THE MOST important lesson you can learn towards your success is how to be a person of action. Know why?
Because you can have the greatest creative idea in the world – but if you don’t act on it, it’s useless.
An average idea is more valuable in the hands of a doer, than a genius idea in the hands of a don’ter. Ideas alone get you nowhere. They must be followed by action.
Are you a doer or a don’ter?
I want you to be totally honest, which do you consider yourself to be? Many people consider themselves doers, but are really don’ters. You MUST be honest with yourself if you are to improve your thinking.
Here’s a few questions to help you…
Do you blame your personal circumstance and other people for why you cannot create opportunities?
When you have an exciting business idea., do you think of reasons why it might fail, then talk yourself out of it?
If you have an unpleasant task to do, do you leave it whilst you build up your courage, only to find the more you think about it, the more frightening it becomes?
You wake in the morning, do you think about all the things you’re going to do, and put off getting up until the last minute?
Don’t worry if you’ve just discovered you’re a bit of a don’ter – the majority of people are. The good news is you can change!
How to be a doer

The easiest way to become a doer is to stop thinking and simply do – like the Nike slogan “Just Do It”.
The thought of doing something is nearly always scarier than actually doing it. The more you think about it, the more your mind whirls around thinking of things that MIGHT go wrong. This gets your stomach in knots, and you associate the task with dreaded fear that spirals deep to the pit of your stomach.
Instead of over thinking, get on with it.
If you have an important phone call to make, just pick up the phone and ring. Don’t plan what you’re going to say. Just grab the phone, dial the number, then talk. Trust yourself to react to the situation. You know how to talk don’t you?
If you have a business idea, then it’s not usually prudent to go gung-ho and start it with no thought at all. However you must accept that you will never have all the bases covered. There is NEVER a perfect business, and NEVER a perfect time to start. Have faith you’ll deal with problems when they arise – which they always will.
The same goes for family matters. If you are thinking of getting married, buying a house, or having a baby, then there is NEVER a perfect time. Things WILL go wrong. If you let the possibility of something going wrong deter you, then you won’t get anything done.
Learn from your mistakes

Many people are fearful of making mistakes, but this doesn’t make sense.
Learning is about doing things you couldn’t do previously. Like learning to walk, you must stand and wobble at first. You WILL fall down, but always get back up and try again, learning a bit more each time. If as a child you were too frightened to try, you wouldn’t be able to walk now.
Mistakes are inevitable when you start something new. All you need to do is learn from them, and carry on. Each time you will be a little wiser because of it.
Final thoughts
Remember, we’re not on this Earth forever. Don’t spend your life failing to act. This causes you more misery and unhappiness than you might believe.
Look at all the successful people you know either personally or have heard about. They are ALL people of action. They put themselves on the line, make mistakes, learn from them, and jump back up.
They don’t allow the small talk of others put them off. They live life on their terms, and get their rewards for doing so.
Don’t become another mediocre person living a mediocre life. Have the courage to chase your dreams. Your life will be more colourful and interesting than ever before. Give yourself the life you deserve… Now go for it!
Want to be a person of action? Have the courage to succeed…
CLICK HERE To Check Out My Hypnotherapy Session “Take Action”
Amen. I post my ideas on line in creative ways, they will get activated by someone, since I’m aware of my personal limitations.
It’s true. I often have ideas but talk myself out of them with negative self talk. I will try and get into the habit of going for it. I don’t want any more regrets!