Ways To Increase Your Motivation For Life…

Motivation is a key ingredient for a happy and successful life. Most of us know this. The problem is that we’re wired to be lazy. Let me explain…
Stone age people didn’t have the abundance of food we have today. If they wanted to eat then they had to earn it. They would go hunting and gathering for food, which burns valuable calories. Sometimes they would have a successful hunt, sometimes not. Any net gain in energy was precious.
Stone age people didn’t want to frivolously burn their hard earned calories. Once work was done, they would laze around and sleep – just like lions do. They wanted to make the most of their calories. That way they could survive longer before needing to find more food.
Life is different now. Most people can eat as much as they want. There’s no need to preserve energy. However our subconscious minds don’t know this. It still thinks we must be lazy to survive. That’s why you must continually fight for motivation.
It is NOT natural to be motivated for things beyond our basic needs. You must find ways of creating motivation.
Here’s my 7 top ways to increase your motivation…
Remind yourself why you want to do something
It’s important to be aware of what you’re getting out of doing something. If there’s no perceived gain, then it’s difficult to stay motivated.
When you don’t feel like going to the gym, you can forget why you started going in the first place. When you feel like this, remind yourself of all the reasons why you will benefit. Perhaps write them down as a reminder, if you can find the motivation! 😉
Have a dream
If you wish to stay super motivated, then have a dream to aspire to. It might be to retire to a tropical island, or to own a dream home. Find a long term goal that you genuinely want. This helps keep you focused on what you’re shooting for.
Have short term goals
Long term dreams and aspirations can become daunting. It’s always good to break them up with short term goals. That way you can see yourself achieving things along the way.
You may wish to aim to save a certain amount every month in order to work towards financing your dream. This helps keep you going through the tough times.
Visualise often
Regularly spend time visualising your success. Visualise yourself having achieved your goals, both long term and short term. Gain an understanding of the “feeling” of succeeding. This helps drive you to seek out this success. It’s a way of programming your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is also very effective for this.
Wake up early
Waking up early ensures you get more done. You start the day on the front foot. This feels positive and energising.
Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Wake Up Early Hypnosis Session
Surround yourself with motivated people
Having motivated people in your life inspires you. Their positivity and energy rubs off on you. They are likely to encourage you and show you how its done.
Eat a healthy balanced diet
Giving yourself the right nutrients massively increases your energy levels. Aim to eat natural foods, and avoid processed ready meals and snacks.
A good rule of thumb is to eat foods that were available 1000 years ago. Eggs, meats, fruits and vegetables are all good. Cook from scratch, rather than buy mass produced ready meals.
Drink plenty of water
Dehydration saps your energy levels. Make sure you drink plenty of pure clean water every day. It’s especially important to drink water early in the day to get your system up and running.
Enjoy life
If you don’t take time out to enjoy life, you can feel “ground down” and lethargic. Find fun things to do to keep yourself interested in life. Enjoying your current life should be considered an essential ingredient to your success.