you choose a CBD oil that does not contain THC, you will NOT experience a high whilst taking it. You receive the health benefits without the high.

That is why CBD oil is being legalised for medicinal purposes in many places across the world. You can receive the health benefits without the high.

More and more people are turning to CBD oil to help with various health issues, or as a preventative measure.

CBD research is still in its infancy. Over time it is likely that more of the powerful therapeutic benefits of CBD will be discovered.

Here are some health benefits of CBD oil we already know about…

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Reducing seizures

There has been lots of stories in the news about CBD oil helping people who experience seizures.

Scientific studies have confirmed the CBD oil does help with seizures. The following study looked at Dravet Syndrome, which is a form of epilepsy. It concluded that CBD oil reduces the occurrence of seizures by 38.9% –

Pain Relief

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence of people claiming that CBD oil has helped them with pain issues. These include arthritis, fibromyalgia, and migraines.

The great thing about CBD oil for pain relief is there are relatively few side effects compared to opiate based pain killers. Also CBD oil is non addictive. (See

Therefore CBD oil is safer than other pain killers, and is non addictive.

Although not much research has so far been done, there is some scientific evidence that CBD oil helps with pain relief. The following study shows the effectiveness of CBD oil for pain relief in animals, and calls out for more research on humans –


There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that CBD oil reduces anxiety, with thousands of people reporting positive results. The following study shows the reduction in anxiety of subjects asked to perform public speaking –


Again there is a lot of anecdotal evidence saying that CBD oil is good for sleep. Although only tested on a limited number of subjects, studies show that CBD oil helps people sleep when compared to a placebo.


Depression is sometimes caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. This study showed that CBD oil helps balance the brains’ chemicals –

And because CBD oil helps with things such as sleep, anxiety, and pain, this further increases CBD oil’s potential for anti depression relief.

“Cure all”

Many experts predict that CBD will soon be proven to be a “cure all” with tremendous benefits to almost every aspect of health. One big reason is the anti inflammatory properties of CBD.

Some experts believe that almost every condition is exacerbated by inflammation. Since CBD oil is proven to reduce inflammation, it’s likely to have a positive effect to almost every aspect of your health.

Inflammation is a big cause of skin rashes, flaky scalp, joint pain, fatigue etc.

Inflammation is also know to exacerbate more serious conditions such as diabetes (I and II), cause autoimmune diseases such as cancer, organ damage and much more. So the health benefits of CBD oil could be huge.

Final thoughts

It seems likely that CBD oil helps with a variety of health issues. In fact, because of the proven anti inflammatory properties of CBD oil, it is likely to help treat or prevent most health conditions.

Whilst there’s still a lot of research that needs doing, the future for CBD oil as a medicinal aid is looking very promising. If you have a health issue that you cannot shake, then it is well worth giving CBD oil a go.

Please CLICK HERE To Learn (For FREE!) More About The Health Benefits Of CBD Oil

One GREAT Weight Loss Tip…

One GREAT Weight Loss Tip

Here’s One GREAT Weight Loss Tip…

Do you want to lose weight? What if I was to show you one simple technique that helps you blast away the pounds? It requires no money, no training, and no denial.

It’s so easy anyone can do it. It doesn’t require the discipline of a Spartan warrior. It just requires following a few simple rules…


Have you ever eaten a snack whilst being distracted? Perhaps you’ve watched a favourite TV program whilst eating? Been so engrossed in the TV that you’ve not realised you’ve actually eaten?

After a while the penny drops – “what’s happened to my snack, did I eat it? I think I did!”

How disappointing is that?! Your snack has gone and you didn’t even enjoy it. Not only that, your body consumed the calories, yet you gained little enjoyment. “Hmm, I think I’ll get another…”

The problem in this example is obvious. You’ve consumed the snack without enjoying it. This leaves you unfulfilled and wanting more. This massively increases your chances eating another. Even if it’s not right away, and not the same snack, you are way more likely to eat again.

You are unfulfilled, so your mind will yearn for more. And as we all know, more food equals more calories, which equals more weight gain.

What can you do about this? The answer is – Mindful eating…

What is mindful eating?

Mindful eating
For Mindful Eating, Be Aware Of Your Food!

Mindful eating is about being present in the moment. Eating and fully being in the moment. Really appreciating that snack, and enjoying it for what it is.

No guilt or denying what you’re eating. Instead fully immerse yourself in the food. Leaving you satisfied at the end of it. This stops you wanting more.

How do I mindfully eat?

Mindful eating is simple to do. Here’s a simple break down…

  1. Remove ALL distractions. No TV, music, computers, phones etc. whilst you eat.

  2. Take a good look at the food before you start eating. Imagine what it will taste like. What it will feel like in your mouth.

  3. Smell the food and get your mouth ready for a taste bud extravaganza!

  4. Now eat. But take your time. Really take your time and eat as slowly as you can. Chew slowly and deliberately.

  5. Focus on the taste, the texture. Everything about it that you can. Think about aqll the flavours you can taste.

  6. Enjoy!

Final thoughts

If you think you have the habit of not eating mindfully, then I would urge you to give this a go. Enjoy your food more and watch the weight fly off.

Be mindful and honest about what you eat. If you’re going to eat something, then you might as well enjoy it to the max. It really is possible to get the best of both worlds if you try!

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Do I Have Depression? – FREE Depression Self Assessment

Do I Have Depression? – FREE Depression Self Assessment

Do I Have Depression?
Are You Feeling Down, Or Do You Have Depression?

Most people at some stage ask themselves “Do I have depression? Am I depressed?”. There is good reason for this…

It is difficult to assess whether you’re depressed. You’re busy focusing on jobs, bills, shopping, children, and all of life’s challenges. Focusing on your health is often an after thought.

When depressed, you often think you feel “normal”, because that is how you are used to feeling. It’s often later before you realise you might be depressed. But that means you’ve lived with it untreated for many weeks or months.

However the effects of depression can be devastating.

Depression increases the chance of risky behaviours such as drugs and alcohol addiction.

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Depression impairs sleep and causes break downs in relationships. It can cause you to lose your job. Depression can drastically impair your quality of life. To the extreme it can lead to self harming and even suicide. That’s why you need to ask yourself every now and then “Do I have depression?”

Bellow is a FREE depression self assessment questionnaire, courtesy of the NHS in Britain. It’s a guide only, and not intended to replace visiting a Doctor. However it should help you judge whether you are suffering from depression.

If you feel you might be depressed, please seek professional medical advice…

content provided by NHS Choices