Learn how to reduce the sugar in your tea and coffee…
Are you a tea or coffee drinker that uses sugar? Have you tried reducing the sugar, but find you don’t like the taste? Would you like to painlessly reduce the sugar you use?
Here’s a great method that works instantly (kind of). I have used it for myself, and successfully taught it many patients…
Why it’s important to reduce sugar
Most health experts agree that excess sugar is the main cause of weight gain and many health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and dental problems.
One teaspoon of sugar weighs about 5g. That equates to 20 calories per teaspoon of sugar.
Someone who drinks 5 cups per day, with 2 sugars in each, will consume 200 calories per day. That’s a whopping 6000 calories in a month.
If you can reduce that by half, you are saving 3000 calories per month. And this is achieved by making a small tweak to your lifestyle.
Here’s how to reduce your sugar intake…
The method

I will talk about this in terms of reducing from two sugars to one. This method can be adapted to your needs. You may want to reduce from 3 to 2, or 1 to half.
OK, here it is…
To reduce your sugar from 2 to 1, all you need to do is put 1 sugar in your cup, and fill it half way. Drink half the amount you normally do, and it will taste the same. Congratulations, you have instantly reduced your sugar intake by half. That was quick wasn’t it?!
OK, there is a bit more to it…
What will probably happen over time is that you will gradually add a bit more water so that you get a larger drink. We all have a natural inclination to want more. No problem as long as you keep it down to 1 sugar.
After a few weeks, you will probably be up to a full cup, and will barely have noticed the difference in taste, as the change has been so gradual. The 1 sugar will now taste just right to you.
Final thoughts
Although it can be done by simply reducing your sugar and putting up with the different taste, not many people stick to it. They don’t like the taste and quickly wonder “What’s the point?”.
By using this method, you don’t have to spend weeks putting up with a bad tasting cuppa’. True it’s smaller to begin with, but it will satisfy you.
Give it a go and see how it works for you. If you want some extra help…