White noise contains all the frequencies your ear can hear, mashed up and played randomly together. Examples of white noise include a waterfall, the hiss on a radio, the sound of the sea, and leaves rustling in the wind.
How does white noise work?
White Noises Like Waterfalls Contain Thousands Of Different Random Sounds.
Your brain is capable of listening to several things at once, and picking out one to focus on. However when you have thousands of different noises, even your powerful subconscious mind cannot pick them all out. Your brain quickly realises it can’t follow all these sounds, and so gives up trying. This can lead to a nice state of relaxation.
White noise helps distracting noises fade into the other noises so that they no longer distract. They blend into the rest of the white noise sound. Then there are no sounds that stand out and catch your attention.
Many people believe that white noise contains special therapeutic qualities because it is a similar sound to what we hear in the womb. This makes sense as many parents notice that their babies settle to the humming sound of a car engine, or even the noise of a vacuum cleaner.
What does white noise therapy help with?
White noise therapy helps filter distracting background noises. This is why many people experience relaxation and pleasure from listening to heavy rain. White noise helps calm your mind and distract it from intruding sounds and thoughts. This is why people often use white noise therapy, either natural sounds or man made white noise, to relax and meditate.
Many people find that white noise helps them to get to sleep, concentrate when studying, ease stress, and help with meditation and self hypnosis.
Why is it called “white noise”?
It is called white noise because of it’s relationship with light. White light is a combination of all the colours in the spectrum. This is why a rainbow is formed when the sunlight hits the rain, as the colours are split up. White noise is made up of all the sounds combined together.
Now you know what is white noise, I’d like to tell you about other coloured sounds. Most notably there is pink noise and brown noise. Pink noise combines fewer frequencies than white noise. It focuses more on the lower tones and so sounds smoother and less busy than white noise. Pink noise is great for helping you relax whilst maintaining focus and energy.
Brown noise has more emphasis on the lower frequencies than pink noise. This deeper sounding noise can be useful for helping deep sleep, curing headaches, and masking tinnitus.
Did you know your mental and physical health can suffer if you don’t experience enough nature?
Nature sounds have a profound effect. The sound of a bird chirping may instil feelings of peace and tranquillity. Millions of years of evolution have given them this ability. The sound of the rain may help you to concentrate.
The effect of nature sounds is personal to the listener, but most people agree that they are pleasant, and leave them feeling good. Most sounds of nature help you feel calmer.
The lives most of us live are far different than what nature intended. Most of us spend the majority of our time sheltered away from the world. We are either in our homes, at work, or travelling to another indoor destination boxed in our cars.
Our bodies and our minds miss out on the nourishment of nature. We are designed to spend the majority of our days outdoors with nature all around us, not indoors in our sterile environments.
We are supposed to have the sun on our skin. We are supposed to feel the breeze in our hair. And nourish and stimulate our minds with the sights and sounds of nature.
Catch up
When the weather starts improving I begin to go outdoors more often. After a cold winter in England I might not have ventured out much. When I do venture into the countryside I feel exhilarated. Like a person eating their first meal in days. I feel like I have been missing something and I’m on “catch up”. These feelings convince me that to be healthy and happy we need doses of nature.
Sometimes when the weather is good I will work outdoors in my garden. I am lucky that I can take my laptop outside and work there. However it cannot be raining as it will damage my laptop, and it cannot be too sunny because I can’t see my screen! I try to get out as much as I can, but sometimes the weather is too harsh, or I’m rushed off my feet with work or family commitments.
About a year ago I came up with a remedy. What I decided to do was get hold of some sounds of nature and play them when I’m in the house. Often I have them on in the background whilst I work. I particularly find the sounds of rain and moving water help me concentrate.
These water sounds are described as “white noise”. They are a mishmash of all the different sound frequencies played in a random way. This can be great for blocking intrusive sounds and thoughts, and help you focus on what you’re doing.
Starved of nature!
After I returned to the UK after living in Morocco for 18 months I was craving the rain. Whenever it rained I would open my front door and watch and listen. My levels of rain experience were starved and I needed topping up.
I also experience this when the migrating birds return for the summer. I find that I really miss their chirps, even though I don’t realise it at the time. I only noticed how much I miss these sounds once they return.
My collection of nature sounds have really helped me, and they can help you too. Although it is not as good as the real thing, it is a damn good substitute. It can be really uplifting listening to the calling of birds or the crashing waves of the sea.
I have a collection of 12 nature audio sessions that all last one hour each. They are available to buy for $3 each, which is good for an hour of peace and tranquillity whenever you need it. You would struggle to buy a relaxing coffee or pint of beer for that money, and they usually don’t last an hour – and you can’t reuse them.
If you are interested, take a look at my collection of nature sounds.
Have you heard of binaural beats? Here’s a bit about binaural beats, how they work, and how they can help you…
Binaural beats were discovered in 1839 by physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. They didn’t gain much public interest until the early 1970’s. Today binaural beats are rapidly growing in popularity…
Binaural beats, or brain entrainment, are created by the brain when two slightly different tones are played at the same time to each individual ear.
Headphones are required in order to make sure that each ear hears a different tone completely independently from the other.
Because the waves are slightly out of phase with each other, this causes the brain to perceive a pulsing tone, which is called the binaural beat. Unfortunately if you are deaf in one ear they will not work properly for you.
You can play the two tones through speakers and they will still produce the beat. However with headphones on, the mixing of the tones happens inside your head. This is important for reasons we will discuss later.
The binaural beat is the difference between two tones played in each individual ear. If I play a 165hz tone in one ear, and a 185hz tone in the other, a binaural beat of 20hz is produced. Your brain hears the two tones and calculates the difference. The reason our brains have evolved to do this is so that it can create 3D hearing. The brain can detect roughly where a sound comes from by listening to slight differences between your two ears. Due to sound reflecting off surfaces. This can be very useful to your survival.
Recent research shows that when introduced to a binaural beat, the brain starts to change its cycle and follow the beat. If you play a 130hz tone in one ear and a 150hz tone in the other, a binaural beat of 20hz is produced. After a few minutes the brain will follow this beat until it reaches the same cycle of 20hz. This is a natural beta state, which can produce alertness and helps with concentration.
The 20hz tone does not actually exist, but we hear one anyway. If you listen to a binaural beat audio, take one headphone out of one ear for a few seconds, then replace it and take out the other out for a few seconds. You will hear two different tones. However both together produce a pulsing effect. This shows that the binaural beat is an illusion created by your brain.
A binaural beat is far more powerful than simply playing a 20hz tone on its own because the brain has been active in creating the tone. This gets it more involved with what is going on. Normal music and sounds can be influential on our state of mind. Sombre music will produce a very different reaction to a listener than upbeat music. Binaural beats take this a step further and get the brain actively involved.
Binaural beats are a great way to manipulate your brain into going into different frequency ranges. These can help you with various things, such as improving creativity, concentration, relaxation, promote sleep, and helping people reach meditative states. If you have had a stressful day, they can quickly get your mind into a relaxed cycle, which will speed up your recovery.
If you are studying for an exam, binaural beats can quickly get your mind into the best cycle for studying.
Binaural beats are a quick and efficient way to help you alter your state of mind in a controlled and sensible way.
Have you ever wondered how subliminal MP3s work? Here’s a brief explanation…
Hypnotherapy and subliminals
Subliminal audio sessions have the same aim as hypnotherapy audio sessions. They both aim to pass positive suggestions to your subconscious mind. The methods they both use to achieve this are different.
In hypnotherapy you are guided into a trance. A therapist will give instructions to guide your mind into a trance state. This is a daydream state where your conscious mind in tuned down, allowing your subconscious mind to absorb suggestions.
With subliminal music it is slightly different. Subliminal recordings contain suggestions that are not audible consciously. Usually the volume is lower than the foreground music, which makes it impossible for the conscious mind to hear it. However your more powerful subconscious mind can hear it.
Both methods give suggestions to your subconscious mind. Hypnosis uses trance whereas subliminal recordings use sound cloaking.
How can you “hear” subliminals?
Have you ever been in a social situation and there has been several conversations going on at the same time? Consciously they sound like background babble. However you hear your name in one of the conversations and suddenly your mind tunes into that conversation to hear what they are saying about you. How did your mind know to listen to that particular conversation at that particular time?
It didn’t. Your powerful subconscious mind was listening to ALL the conversations at the same time. When your subconscious mind heard your name, it alerted your conscious mind to focus on this conversation. It knew there was something that you might want to consciously focus on.
It could have been in ANY of these conversations that someone mentioned your name. Your subconscious mind is far more powerful than your conscious mind and is capable of listening to several conversations at the same time. It is also capable of listening to music and picking out quiet suggestions that are hidden in subliminal recordings.
Subliminal recordings have the same result as hypnotherapy sessions – your conscious mind ignores the suggestions, allowing your subconscious mind to absorb them. That’s how subliminal MP3s work.
Without your conscious mind blocking the way, both forms of therapy influence your subconscious mind to make permanent changes. Both forms of therapy help you make powerful and everlasting changes.
With subliminal sounds, the reason your subconscious mind picks up on these seemingly hidden messages is down to evolution. In the wild there may be the faint sound of a predator within the sounds of the wind and rain. You don’t have time for your conscious mind to process this information. A split second could be the difference between life and death. This information goes directly to your subconscious mind, so you can react immediately. There is no time for conscious thought. With subliminal therapy, hidden words are absorbed by your subconscious mind, which are hidden in music.
Final thoughts
Because of evolution, your subconscious minds is capable of hearing far more than your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind can hear sounds within sounds, but your conscious mind cannot.
Like hypnosis, subliminal music reprograms your subconscious mind for rapid but lasting change. Subliminals have the advantage that you can listen to them anywhere. No one knows what you’re listening to, and there are no dangers when operating machinery or driving, since there is no trance involved.
Now you know how subliminal MP3s work!
Check out my special page dedicated to subliminal audios. As well as a growing selection of different therapeutic subliminal MP3s, there is also a free subliminal video for you to try. CLICK HERE for details of my subliminal MP3 sessions
Milton Erickson was a psychiatrist and clinical hypnotherapist, who was the founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis. He is noted for his unorthodox methods of therapy, and his influence in the field of psychiatry, psychology, NLP and hypnotherapy. He deserves special mention here not only for his influence in many fields, but also for the way he fought against his own adversities.
At a young age, Erickson both dyslexic and color blind, started following in his fathers footsteps of becoming a farmer. However at the age of 17 he became very ill when he contracted polio.
“I had polio, and I was totally paralyzed, and the inflammation was so great that I had a sensory paralysis too. I could move my eyes and my hearing was undisturbed. I got very lonesome lying in bed, unable to move anything except my eyeballs. I was quarantined on the farm with seven sisters, one brother, two parents, and a practical nurse. And how could I entertain myself? I started watching people and my environment. I soon learned that my sisters could say “no” when they meant “yes.” And they could say “yes” and mean “no” at the same time. They could offer another sister an apple and hold it back. And I began studying nonverbal language and body language. I had a baby sister who had begun to learn to creep. I would have to learn to stand up and walk. And you can imagine the intensity with which I watched as my baby sister grew from creeping to learning how to stand up.”
Erickson was not beaten. He decided to fight back…
One day he was sitting by the window, looking longingly outside. As he sat there imagining being outside he noticed the chair began to rock slightly. Excited he attempted to make it happen again, willing himself to move, but he could not no matter how hard he tried. Eventually he gave up and sank back into his daydreams, again imagining playing outside. Once more the chair began to rock.
He realised that it was his vivid imagination that was producing a response in his body. Inspired by this discovery, he taught himself to walk again
He spent a lot of time observing his baby sister growing up and learning to walk. He began to recall “body memories” of the muscular activity of his own body. By concentrating on these memories and using visualisation, Erickson started to regain control of parts of his body. Eventually, although still unable to walk, he decided to train his body even more by embarking on a thousand mile canoe trip. After this gruelling trip, he was able to walk with a cane.
Training as a Doctor
Despite this, Erickson realised that he still did not have the strength to become a farmer, so at the age of 21 he began to train as a doctor instead. Whilst at medical school, Erickson was still very interested in the human mind. In fact he was so curious about it that he gained a psychology degree at the same time.
Unorthodox therapy
In the years that followed, Erickson used his education and background to become one of the most influential psychotherapists and clinical hypnotherapists ever. He had a very practical approach to his therapy sessions, often telling stories, using metaphors, and whole array of unorthodox therapeutic methods should the situation demand it.
He once spent 4 sessions talking to a young boy who was interested in baseball, about such things as how you need to control the muscles in your hand to let go at just the right time in order for you to be able to throw the ball where you want it to go. Despite never specifically talking about his presenting problem, Erickson successfully treated the boy for bed wetting.
In another case he treated a married man of his fear of being in moving elevators by persuading a young girl to repeatedly ask him for a kiss whilst they were inside. The man was no longer afraid of travelling in lifts, in fact he wanted the lift to start moving quicker so that he could get to his destination and get away from her!
Later in life
Later in life Erickson developed post-polio syndrome due to the over use of partially paralysed muscles. This condition again left him severely paralysed, but because of his previous experience, he knew how to rehabilitate himself. However because he was much older this time, he was still confined to a wheelchair, and suffered from chronic pain. Instead of lying down, he learnt how to manage his pain with self hypnosis, and became an expert at treating others who also suffered from chronic pain.
Erickson eventually died at the ripe old age of 79. When considering all the health problems that he was presented with throughout his life, this was a feat in itself, never mind all the amazing therapy he gave to others. He was also a prolific writer, and has influenced, and still influences many therapists to this day.
Final thoughts
Milton Erickson’s life and work have been a source of inspiration for many therapists and patients in many disciplines. He turned around his disadvantages, learnt from them, and used them to help others. When most people would have given up, Erickson kept going and achieved so much. A true inspiration and a real illustration that almost anything is possible with hard work, determination and a vivid imagination.