How To Remember Things

how to remember things

how to remember thingsWant to learn how to remember things? Here you go…

Many moons ago I was a student studying for my law degree. For exams I was expected to remember loads of past legal cases. This included what happened, what the judge ruled, the name of the case, and the year.

I had no problem remembering what happened and what the judge ruled, but for some reason I struggled remembering the name of the case, and when it was.

In exams I was applying the law correctly using the right cases, but was dropping marks for not remember the name and year. It doesn’t look very impressive when you say “There was a case in the past that stated…”

I knew my law, but was dropping marks needlessly. So I decided to study memory.

I first learned that the human mind has a problem with dry information. We are not designed to live in a world of remembering names, pin numbers, phone numbers etc. And no matter how good you are, most people struggle to remember a list of more than 7 or 8 objects.

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Memory test

Here’s a list of 10 random objects. Take a couple of minutes looking at them, then cover up the screen and see how many you can remember.











If you remembered them all then congratulations. If you didn’t, don’t worry. Like I said before, the human brain struggles to remember dry information. It needs colouring up and putting in a way that our brains can better process. The best way of memorising a list is by story telling.

And the best way to learn how to remember things is to try it for yourself. Here is a short video I recorded that will help you easily remember this list of objects. See how you do…

How did you do? Much better?

This is the exact technique memory experts use to remember huge lists of things. I’ve managed to remember lists of over 100 words using this technique. At the start of an exam I would spend a couple of minutes writing out my list of words, which would all be reminders of case names, what happened, date etc. It was like I was smuggling in a secret cheat sheet – but it was perfectly legitimate.

After using this technique for a while, I noticed my memory naturally improved. I didn’t always use this technique, but maybe I did subconsciously. Also this helped me know my mind better, which no doubt also helps me remember things.

How to use stories

How To Remember ThingsTo make the stories work, there must be a cause and effect. When the monkey ran up the clock, there has to be a reason why shoes were thrown at him. It was because the monkey is a better climber, and throwing shoes is one way of dislodging and catching him.

You also must visualise the story. See it as clearly as you can in your imagination. Your mind doesn’t remember words nearly as well as it remembers sequences of events. You may have to go over the story a few times in your mind to really drum it in.

What I found was that I could see the sequence of events in my mind, and this caused me to then remember the narrative, which also contained the keywords.

I firmly believe that this type of exercise significantly expands your mind. It helps improve your memory even when you’re not using it. It also helps you understand your mind, and learn to use it better as a tool. It also enhances your creativity. You quickly increase your ability to imagine images, sounds, smells etc. Also you get quicker at inventing scenarios that contain the list you want to remember.

Try it yourself

Try it with a different list. This could be the boost to your memory, intelligence and creativity that you’ve been craving. Here’s another list to get you started. Let me know how you do.




Pack of cards







improve your memory hypnosisNow you know how to remember things! Another way of helping improve your memory is by organising your thoughts. Like a well looked after library, well organised thoughts are easier to retrieve.

My Memory Hypnosis MP3 helps organise your thoughts so you can better remember ANYTHING. Please click the link bellow for more information…

CLICK HERE To Learn More About My Memory Hypnosis MP3

Childbirth And HypnoBirthing – Is Fear Getting In The Way?

HypnobirthingWhen you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change
-Marie Mongan

The topic of childbirth is a very interesting one. When you look at animals in the wild, serious complications during birth are incredibly rare, and are often referred to as a “freak accident”. The same SHOULD be for human women, but, it isn’t. It’s interesting to see that the rate of cesarean sections have gone from about 5% (back in the early 70’s) to about 35% now, all while pregnancy and birth “complications” have gone up.What is wrong with this picture?Well, it’s quite obvious as to what is wrong. All you need to do is take a look at the big picture, and have a basic understanding of how the human body works in conjunction with the mind.

Thanks to the media and our medical community, women are having a FEAR of child birth. Women are afraid to experience child birth and labor! One of the most natural acts of human kind is being feared.

In theory, this is no different than having an innate fear of going to the bathroom.

Imagine for a moment — when you watch a movie or television show that portrays a pregnant woman. Chances are, there is always going to be something dramatic happening with her. Then, top it off with horror stories from medical “professionals” who are telling you that if you do not bend to their will, then you’ll be putting your baby at serious risk. “Serious risk” — those are powerful words. What greater fear to a mother is there, than having her child be at “serious risk”? Not many.

While medical professionals may not have the intentions of scaring an expectant mother; they are trained to watch for specific “signs” and then “warn” the mother, when it really isn’t all that necessary. These warnings are often over emphasized, which creates a state of panic. This has been a part of our culture as a whole for a long time. Women know this, and become fearful of something going “wrong”.

You know what happens when women become fearful, worried and stressed? Their body fights back against labor. They will enter a “fight or flight” response, all while their uterus is telling them that it’s time to have a baby. The actions of their uterus, combined with the contrast of the “fight or flight” response will often result of the body not properly performing it’s job during child birth. This is what leads to so many c sections. Fear equals tension and tension equals pain. This cycle throws off the woman’s natural process.

These complications would not normally occur under ideal circumstances. There are many cultures across the world who virtually never have to have c sections. The women are completely calm and relaxed, and feel no pain; just tightness and pressure. The feelings they should be experiencing during labor and child birth. These women don’t even fathom the idea of pain medication. To them, it’s absurd. Physically, their body is no different than anyone else’s.

The goal is to keep yourself in a relaxed, comfortable environment, and have a true understanding of child birth, while getting yourself away from any influences that speak negatively of child birth.

The art of hypnobirthing is an incredible tool to help empower women to achieve a normal, relaxed state of mind while undergoing this completely natural and amazing experience.



hypnobirthing hypnosis
This is a guest post from Aaron Braun.
Aaron Braun considers himself a student of life. He is a proponent of wisdom literature, meditation and hypnosis, has studied the power of thought, and the great capabilities of the human mind. 
If you’re interested in his writings, you can find his personal Facebook page at the following link…


How To Be More Assertive: 10 Strategies To Increase Your Assertiveness

How To Be More Assertive: 10 Strategies To Increase Your Assertiveness

How To Be More Assertive

Learn how to be more assertive…

If you want more respect, a better job, more friends, improved health, more money and a better life, then learn how to be assertive. Being assertive is KEY to a great life!

Do these scenarios sound familiar?..

You’re at a restaurant and don’t like your meal. Perhaps it’s dry, over cooked, or salty. The waiter approaches you and asks you if everything is OK. “Yes” you mutter as you grumble to your self.

Your neighbour hosts a loud party – again. It’s ruining your sleeping pattern and causing you distress. You don’t say anything as you don’t want to fight with neighbours.

Your boss keeps asking you to do overtime at the last minute. You have plans, but don’t want to let them down so you reluctantly agree.

These are classic signs of passive behaviour. You feel you have no control over your life. You may appear happy on the outside, but resentment gnaws away inside. The stress this causes is also detrimental to both your mental and physical health.

Some people attempt to make up for their passive ways by being aggressive. They shout at the waiter for a bad meal, set fire to burning dog doo on their neighbours porch, or storm out of their jobs after launching a tirade at their boss.

Aggressive behaviour is not helpful either, and rarely resolves the situation adequately. It often creates enemies instead. You need to avoid passive AND aggressive behaviour, and be more assertive…

CLICK HERE To Check Out My Assertive Hypnosis MP3

What is assertive?

Assertive is being confident and self assured without being aggressive or passive. Assertive people have the following characteristics…

  • Are confident and self assured

  • Can express their thoughts and feelings in a calm and rational way

  • Listen to people’s point of view

  • Have open body language and good eye contact

  • Don’t act passively or aggressively


Learn How To Be More Assertive
Avoid Being Passive-Aggressive!

In my experience, A LOT of people display passive-aggressive behaviour. Does this apply to you?…

Someone wrongs you in some way. You feel aggrieved but avoid telling them because you don’t want to look aggressive, or you don’t want to risk conflict.

You remain silent whilst negative feelings build up. Their behaviour whirls around your head, making you feel more and more angry. Eventually Boom!! you explode with rage.

The problems with passive-aggressive

Passive-aggressive behaviour is bad for your health. Bottled up feelings harm your mental and physical health. It also stresses you out, leaving you feeling miserable.

Passive-aggressive behaviour allows problems to escalate. People may not be aware they’re putting on you, and may do this more. They think you’re OK as you say nothing.

When you explode, you don’t usually deal with the problem. You may be so angry that you act in an irrational way. People may not hear your point of view. Instead they think you’re acting crazy, and don’t take you seriously.

It is difficult to be successful when you’re passive-aggressive because someone will always stand in the way of your goals. Also the stress can hinder your progress.

learn to be more assertive
Assertive people get the juicy burger!

I remember once seeing a woman being served in McDonalds. The staff said they’d bring her burger to her to avoid her standing and waiting. She went to her seat and waited – and waited…

She must have stewed for around half an hour before approaching the counter in a rage. She complained she hadn’t received her food and now didn’t have time to eat. They were very apologetic, but now couldn’t remedy her situation. They could give her the burger, but not her time back.

If she’d have approached them after 10 minutes and politely but firmly asked where her burger was, they’d have quickly sorted it. She waited until she was angry and it was too late before having the confidence to complain. Her lack of assertiveness cost her a juicy burger.

How to be more assertive

Don’t Get Mad, Get Assertive!

To be assertive you must summon up courage and confidence BEFORE you get angry. Whilst some people are naturally more inclined to be passive, aggressive or assertive, you can learn how to be assertive. You can do your own assertive training.

Want some assertiveness strategies? Here are some top tips to help you learn to be more assertive…

  • Be conscious of whether you are behaving passively, aggressively or assertively. If you find yourself being passive or aggressive, change to assertive.

  • Be honest and open about your thoughts and feelings.

  • Respect and listen to others thoughts and feelings.

  • Speak slowly and clearly.

  • Don’t cross your arms or legs. Have open confident body language. Putting your hands behind your back may help.

  • Lift your head slightly, rather than it bowed in a subservient way.

  • Make good eye contact.

  • If you feel angry, take a few slow deep breaths. This will quickly calm you.

  • Be fare. This means fare towards others AND yourself.

  • Close your eyes and imagine being someone you consider assertive. Imagine how they’d handle situations in your life. Feel what it’s like to be them.

Final thoughts

I hope you like these strategies of assertive behaviour. Being assertive is a skill, and you can learn how to be more assertive. Read these assertive strategies every day and apply them to your life. After a while they’ll become second nature.

Once you learn how to be more assertive, your life will improve. You will experience less stress, and achieve more in everything you do. You’ll also be able to treat yourself to a nice juicy burger whenever you want one!




Want help being more assertive? My “Be More Assertive” Hypnosis MP3 changes your subconscious thinking to be more naturally assertive. Click the link below for more information…

Please CLICK HERE for more information on my “Be More Assertive” Hypnosis MP3

How Language Can Limit Your World

“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”

Ludwig Wittgenstein

How Language Can Limit Your World

How Language Can Limit Your World…

The dictionary defines “possible” as something that may or may not be done. When you say that “it’s not possible”, or that you “can’t”, you immediately take the power away from yourself. Your subconscious mind knows what “possible” means, so when you say that, it becomes more and more unlikely that you’ll overcome whatever obstacle it is you refer to.

Let’s say you are unhappy with your weight and health, but you feel that you “can’t” let go of the excess weight. You may be telling yourself that you’re unhappy in your current state. Well, it’s important to evaluate the words you’re choosing to use. As mentioned, your subconscious mind is well aware of the meaning of these words, and based off of the law attraction, we’re continually drawing ourselves closer to what we really do NOT want.

Instead, shift your thoughts on what you do what. For example: “I want to let go of weight”, or even “I AM letting go of weight”, or “I am becoming healthier”. You will find that you will ultimately become closer to your ideal goal or result, just by shifting your thoughts and the words you choose to use. On the surface, these words appear similar, but I can assure you that the reality is, they aren’t, and these minor differences in word choices make a substantial difference in our personal results.

This can be applied to anything. If you’re at a job that you absolutely despise, and you focus on how much you “hate” your job, then you will attract more circumstances as to why you hate your job. Rather, the proper approach would be to shift your thoughts on “I want a job that better suits my interests and skills”, or, “I am going to find a new job”.

Words are so powerful – more than what most people are aware of. It all starts with your thoughts, and then your words. Believe that, from a person who has overcome adversity! There are many things in life that are challenging, yet, we have a choice on how to respond to everything. We should refrain from settling for a position in life that is less than what we desire. We should reach out and continuously strive for better.


Aaron BraunThis is a guest post from Aaron Braun.
Aaron Braun considers himself a student of life. He is a proponent of wisdom literature, meditation and hypnosis, has studied the power of thought, and the great capabilities of the human mind. 
If you’re interested in his writings, you can find his personal Facebook page at the following link…

Pain is merely a construct of your mind

Aaron BraunThis is a guest post from Aaron Braun.
Aaron Braun considers himself a student of life. He is a proponent of wisdom literature, meditation and hypnosis, has studied the power of thought, and the great capabilities of the human mind. 
If you’re interested in his writings, you can find his personal Facebook page at the following link…

Surely, you have got to be wondering how your mind can control the experience of physical pain? I am sure you’re guessing that if it were as easy to simply make a decision to turn off a switch and no longer feel the effects of pain, then millions of people worldwide could put a halt to debilitating, chronic and acute pain, right?

Well, it’s a little more complex at first, but once you learn to understand how pain works and associates with the nervous system, and further understand how the subconscious mind can directly affect the nervous system, it doesn’t become nearly as difficult as it may seem.

This is not a matter of simply “toughing it out”, which would essentially be experiencing the pain, but pushing through your pain barriers to just “deal with it”. This actually redirects what “pain” means to your nervous system.

Imagine tapping in to your natural ability to eliminate pain from your life. This includes everything from chronic pain, acute pain, to using your own mind to give yourself a completely different perception of pain, allowing you to undergo even major surgical procedures without the use of any anaesthetic or numbing agent.

The following are links to science reviews and studies that demonstrate how the subconscious mind interprets pain:


Tim Cridland
Tim Cridland

Tim Cridland is a man who has mastered the art of redirecting how his nervous system perceives pain.


Tim went on to state:


“There is nothing abnormal about me physically. Everything I’ve done, I’ve trained myself to do. I’d say what I’m doing is demonstrating some kind of extreme examples of what you can do with your mind and combining that with your body. You could take the same techniques I use to overcome pain and use them in your own life to inspire you to persevere against the pains in life we all have to deal with.”
The following video shows Tim demonstrating his ability…
The link below shows a man who undergoes major surgery with no anaesthetic or pain numbing agent…