Surely, you have got to be wondering how your mind can control the experience of physical pain? I am sure you’re guessing that if it were as easy to simply make a decision to turn off a switch and no longer feel the effects of pain, then millions of people worldwide could put a halt to debilitating, chronic and acute pain, right?
Well, it’s a little more complex at first, but once you learn to understand how pain works and associates with the nervous system, and further understand how the subconscious mind can directly affect the nervous system, it doesn’t become nearly as difficult as it may seem.
This is not a matter of simply “toughing it out”, which would essentially be experiencing the pain, but pushing through your pain barriers to just “deal with it”. This actually redirects what “pain” means to your nervous system.
Imagine tapping in to your natural ability to eliminate pain from your life. This includes everything from chronic pain, acute pain, to using your own mind to give yourself a completely different perception of pain, allowing you to undergo even major surgical procedures without the use of any anaesthetic or numbing agent.
The following are links to science reviews and studies that demonstrate how the subconscious mind interprets pain:

Tim Cridland is a man who has mastered the art of redirecting how his nervous system perceives pain.
Tim went on to state:
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