How To Be A Person Of Action

How To Be A Person Of Action

THE MOST important lesson you can learn towards your success is how to be a person of action. Know why?

Because you can have the greatest creative idea in the world – but if you don’t act on it, it’s useless.

An average idea is more valuable in the hands of a doer, than a genius idea in the hands of a don’ter. Ideas alone get you nowhere. They must be followed by action.

Are you a doer or a don’ter?

I want you to be totally honest, which do you consider yourself to be? Many people consider themselves doers, but are really don’ters. You MUST be honest with yourself if you are to improve your thinking.

Here’s a few questions to help you…

Do you blame your personal circumstance and other people for why you cannot create opportunities?

When you have an exciting business idea., do you think of reasons why it might fail, then talk yourself out of it?

If you have an unpleasant task to do, do you leave it whilst you build up your courage, only to find the more you think about it, the more frightening it becomes?

You wake in the morning, do you think about all the things you’re going to do, and put off getting up until the last minute?

Don’t worry if you’ve just discovered you’re a bit of a don’ter – the majority of people are. The good news is you can change!

How to be a doer

How To Be A Man Of Action
Stop Thinking And Just Do It!

The easiest way to become a doer is to stop thinking and simply do – like the Nike slogan “Just Do It”.

The thought of doing something is nearly always scarier than actually doing it. The more you think about it, the more your mind whirls around thinking of things that MIGHT go wrong. This gets your stomach in knots, and you associate the task with dreaded fear that spirals deep to the pit of your stomach.

Instead of over thinking, get on with it.

If you have an important phone call to make, just pick up the phone and ring. Don’t plan what you’re going to say. Just grab the phone, dial the number, then talk. Trust yourself to react to the situation. You know how to talk don’t you?

If you have a business idea, then it’s not usually prudent to go gung-ho and start it with no thought at all. However you must accept that you will never have all the bases covered. There is NEVER a perfect business, and NEVER a perfect time to start. Have faith you’ll deal with problems when they arise – which they always will.

The same goes for family matters. If you are thinking of getting married, buying a house, or having a baby, then there is NEVER a perfect time. Things WILL go wrong. If you let the possibility of something going wrong deter you, then you won’t get anything done.

Learn from your mistakes

How To Be A Woman Of Action
It’s Fine To Make Mistakes!

Many people are fearful of making mistakes, but this doesn’t make sense.

Learning is about doing things you couldn’t do previously. Like learning to walk, you must stand and wobble at first. You WILL fall down, but always get back up and try again, learning a bit more each time. If as a child you were too frightened to try, you wouldn’t be able to walk now.

Mistakes are inevitable when you start something new. All you need to do is learn from them, and carry on. Each time you will be a little wiser because of it.

Final thoughts

Remember, we’re not on this Earth forever. Don’t spend your life failing to act. This causes you more misery and unhappiness than you might believe.

Look at all the successful people you know either personally or have heard about. They are ALL people of action. They put themselves on the line, make mistakes, learn from them, and jump back up.

They don’t allow the small talk of others put them off. They live life on their terms, and get their rewards for doing so.

Don’t become another mediocre person living a mediocre life. Have the courage to chase your dreams. Your life will be more colourful and interesting than ever before. Give yourself the life you deserve… Now go for it!

take action hypnosisWant to be a person of action? Have the courage to succeed…

CLICK HERE To Check Out My Hypnotherapy Session “Take Action”

How Advertising Negatively Programs Your Subconscious Mind

How Advertising Negatively Programs Your Subconscious Mind

Here’s How Advertising Negatively Programs Your Subconscious Mind…

Advertisers main tactic is to make you feel bad about yourself, then offer their product or service as a solution. In an attempt to feel good, you buy their product.

It’s text book marketing. And sadly it works.

Someone who feels bad about themselves is more controllable. They’re more likely to do as they’re told. And adverts usually tell you what to do at the end – “Buy Now!” A confident, self assured person is less likely to be controlled by what they’re told.

Don’t Think Adverts Affect You?

What if you don’t buy their products? What then?

You’re left with something in your subconscious saying you’re inadequate. And this is repeated over and over, as the advert is repeated over and over again. Drumming it into your mind.

You might not think that advertising affects you, but look at what products you buy. Do you feel safer buying brands you have “heard of”? These are usually the ones that advertise. And they’re usually more expensive! Who says these products are better than the brands you haven’t “heard of”?

You might not have the latest phone, clothes or car. Maybe you don’t have the perfect beach body, or that Hollywood smile. You’ve been offered the Golden Ticket to solve these “deficiencies”, but you’ve declined. What next?

Your subconscious mind now believes you have an unsolved “problem”. And in the background it worries and frets.

Negative Advertising Causes Worry!

Take a look at this advert against smoking. It’s obvious aim is to terrify you into thinking that smoking rapidly ages you. It’s aim is largely good, because smoking is detrimental to your health. But what if you don’t quit smoking after seeing this?

smoking-2The suggestions repeatedly drift into your subconscious mind, leaving you worried about your health. The advertisers might be trying to help your physical health, but this is at the expense of your mental health.

Worry is bad for your health – mental and physical. And if it doesn’t achieve it’s aim of persuading you to quit smoking, then all it’s done is add worry to the mix.

Think of all the negatively charged adverts you take in every day. They may be on the TV, the radio, advertising boards, newspapers, magazines – they’re EVERYWHERE.

I’ve seen phone adverts imply you should be embarrassed by your old phone. Fast food restaurants telling you to relax and enjoy their unhealthy food. Then weight loss ads telling you you’re overweight!

With all these messages screaming how inadequate you are, it’s no wonder you feel down about yourself at times.

It’s Time To Fight Back!

Reduce your exposure to adverts. Watch less TV and do something more constructive instead. If you must watch TV, then down the volume during adverts.

Ignore adverts in magazines etc. And always approach adverts with a sceptical mindset. Remember, they want YOUR money!

Adverts don’t usually lie outright. But they often make wild implications.

They may imply that if you buy their greasy burger, you’ll get the girls. Or you’ll become popular if you buy their latest phone.

Enjoy spotting what advertisers imply. This helps you reject their negative suggestions. Make it in to a sort of game – spot the implication!

Feel Good About Yourself Subliminal MP3I have created a subliminal audio called “Feel Good About Yourself”. It contains several positive affirmations that will help you feel good about yourself again.

This helps redress the balance. A nice dose of positive suggestions helps fight off those negative ones you’re exposed to…

Please CLICK HERE For More Details About My “Feel Good About Yourself” Subliminal

How To Reduce Sugar In Your Tea And Coffee

How To Reduce Sugar In Your Tea And Coffee

Learn how to reduce the sugar in your tea and coffee…

Are you a tea or coffee drinker that uses sugar? Have you tried reducing the sugar, but find you don’t like the taste? Would you like to painlessly reduce the sugar you use?

Here’s a great method that works instantly (kind of). I have used it for myself, and successfully taught it many patients…

Why it’s important to reduce sugar

Most health experts agree that excess sugar is the main cause of weight gain and many health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and dental problems.

One teaspoon of sugar weighs about 5g. That equates to 20 calories per teaspoon of sugar.

Someone who drinks 5 cups per day, with 2 sugars in each, will consume 200 calories per day. That’s a whopping 6000 calories in a month.

If you can reduce that by half, you are saving 3000 calories per month. And this is achieved by making a small tweak to your lifestyle.

Here’s how to reduce your sugar intake…

The method

You CAN Learn To Love Less Sugar!

I will talk about this in terms of reducing from two sugars to one. This method can be adapted to your needs. You may want to reduce from 3 to 2, or 1 to half.

OK, here it is…

To reduce your sugar from 2 to 1, all you need to do is put 1 sugar in your cup, and fill it half way. Drink half the amount you normally do, and it will taste the same. Congratulations, you have instantly reduced your sugar intake by half. That was quick wasn’t it?!

OK, there is a bit more to it…

What will probably happen over time is that you will gradually add a bit more water so that you get a larger drink. We all have a natural inclination to want more. No problem as long as you keep it down to 1 sugar.

After a few weeks, you will probably be up to a full cup, and will barely have noticed the difference in taste, as the change has been so gradual. The 1 sugar will now taste just right to you.

Final thoughts

Although it can be done by simply reducing your sugar and putting up with the different taste, not many people stick to it. They don’t like the taste and quickly wonder “What’s the point?”.

By using this method, you don’t have to spend weeks putting up with a bad tasting cuppa’. True it’s smaller to begin with, but it will satisfy you.

Give it a go and see how it works for you. If you want some extra help…

Sugar Addiction Subliminal MP3
^^CLICK HERE^^ For Details Of My Sugar Addiction Subliminal MP3

How To Drink Less Alcohol

How To Drink Less Alcohol

Want to learn how to drink less alcoholHow To Drink Less Alcohol?

If you’re reading this then you’re probably caught in two minds. You like drinking for enjoyment, but you know too much is bad for you.

There’s nothing wrong with the odd drink, but too much takes its toll. It leads to weight gain and increases your risk of heart disease and diabetes. It also hits you in the pocket. Alcohol is not cheap!

Cutting down drinking has many benefits. It improves your health, your relationships, your sex life, and your bank balance. Drinking too much alcohol is draining. Going to work or looking after children with a hangover makes things 10 times more difficult!

Why do people drink too much?

Boredom Is A BIG Cause Of Over Drinking

There are many reasons people drink too much.

You may have children and find it difficult to leave the house for entertainment. What’s easier than grabbing a bottle or two and having a drink whilst watching a movie?

Perhaps you get bored easily and want an easy form of entertainment?

There’s nothing wrong with drinking some alcohol. It can help you relax and forget your troubles for a while.

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The problem is when you do this most nights.

When you drink most nights, this stops your body from getting a rest from it. As well as the health issues, a more profound thing happens to you…

Your tolerance levels massively increase when you drink regularly. You may need twice as much alcohol to get the same effect. This means more poison in your system, more calories, and more cost.

How to drink less alcohol

So how do you drink less alcohol?

First you must find the reason why you drink so much. Look honestly at yourself and your life. Why do you think you drink too much?

If you need outside help, ask your partner or a close friend. Here’s a few popular reasons…

1. Boredom

2. Partner drinks so I end up following

3. Makes me forget my troubles

4. Gives confidence

5. Addicted

Let’s look at these in turn…

1. Boredom

A LOT of people drink regularly due to boredom. They might have children, or a job they have to get up early for, so don’t want to leave the house. An easy way to occupy yourself is to have a drink.

The obvious answer to this problem is to stop being bored. Find hobbies which keep you occupied. Try joining a gym or a running club in the evening. Enrol on an evening class in something you’ve always wanted to do. If that doesn’t float your boat, think of something else you can do. There is stuff out there.

If leaving the house is difficult, find hobbies you can do at home. Learn a musical instrument, paint or draw, learn a foreign language etc.

2. Partner drinks

Drinking Less Alcohol
It’s Harsh, But Your Level Of Drinking Is YOUR Responsibility!

I know it can be more difficult to refrain from drinking if someone is drinking around you. However you cannot blame them. You are ultimately responsible for what you put in your body. If you play the blame game then it’s difficult to reduce your drinking.

Perhaps you can persuade them to take a few nights off. Try doing other things together such as going for an evening walk, salsa dancing or visiting friends or family.

If you cannot persuade them, then perhaps do these things on your own. By joining them with their drinking you are re-enforcing their behaviour. They can get into a comfortable rut drinking with you most nights, and you’re facilitating this.

Don’t be nasty about it, but leave them to it and go entertain yourself. After a while of not joining them for a drink all the time, they may join you in some of your activities. Especially if they see you’re happier for it.

3. Forget troubles

The problem with drinking to forget your troubles is that your troubles return the next day. It doesn’t solve anything.

Drinking to forget your troubles does not help you build up your coping strategies. By refraining from drinking you are forced to confront them. This may be painful at first, but it gives you opportunity to toughen up and find ways of dealing with life’s difficulties. Then you can start to find real solutions to your problems.

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Hypnosis Session “Leave Your Troubles Behind”

Alcohol is a depressant, so it actually makes things worse in the long run.

For “problems” in your life, look at ways of finding solutions. If you’ve got money problems then perhaps a part time job would help? Not only will you have more money, it will keep you occupied and away from the booze. And as we all know, alcohol is not cheap!

4. Gives confidence

Many people drink because it gives them confidence. But once the effects wear off, the confidence goes. Then you need more drink.

You need time away from drink to give you the chance to develop your confidence. Hypnotherapy helps build your confidence by removing negative programming in your subconscious.

CLICK HERE To Check Out My Confidence Boosting Hypnosis Session

5. Addicted

A surprisingly small amount of regular drinkers are actually addicted. If you get the shakes when you’re without a drink, or cannot go without it for one night, then you are probably addicted. Seek medical help.

If you are addicted, then cutting down might not be enough. You may have to go teetotal. Some people are unfortunate and have addictive personalities. The only way to combat an addiction if this is the case is to totally kick it out of your life.

Do you drink for any other reason than these suggestions? Perhaps it’s a combination of a few of them. Whatever the reason, there are many tactics you can employ to reduce your drinking.

Here’s some suggestions to help you reduce your alcohol intake. Not all will work for everyone. Find the ones that work best for you…

Schedule non drinking nights

Set aside nights where you will definitely not drink. For example you might decide not to drink Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. This gives your body chance to recover from the nights when you do drink.

It also stops you having super human tolerance levels. When you have some nights off, you should find that you drink less on your drinking nights.

Leave it later

If you decide to have a drink, leave it later before you start. This gives you less time to drink as much.

That is unless you have a “catch up” mindset. Set yourself a time for when you can start drinking, and stick to it. But don’t race them down to make up for lost time.

Stop earlier

How about giving yourself a cut off time when to stop drinking? This gives you chance to drink a non alcoholic drink or 2, which will help you next day. Some people brush their teeth when it’s time to stop drinking because it makes it taste bad.

Drink less alcohol
You Can Make Some Exciting Mocktails!

Buy exciting non alcoholic drinks

Instead of buying alcohol, buy some nice non alcoholic drinks. You could even get into making “mocktails” – non alcoholic cocktails. Buy some fruit and make smoothies. They’re healthier and cheaper – even if you buy expensive fruits and juices.

Smaller glasses

You could try using smaller glasses when drinking alcohol. This works for some people. The trick is not to bring the bottle next to you. Leave it somewhere where you have to get up for a refill.

Drink the odd non alcoholic drink

When drinking alcohol, throw in the odd non alcoholic drink. At least have one half way through the night, and one at the end. This makes a big difference to how you feel the next day.

Avoid rounds with maniacs!

Drink at your own pace rather than the local beer monster’s. Drinking at someone else’s pace means you ignore your own mind and body telling you to slow down or stop. This trains you to be capable of drinking more next time.

Avoid drinks high in alcohol

To me, spirits should be used to clean your plug holes. If you must drink them, make sure you mix them with plenty of non alcoholic stuff.

If you’re drinking them neat you can get a high amount of alcohol in your system in a short space of time – not good. If you’re drinking at home, buy a measurer or use the cap to measure how much you’re having.

Final thoughts

There’s nothing wrong with having a drink and research suggests that moderate drinking has some positive benefits. However it’s easy to fall down the slippery slope of drinking too much.

Find the tactics that work for YOU, and take control of your drinking levels. Enjoy drinking alcohol, but don’t abuse it. That’s how to drink less alcohol!

Please CLICK HERE For Help Beating ANY Addiction

Beating Addictions Hypnosis MP3
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Here’s what a few friends say about how to reduce your alcohol intake…


Denise LimongelloDenise Limongello, LMSW

Psychotherapist in private practice in NYC

Complete abstinence from alcohol can be a daunting endeavor for someone who
is not ready to give it up, entirely. Here are some guidelines on how to
reduce alcohol intake:

*Leave the Bar:* Studies show that choosing alternative activities such as
movies, theatre, and game-nights where the activity is not centred around
drinking is a great way to avoid alcohol on any given night. Implementing
more than one of these alternative nights per week can help reduce the
frequency of drinking significantly over time.

*Keep The Glass*: People often enjoy the rituals associated with drinking
such as drinking out of a wine glass or the act of preparing a cocktail.
Studies indicate that people often maintain negative habits out of fear
that they will lose a routine that has become familiar. A great way to
keep familiarity is to maintain certain aspects of a ritual. For example,
one can opt to drink seltzer out of a wine glass to replace the act of
drinking wine without losing the ritual.

*Cut Em’ Out*: Studies show that people who struggle with excessive
drinking often feel a social pressure to drink. A good way to cut back on
drinking can be to avoid those social situations where alcohol is
consistently present. For example, planning to meet a drinking buddy for
coffee instead of a routine happy hour can eliminate the pressure to drink
while maintaining the relationship and consistent contact.



Shannon BattleShannon Battle, LCAS, LPC, CSOTS
Clinical Director, Family Services of America

As a Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist, I work with individuals who
have tried everything to reduce their alcohol consumption except
understanding what makes them drink.

Removing alcohol from your home, car,
work, etc., can be helpful, however, it likely will not be the long term
solution. You have to understand what triggers you to want to drink. Many
have developed patterns of habit over time that they cannot even remember
what initiated the excess drinking.

Start by writing down everything you
can think of that causes you to want to drink. Then before you drink write
down what you believe is causing the enticement to drink. Once you can
determine the “why” of what you’re doing then you can start moving towards
building successful interventions that will help to significantly reduce
your level of consumption.

I am sold on the notion that everything starts
with a thought. If you can get your thoughts in order then you recognize
what’s necessary to implement change.

Please CLICK HERE For Help Beating ANY Addiction

Click Picture For Help Beating ANY Addiction

How To Be More Confident – Some Mental Tricks

How To Be More Confident – Some Mental Tricks

How To Be More ConfidentLearning how to be more confident opens up MANY opportunities in life.

With more confidence, your employers are more likely to trust you when considering you for promotion.

People in business are also more likely to make a business deal with you.

You will enrich your life with more friends and lovers.

Being more confident, you are less likely to be taken advantage of by people at work or in your personal life.

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Collection Of Hypnosis MP3s

Increased confidence gives you a happier and more successful life – it’s that important.

How do you become more confident? Here’s some mental tricks to help increase your confidence levels…

Click Here For 10 Great Strategies To Increase Your Assertiveness

Let’s pretend

Spend some time pretending to be someone you admire for being confident. You may want to do this in the privacy of “lone time” to start with.

Think of someone you know, either personally or through TV, and act like them. It doesn’t have to be a direct mimic. Just absorb their confident qualities into your personality, and feel what it’s like to be them.

Adopt their body language. Think in a away they think. Speak like they do – not in tone, but in content.

Spend some time being like this personality and absorb their confident ways. Simple tasks like making a sandwich or telephoning your bank allows you to play it out.

This technique has worked well for me. We are all different, so this will work better for some people more than others. There is no one magical formula on how to be more confident.

For this reason, I have asked experts from different backgrounds to give you tips on how to be more confident. Read them all and find the ones that resonate best with you. There are some great suggestions…



Increase ConfidenceDan Nainan –

Greetings, I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but before I’m about to perform, one technique I use is to imagine myself on a huge movie screen, 50 feet tall, and I lean back and keep my head high, instead of hunching over and looking at the floor. This is amazing for one’s confidence.

Also, before a performance, I look in the mirror and I say to my reflected self, “I’m not going to let you fail”.



Be more confidentLisa A. Reed 

Learn how to correct your posture!

Now give yourself a compliment as you look in the mirror to check out your
new perfect posture! Don’t you feel more confident already?

Tell yourself what you like on your body and how awesome you are mind, body
and spirit and then carry that positive energy with you all day long! It’s
time to stop picking out your flaws, or what you don’t like, and shift to
positive self talk. Begin telling yourself what you do like!



Dr. Suzanne FuchsDr. Suzanne Fuchs

I find it helpful to think of a previous time when I did an amazing job. I
try to recall the feeling I had before, during and after and put myself
back in that same state of mind. For example, if you gave an awesome
presentation that everyone couldn’t stop talking about afterwards. Take
that feeling and apply it to whatever task you have to accomplish now.
Works for me every time!



luke-ChaoLuke Chao

I’m a hypnotherapist in Toronto, Canada, and one of my favourite ways to
boost confidence is to set an anchor for it. For your readers who don’t
know, an anchor is a trigger that sets off an emotional response.

For example, we get anchored to the smell of grandma’s baking, our national
flag, a particular song that was played during a slow dance, and so on.

An anchor for confidence can be created by bringing up strong feelings of
confidence (usually by thinking of a time in your life when you felt
extremely confident) and then setting the anchor, a unique stimulus that
isn’t usually experienced during everyday life. For example, anchors can be
a gesture (like pressing your thumb and your middle finger together or
slapping the back of one hand against the palm of another), a unique sound
(like a riff in a rock song), a unique smell or any other experience.

Once you’ve associated confidence with that trigger, you can bring up feelings
of confidence by firing the anchor. The more you reinforce the anchor, the
stronger and more permanent it becomes.



Mrs Texas AmericaCrystal White 

No matter how confident a person appears to be, lack of confidence is a
common struggle for all of us. Here are two basic mental tips that can be
used to help you feel more confident.

There is a common expression, “fake it until you make it.” This is a mental trick that can be helpful. If you
would like to feel more confident BEHAVE more confidently and you will be
surprised at how your attitude will follow your physical behavior. For
example, walk with your head up high rather than looking down and simply
shuffling from place to place. Walk tall with your shoulders back and head
held high. When you speak, look at people directly in the eyes, give firm
handshakes and engage with genuine conversation with the belief that you
have just has much to offer any conversation. When you make these basic
things common in your life, they become second nature and can give a boost
in your self-confidence.

A second mental tip to boost self-confidence may seem counter
intuitive. A common tip I use when I am feeling less confident is to stop
focusing on myself. Yes, it’s important to recognize how valuable and
unique you are but it is also important to take a break from so much of
focus on ourselves. Giving back to your community, helping others, and
remembering how lucky you are and how much you have to help others can help
boost how you feel about yourself and make a difference in the lives of
others at the same time!



Tori HiltonTori Christine Hilton

A study done in Spain in 2009 showed that your brain looks to your posture
to determine how it should feel. Therefore, standing up straight, shoulders
back and displaying confidence, tricks the brain into feeling more



Jillian GuintaJillian Guinta

The body and mind are inseparable, not only on the physical level, but also
on the physiological level. (I am in a powerful position so I must be
powerful; I am smiling so I must be happy, etc.) “Power posing” is
positioning the body in a confident way. This tricks your mind into a
physiological response identical to what you would feel if you actually did
feel confident. The easiest thing to do is smile. Force it if you must. An
easy hack is to hold a pen or pencil (or your own finger) between your

The second is adopting an strong, open, powerful stance — think about
standing like Wonder Woman or an Olympic athlete the moment they
victoriously cross the finish-line. These expansive positions reduce the
stress hormone, cortisol, and increased testosterone in male test subjects.
(Higher testosterone levels are common in the animal kingdom amongst the
alpha males of a group. While high cortisol is indicative of a lower-status
animal in the same group.)

Neither of these need to be done for a long time, just two minutes. If you
have a big proposal, lecture or job interview coming up, plan an extra
couple minutes into your schedule to practice power posing.



Kerry P. TaylorKerry P. Taylor

My top 3 mental tricks I play on myself to give me a little boost of confidence are the following:

1. Watch or listen to a powerful speech. While listening, I try to put myself in the moment that the person delivering the message is in. 

2. Look at myself in the mirror and talk myself up to get ready for the situation that I am going into. All sentences start with the words “I can”. 

3. Music, listening to music helps gets the juices flowing which in turn gets me in a great mood which in turn makes me feel that I am on top of the world.



Emma CroppedEmma Brooke

I’m a coach and use an NLP technique with clients as the brain sometimes
finds it difficult to change feelings but once you link the feeling to an
image, if you then change the image, the feeling by default, also has to

Here it is (might be worth telling people to record themselves saying it):

OK, so I just want to start by asking you to close your eyes and imagine
something for me…just get back to that feeling of insecurity (use
whatever describes your lack of confidence)…that feeling of not being
good enough…being scared…really feel that feeling now…are you there?

Now…if that feeling were a shape, what shape would it be?

What colour, would it be 2d or 3d, what colour would the background be?

If you were to make the shape the same colour as the background would it
need to go lighter or darker?

Great…so now I’d like you to, in whatever way works best for you, make
that shape smaller…smaller…until it’s so small if it got any smaller it
would just…disappear. Let me know when you’ve done that.

OK…so now what I’d like you to do is make it smaller still, so you can
look all over the background and notice it’s completely gone.

Fantastic…so now…if healing had a colour, what colour would it be?

Imagine it flowing in to the background, all over it, in a way that works
best for you…and continue to do that until everywhere is completely
covered with that healing colour and it has done all it needs to do for
that feeling to disappear…

OK…now where is that original feeling? It should have disappeared…



Lynn A. RobinsonLynn A. Robinson

Your self-talk has a huge impact on your self-confidence. The power of your thoughts and the images you hold in your mind can shape your entire outlook on life. When you’re consistently holding negative or pessimistic thoughts you’ll feel down, depressed and discouraged.

Try this experiment:

Think of something that you really want. Got it? Now spend about twenty seconds saying to yourself, “I’ll never get it. I’m not good enough. I’m not lucky. People don’t like me. It will never happen.” You get the idea. Now, how do you feel? Pretty crummy, right? 

Try this again. Bring to mind something you want to create in your life. Spend twenty seconds saying the following,

I’m so excited about having (this thing).”

I know I’m on the right track.”

I have what it takes to succeed at this.”

Good things are coming my way.”

I’m open to wonderful, new possibilities.”

I’ll bet you feel positive and filled with more confidence to move forward. Your mind is a key factor in creating a positive and confident life. It’s important to put good things in there!



Saul Juan Antonio CuautleSaul Juan Antonio Cuautle

Superhero outfit. I think if more people wore Batman, Superman or
Wonder Woman suits, they would feel more confident. Getting away with a
cape in the modern world may be tough, but you can always wear a mental
cape. Keep it simple and wear a favorite shirt, hat or socks. The point is
that when you’re wearing that ie red hat, you’re in superhero mode.
Meaning, you feel the fear and do it anyway.

Embrace your courage song. Everyone has a “power song” that just makes
them feel alive and full of energy. Find a courage song. This song is meant
to inspire you. When you’re feeling full of fear or overwhelmed, just play
your song and let it build up your confidence. Go into the beats and lyrics
of the song. It helps if the song has great beats or motivational lyrics.
One song that does it for me is “Dare” by Stan Bush.

Be in a movie. Think of a movie you love where the main character faces
fear and manages to go through it. Find your favorite scene in that movie.
Watch it and memorize that one scene. Now the next time you feel some fear,
replay your favorite scene from the movie. Here’s the trick: replace the
main character with yourself. Mentally put yourself in your favorite scene
and see yourself living with confidence.



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Cara Maksimow 

Being confident has a lot to do with expectations. Often when we are nervous or scared we find ourselves thinking about all that could go wrong and how that creates anxiety and fear. The more we think about “what if…” negative possibilities, the less confident we become.

Our minds will focus on what we ask them to focus on. If we consciously go into a situation with conscious attention and thought to what will go right we can gain confidence. For example if we are about to go into a job interview and a few minutes before we think “what if I bomb? what if i start to sweat? what if my mind goes blank? am i prepared? “ Those thoughts create doubt and anxiety.

Consciously think through the best outcomes. Imagine yourself answering tough questions with ease. Imagine yourself hitting it off wonderfully with the person interviewing you. Imagine questions you have prepared for and see yourself with awesome answers. Imagine getting the job offer. Put a mental picture together of exactly what it will look like to have success. Keep that image in your mind and you gin into the situation.

If you think about all the ways you will “mess up” you will lose confidence. Think about all the ways to succeed and gain confidence. As you start to go back to automatic negative thoughts bring yourself back to success and what that looks like and feels like and remind yourself that you can absolutely make this happen. You have already seen it!



Suzanna MathewsSuzanna Mathews –

When women adopt “male” seating poses, such as taking up more space,
reclining in the chair, spreading their arms and legs, etc. their
testosterone levels rise. Testosterone boosts risk taking, which boosts
confidence. So, while it might feel a little silly and strange at first, a
woman can give herself this boost by sitting at a desk the way a man would.
Hold the pose for a minute and breathe into it and notice how your body
feels. If you do this before you have to confront someone or make a big
decision or take a big risk, you may notice you do so with higher

For some women, it’s also worthwhile to have your hormones tested
because brain chemistry can play a huge role in confidence. Healthy
serotonin levels encourages confidence in ability to made decisions because
it lowers our stress. Oxytocin is another neurotransmitter that affects our
desire to hug, be sexual with our lovers, be generous with our friends,
share, exercise, and even make moral decisions — all things which
reinforce confidence! High oxytocin is also tied to high optimism, and when
you have healthy levels of oxytocin, things just seem easier to handle and
confidence comes more naturally.

Confidence Hypnosis MP3Hypnotherapy is also great for helping build your confidence. It can remove negative programming that you pick up in your subconscious mind throughout your life. 

Please CLICK HERE For Details Of My Confidence Hypnosis MP3