How To Stop Being Bullied

How To Stop Being Bullied

Stop Being Bullied

Want to know how to stop being bullied? I’ll tell you in a moment…

Most people experience bullying at some point in their childhood. It may be because you are different in some way, smaller, a different colour, too tall etc. Whatever the reason, most people experience being singled out by their infant peers. This doesn’t always stop when you become an adult…

Bullying often continues into adulthood – just done in a different way. People may not bounce pens at your head, or give you a skin destroying “snake bite”, but that doesn’t mean you’re not on the receiving end of bullying.

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With adults, bullying usually moves away from physical, to physiological. Violence does still occur of course, as shown in domestic violence statistics. However generally speaking, adults use a more subtle form of the same thing.

Both physical and psychological bullying are wrong and should NEVER be tolerated in your life.

A bully is a bully because they pick on people who they perceive as weaker than themselves – and this is often not true.

A victim of a bully usually only shows the weak side of themselves to a bully. They fear confrontation and don’t want to provoke more trouble. This means you act like prey to them.

In the animal kingdom

NEVER Act Like Prey!

If you’re faced with a predator that can easily out run you, do you know what’s the worse thing you can do? It’s run away. The predator will see you as prey, and your running away will incite them to chase.

A predator does not want to be hurt. Nobody does. By running away you show them that you will not fight back. They know they can’t lose.

I once saw a wildlife program where an infant wildebeest was split from the pack. A lioness approached, looking forward to easy prey. However something amazing happened…

The young wildebeest actually approached the lioness for comfort. This immediately disarmed the lioness, who was a mother too. She actually comforted the young wildebeest as she no longer saw it as food.

Due to its naivety, the wildebeest did not act scared, and did not act like prey. Therefore it wasn’t treated as such. You should do the same thing with bully’s. Don’t act like prey!

Bully’s WANT you to be afraid. They know they have more control that way. Don’t show this side of yourself – don’t show fear. Instead…

Be assertive

You don’t need to be aggressive either. Being aggressive can also incite more bullying. I wouldn’t want to run up and hit a lion on the nose. This can provoke more aggression.

The key is to be assertive, rather than passive or aggressive. Look them in the eye, use their name when talking to them, and allow your body language to be open. This behaviour massively reduces your chances of getting into a confrontation.

Please CLICK HERE To Learn How To Be Assertive

Sometimes you can turn a situation into playful banter. I often did this when I was a musician playing the pub and club circuits. Sometimes you would get some drunk individuals repeatedly shouting abuse. I would often turn this in friendly banter and give them a bit back, but not in an aggressive, nasty or personal way. In a way like mates would. Know what always happened?

These same people would come up after the show and tell us what a great gig it was. They felt like our friends because we acted in that way, and so they started to act like our friends too. If I’d have said nothing, or retaliated in an aggressive way, things could have been a lot different.

Final thoughts

When faced with a bully, think about passive, aggressive, and assertive behaviour. Always aim to be assertive. If it helps, think of someone you know who is assertive, and act like they would in the situation. It’s amazing how differently people treat you when being assertive.

You don’t have to put up with being controlled, either by physical or emotional bullying. Remember that you own your life, and you’re entitled to live your life on your terms.

Assertive Hypnosis MP3Need help being more assertive? I can help you… CLICK HERE and check out my hypnosis session for assertiveness

Find That Special Someone…

Find That Special Someone

We all go through highs and lows in life. It’s a natural cycle. Sometimes you feel supremely confident, and everything goes your way. Other times you shrink into your shell and feel like the world’s against you.

This is no more apparent than when it comes to dating. When everything is going well, the world is a glorious, colourful, vibrant place to be. The birds sing louder, the air smells sweeter, and the grass looks greener.

A break up can shatter your bliss. Your partner may have broken up with you, or you may have broken up with them – either way this can knock your confidence.

“Why was I not good enough?” and other nonsense can easily enter your mind.

You must STOP this downward cycle right now, before you cause yourself any more damage.

It is NOT a question of being good enough. Relationships ending is down to compatibility. You were both in it together, and eventually it didn’t work. That’s fine. You gave it a shot – nothing ventured, nothing gained.

You probably left the relationship with more than you realise…

What you gained

Being in a relationship is challenging – no doubt about it. You have to deal with the positive and negative aspects of someone else’s complex personality. It can be difficult enough dealing with your own.

When in a relationship, you can hone these skills. Learn how to consider yourself and another person. This is a complex thing, and you’ll never be perfect at it – no one is. However you can improve.

You will have learned and grown because of this relationship. You can take these skills to your next one.

You will also have learned more about what type of partner will work for you. You will be better able to choose someone who is more compatible with you.

Also the good times you experienced – It’s natural to focus on the bad when a relationship ends, but you must have experienced some good times too. These are precious.

Break the cycle

You CAN find that special someone. There is somebody out there that is a perfect match for you. In fact there are millions throughout the world. You may not have found that special someone yet, but that’s no reason to give up.

You are a unique complex human with your individual thoughts and feelings. There are around 8 billion of us on this planet. Some we connect with better than others. Some become friends, some enemies, some become lovers, and some become the love of your life.

Don’t give up. Have fun along the way, and don’t take life too seriously. Keep believing, because that perfect person is out there. They are also waiting, wondering what it would be like to meet a person like you.

fearofrelationshipsIf you have pushed people away due to fear of intimacy, I can help you. Click the following link to check out my Fear Of Relationships Hypnosis MP3.

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Most Inspirational Quote I’ve Ever Read…

most inspirational quote by marianne williamsonI thought I’d share with you the most inspirational quote I’ve ever read to help brighten up your week. You may have already read this. If you have, then it’s a great reminder. If not, have a read and a good think about it.I love it – see what you think…

It is by Marianne Williamson. It’s such a great quote that even Nelson Mandela used it. (In fact Mandela is often attributed with this quote). It doesn’t get much better than that!

Here it is…

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Don’t fear going out there and making a success of your life. The only people it will annoy are the people who shouldn’t be in your life anyway. Be an inspiration to yourself and those around you.

It’s surprising. When you dare to be great, and set yourself clear goals, most people get behind you. It also inspires them to dare to be great. Win-win all round!

Many people deep down don’t believe they have it in them to be great. But as the quote says, we are all made by God, or mother nature, or whatever you prefer to call it. So why not you?

Have a good think about this.

What’s your favourite inspirational quote? 

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How To Become What You Want To Be

Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali What you're thinking is what you're becoming
This Is Why Ali Always Thought Of Himself As “The Greatest”!

You often hear the saying “You are what you eat”, and this is true. Since I’ve changed my diet, I’m now a chicken salad, rather than a burger with fries!

It is also true that you are what you think.

If you consider yourself an “ordinary person”, guess what? That’s what you’ll be – ordinary. If you’re happy with this, then fine – carry on. If you want more, then you must think more.

How you consider yourself is vital – here’s why…

If you wanted to be a good musician, then this doesn’t happen over night. It takes years of dedicated practice. Would you spend an hour or two a day practising if you didn’t think of yourself as a musician? It’s unlikely. You need to FEEL like a musician and believe you’re one, in order to practice like one.

Think that you’re a great musician NOW, and you will feverishly work to make it happen. Your mind won’t feel right when you play badly. You will expect to be better, and will work to reach this ‘equilibrium’.

Loss aversion

As you think, so shall you become - Bruce Lee
Think Your Way To Success!

Our minds are more motivated to avoid loss than they are to seek gain. Marketers have known this for years. They know that a person is more likely to take action to avoid a loss in their lives – and they play on this.

Insurance companies scare people into taking action to avoid a loss, and they make millions doing so.

People fear their houses burning down, and spend hard earned cash insuring against this. They may not be taking as much action to improve their house. They are acting to keep what they’ve got. If they used the money they were spending on insurance, they could improve their house instead.

Negative thinking can make you focus on avoiding a loss, rather than reaching out for a gain. Luckily you an do something to combat this…


Visualise What You Want In Order To Drive Your Efforts Towards That Goal

Visualise your success as if it is happening NOW.

Close your eyes and see your success as real as you can. Use all your senses. See yourself enjoying the lifestyle of your chosen success. Enjoy the feeling.

If you can visualise, you have a chance of getting there. Your mind will believe you have already attained this success – it believes what you imagine has really happened.

This will cause you to EXPECT success. You will no longer consider it a bonus – it will be essential. You won’t rest until you have it. You have tasted it in your imagination, and you won’t want to let it go.

If you want a luxury villa by the beach, then visualising it will help. See all the rooms, smell the salty sea air, feel the hot sun and the cool breeze caressing your skin. When you come home to your dusty apartment on the busy roadside, your mind will say “This isn’t right, where’s my beach house?!”

This sense of “loss” can motivate you to take action and work towards your birth right of a luxury beach villa. It won’t happen by magic, but it will help motivate you to make it happen.

I notice this with car owners. People who have a car and something happens to it will usually move heaven and earth to get another one. They find a way to acquire another car in quick time. If they’d never experienced life with one, they wouldn’t be so motivated.

Final thoughts

Whatever you want in life, believe you have it NOW. Visualise it so that your mind has experienced your life with this success. Once you’ve had a taste of success, you won’t want to let it go. You will be salivating and hungry for achievement, and won’t let up until you get what you deserve. Smell the blood and go for the kill!

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