The History of Hypnosis

The History of Hypnosis

It’s good to appreciate the history of hypnosis if you want to increase your understanding. Here is a brief run through the history of hypnosis as we know it today…

Western scientists first became involved in hypnosis around 1770, when Dr. Franz Mesmer (1734-1815), a physician from Austria, started investigating an effect he called “animal magnetism” or “mesmerism”.

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Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Mesmer found that, after opening a patient’s vein and letting the patient bleed for a while, passing magnets over the wound would make the bleeding stop. He also discovered that using a stick would also make the bleeding stop. Mesmer managed to occasionally complete cures that other medical professionals of his era were not able to.

An Indo-Portuguese priest, Abbé Faria, revived public attention to animal magnetism. In the early 19th century, Abbé Faria introduced oriental hypnosis to Paris. Unlike Mesmer, Faria claimed that it ‘generated from within the mind’ by the power of expectancy and cooperation of the patient.

The evolution of Mesmer’s ideas and practices led the Scottish neurosurgeon James Braid in 1842 to coin the term “hypnosis.” Realizing that “hypnosis” was not a kind of sleep, he sought to change the name to “monoideaism” (“single-idea-ism”), but the term “hypnosis” had by now stuck.

James Briad The “Father Of Modern Hypnotism”

Popularly called the “Father of Modern Hypnotism,” Braid rejected Mesmer’s idea that hypnosis was induced by magnetism, and ascribed the “mesmeric trance” to a physiological process resulting from prolonged attention to a bright moving object or similar object of fixation. He reasoned that “protracted ocular fixation” fatigued certain parts of the brain and caused a trance—a “nervous sleep” or, from the Greek, “neuro-hypnosis.”

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Braid tried hypnotism to treat various psychological and physical disorders. He had little success. Other physicians claimed better results, particularly using hypnosis for pain control. An 1842 report described a painless amputation performed on a hypnotized patient. This was widely dismissed, and there was strong resistance in the medical profession to the idea of hypnosis; but there followed other reports of success.

Braid is credited with writing the first book on hypnosis, Neurypnology (1843).

Dr. James Esdaile (1805-1859) reported on 345 major operations performed using mesmeric sleep as the sole anaesthetic in British India. The development of chemical anaesthetics soon saw the replacement of hypnotism in this role.

The neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) endorsed hypnotism for the treatment of hysteria. La méthode numérique (“The numerical method”) led to a number of systematic experimental examinations of hypnosis in France, Germany, and Switzerland. The process of post-hypnotic suggestion was first described in this period. Extraordinary improvements in sensory acuity and memory were reported under hypnosis.

From the 1880s the examination of hypnosis passed from surgical doctors to mental health professionals. Charcot had led the way and his study was continued by his student, Pierre Janet. Janet described the theory of dissociation, the splitting of mental aspects under hypnosis so skills and memory could be made inaccessible or recovered. Janet provoked interest in the unconscious and laid the framework for reintegration therapy for dissociated personalities.

In the early 1900’s, the interest in hypnosis seemed to wane, until the Second World War. Field hospitals often ran short of the drugs needed to treat wounded soldiers. Under often appalling conditions, a small group of clinicians of hypnosis were able to provide pain relief and alleviation of suffering of severely injured patients.

In 1956Pope Pius XII gave his approval of hypnosis. He stated that the use of hypnosis by health care professionals for diagnosis and treatment is permitted.

In 1955 the British Medical Association set up an inquiry which favourably reported hypnosis as a therapeutic tool. It even recommended that it should be taught at medical schools. Hypnosis was approved by the Council of Mental Health of the American Medical Association in September of 1958 as a safe practice with no harmful side effects. Since then there has been acceleration in the establishment of hypnosis societies for doctors, dentists, and psychologists.

The Internet Has Contributed To The Recent Explosion Of Hypnosis

The internet has encouraged the current surge in hypnosis. Many hypnotherapists are better able to share information with the wider public, and there are many inexpensive options of online hypnosis, or pre recorded sessions.

People benefit, not only from the cheaper costs, but also from the convenience of being able to enjoy hypnosis whenever they want. This improvement in the accessibility of hypnosis is set to continue with the growth of communication and technology.

Now you know the history of hypnosis. If you would like to learn more… Please CLICK HERE For My BIG Collection Of Hypnosis Sessions

How To Achieve Your Goals By Taking Action

How To Achieve Your Goals

How To Achieve Your GoalsHow To Achieve Your Goals By Taking Action…

There has been a shift in the self improvement movement thanks to books such as “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. This shift is the thinking that positive thinking and visualization are all it takes to get whatever you want – law of attraction. While this does have merit, thoughts without actions get nothing done.

If you were stuck in a burning building would you rather have a group of people outside visualizing the flames dying down, or a team of fire fighters working hard to put out the fire?

If there are goals in your life you wish to achieve, you need to take action. That’s how to achieve your goals. You also need to set yourself “real” goals.

(Want to reprogram your mind for success? CLICK HERE  to check out my Take Action Hypnosis MP3)

A real goal is…

  • something you desire – Many people fail to achieve their goals because they’re not their goals. While it is important to do right by your family and friends, don’t try to become a doctor when you really want to be an architect just because your father desires it.
  • realistic – No matter how hard I work out in the gym I will never look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his hay day. I don’t have the genetics for it. Setting that kind of goal is pointless as it is unachievable and it would probably put me off going to the gym. However I could set a goal of getting six pack abs in two months or add ten lbs to my bench press every month for a year.
  • measurable – Your goals should be precise and measurable. Quitting nail biting completely in three months is measurable, you know whether you’ve bit your nails or not. Setting the goal to become more fit is hard to measure as there are different kinds of fitness. You could become stronger but slower, or faster but weaker – and then it’s tough to say whether you are fitter or not. However if you set the goal that you want to be able to run a mile in five minutes within six months. That is easy to measure.
  • set to a deadline – A deadline pushes you to keep working towards achieving your goal everyday as it makes time a valuable commodity. Let’s take a look at one of the above examples of getting a six pack in two months. For someone with my waist size that is a realistic goal but it means I will have to stick to a program rigidly everyday to achieve it. The deadline of two months makes sure I focus on the goal. If I gave myself a deadline of two years then I’d probably never seriously start working on the goal. Similarly if I gave myself two weeks then I wouldn’t achieve my goal in that time period, and  give up altogether.

Here’s a list of what I would consider to be real goals.

  • I will lose 20lbs in a year and keep it off.
  • I will write a movie script in the next six months.
  • I will learn two new songs on the piano this month.
  • I will read at least one educational book every single month.
  • I will start an online business which makes at least $5,000 a month within the next five years.

Some of these goals are quite small. However that doesn’t make achieving the goal meaningless. It still shows discipline and dedication to stick to any goal and when you achieve it you should feel a great sense of accomplishment. That is certainly worth your time and effort.

Other goals are bigger. From personal experience starting an online business can be tough. There is a lot of research, work and development to be done. There is also a lot to learn and plenty of competition. For goals such as this it is important to break down the goal into smaller goals and develop a strategy of how you are going to achieve this goal.

Let’s keep looking at the goal of creating an online business that makes at least $5,000 a month within five years. That gives you sixty months before you need to be making a little over $165 a day. Already just by breaking down the numbers down it looks more manageable.

For goals such as this you should create a guide for yourself in terms of what you want to do each month and where you want to be in terms of achieving your goal. In the first month you might focus purely on research – deciding what your online business will be selling or providing, what the market for it is like, what keywords you will be targeting, finding the best deals for web hosting, choosing whether to run your site on Content Management System such as WordPress or plain HTML and choosing a domain name. That is more than enough work for one month, especially if you have a full time job or a family to look after.

In the second month you might then focus on having your website designed, whether you do it yourself, hire someone or choose to use a free template. Depending on the option you choose this could itself take a month.

An empty website will attract no visitors though so will then need content for your website which could be the focus of month three. You might decide to write one piece of content or article everyday for this month until your website is full of high quality content that people will want to read.

Finally you need to make people aware of your website. There are a number of ways to do this including writing articles for other websites in exchange for promotion, paying for advertisements on search engines, social networking and so on. Of course you will also need to update your website with fresh content to keep people coming back. So your target for month four and beyond might be to spend at least three hours a day promoting your website and writing a new piece of content for it once a week. This could in fact be your goal for a number of months once you’ve got your website up and running.

At this point you might notice we are four months into this project and so far I haven’t even mentioned any money coming in. That’s because, in all likelihood, you probably won’t have any money coming in – and if you do it will be negligible. This is a long term goal that requires patience and dedication. Think of it this way, you’ve just spent four months building a foundation but if you give up now you’ll never have a house.

Eventually numbers of visitors and the money coming in will start to become more worthwhile. This is when you can start to set yourself targets of how much money you want to make each month. If you’ve spent twelve months on your business and you’re making $200 a month profit then you only have to increase your profits by $100 a month for the next forty-eight months on average until you hit that $5,000 a month target.

When You’re Weary

Whenever you set yourself a long term goal there will be periods where things don’t get as planned or things aren’t moving as quickly as you expected and you feel like giving up. It is all too easy to get stuck in a rut and repeat actions over and over that are getting you nowhere. When this happens the best thing to do is to step away from the goal for a few days. Allow your batteries to recharge and then come back to the goal. Ask yourself if perhaps you need to change your angle of attack.

Most of the time a short break and a change of tactics is enough to rejuvenate your desire to achieve a goal. However if this doesn’t work there are a couple of other techniques you can employ.

The first is to create an enemy or rival in your mind. If you’re starting an online business then your enemy could be a competing website. If you’re trying to lose a certain amount of weight then your rival could be someone who goes to the same gym as you – you don’t even have to know them. The idea behind creating an enemy or rival is to motivate you to work harder and smarter than they are, because that is the only way to surpass them.

The second one is to literally look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you want to quit now after all the hard work you’ve done.

It is incredibly hard to quit on yourself.

By Jake Rhodes



Want some help taking action?

Click here for details of how I can reprogram your subconscious mind to help you be more motivated to work towards your goals – Take Action Hypnosis MP3.

Avoid The Sumo Diet

Sumo DietSumo wrestlers are fit and strong. They spend many hours per day training, yet still manage to carry a lot of excess weight. By analysing how they achieve this, we can learn how to avoid becoming a sumo wrestler ourselves.

Let’s take a look at the sumo diet and lifestyle…

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Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Skipping Meals
As part of the sumo diet, Sumo wrestlers only eat 2 meals per day. They skip breakfast and train for 2 or 3 hours before eating lunch. Skipping breakfast can trigger overeating later in the day and cause a drop in your metabolism. Your body then goes into fat storage mode.

Although exercise does increase metabolism, exercising on an empty stomach will actually lower your metabolic rate in the long term. This is because your body gets used to conserving as much fuel as it can to get you through the activity. Of course you may not be exercising in the morning, but you are still being fairly active if you have worked for several hours before eating an afternoon meal. That is why it is so important to take the time and effort to eat breakfast if you wish to become slimmer.

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Sumo wrestlers eat as much as they can with each of there 2 meals per day. They stuff themselves full so they can consume as many calories as possible in a short space of time. The traditional meal for a Sumo wrestler is a stew called Chanko-nabe. This is made up of a different meats, rice and vegetables. Surprisingly the stew is low in fat. The key is the large quantities of food they eat in one go. If you want to lose weight, then eat smaller quantities over more meals.

Drink Beer
Sumo wrestlers also drink beer with their meals. A pint of beer contains around 200 calories. They can consume 6 pints of beer with a meal, which equates to around 1200 calories. That’s nearly half the recommended daily amount of calories for an average adult male. To avoid being a sumo, drink water with your meals. Water flushes out toxins, has no calories, and will help you feel full much quicker.

Sleep After Eating
Sumo wrestlers usually eat their second and last meal just before bed. This allows most of the calories to be stored as fat, rather than being used as energy. So a late night snack and beer can cause the same effect. Most people even if they don’t go to bed straight after eating, usually spend the rest of the evening stuck to the couch, before then retiring to bed. This will have a similar effect. Avoid consuming calories later in the evening, and if you do then do a bit of physical activity, even if it is just a small amount of housework.

To avoid becoming a sumo wrestler don’t skip any meals. Also don’t eat late in the evening. When you do eat, try not to eat until you are stuffed, just eat until you are satisfied. Unfortunately beer or wine contains loads of empty calories which are easily stored as fat. These must be drunk in moderation, or not at all. The next time you are tempted to skip breakfast, or eat late at night, imagine you’re in training to become a sumo wrestler – that should be enough to deter you. Avoid the sumo diet at all costs!

gbhproductI developed a new and revolutionary hypnotic technique that can really help you to eat smaller meals. It is called Gastric Band Hypnosis. This technique convinces your subconscious mind that you have undergone gastric band surgery, helping you to feel full much sooner than before.

UPDATE 20/08/2014 Feedback has shown that Gastric Band Hypnotherapy has been very effective for helping people shed large amounts of weight permanently. Here is an example bellow. Please click here to learn more about my Gastric Band Hypnotherapy MP3.


Are Hypnosis and Meditation The Same?

Are Hypnosis and Meditation The Same?

Are Hypnosis and Meditation The Same?…

Most people who experience meditation before hypnosis are surprised how similar they seem. Both disciplines share many techniques, such as breathing and visualization exercises.

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Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

What is the difference between hypnosis and meditation?

Meditation and hypnosis both share the distinction of having no universally accepted definition. However there are some general schools of thought.

Meditation is commonly described as the absence of thought. Practitioners aim to have a still mind – free from conscious chatter. If any conscious thoughts enter your mind during meditation, you must find a way of getting rid of them. Repeating mantras or focusing on something such as your breathing can help with this.

Meditation is being at peace with who you are and what you do. Meditation can help free your mind of negative thoughts and feelings, and allow you to experience inner peace.

Hypnotherapy is usually aimed at a more specific therapeutic outcome. This might be weight loss, quitting smoking, removing phobias etc. At the beginning of a hypnotherapy session, the hypnotherapist may employ meditation-like techniques to quieten the conscious part of the mind. Once the chattering conscious mind is still, they are then more able to give therapeutic suggestions.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that hypnosis is superior. Great insight and mental improvement can be gained by having a quiet and still mind.

Many artistic and scientific creations have been made while in meditative states. Perhaps the most famous is where Archimedes was in the bath relaxing. He suddenly leaps from the bath shouting ‘Eureka’ (I‘ve found it). He made a mathematical discovery without consciously trying. The answer popped into his mind because he was calmly relaxed. Many musicians from classical to contemporary have reported whole pieces of music popping into minds when they were relaxing.

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The mind, just like the body, works better when given adequate rest. Meditation is an excellent way to give the mind a break so that it can work more efficiently.

I would encourage anyone with an interest in one of these disciplines to try the other. Although they are similar, they are not the same. You could open a whole world of possibilities for yourself, and allow yourself to draw from a greater fountain for your spiritual well being and personal development.

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What Is Gastric Band Hypnotherapy?

Do you want to lose weight quickly and easily? If so then read on and learn what is Gastric Band Hypnotherapy…

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Gastric band hypnosis (also known as lap band hypnosis) is a new and unique weight loss hypnosis treatment.

It has an innovative way of helping people shed lots of weight, which I will explain in a moment.

Patients experience a massive reduction in their appetite, and typically lose somewhere between 2 and 4 pounds in per week. This may not sound much, but over 8 weeks this equates to between 16 and 32 pounds.

What is gastric band hypnotherapy? It is a weight loss hypnosis system that helps people lose weight by convincing their subconscious minds that they have really undergone gastric band surgery. Your mind, believing this to be the case, then acts accordingly and has a reduced appetite. This leads to the person eating fewer calories, which results in rapid weight loss.

Gastric band hypnotherapy mimics real gastric band surgery, and convinces the subconscious mind that this has really happened.

Gastric band surgery typically takes 3 sessions, depending on which therapist you choose. The idea is that they will recreate the real surgery as closely as possible. In your mind you will walk the corridors of a clinic. Meet the doctors and nurses. And experience the various procedures. You will wake up like you have just woken up from a surgical procedure. Your subconscious mind then believes that this has really happened to you.

What is gastric Band hypnotherapy?Lap band hypnosis has several distinct advantage over surgery. Here are just a few of them…

1. It is cheap gastric band surgery. Surgery costs around $10,000, whereas hypnotherapy is usually around 10 times cheaper. 2. There are no scars with the hypnosis treatment.
3. No pain, discomfort or time off work. You don’t need to miss a day at work.

I now offer gastric band hypnosis in mp3 format. This gives you even more advantages over “live” hypnosis sessions with a clinical hypnotherapist. Here are some of them…

1. Mp3s can be supplied at 10 times less than it would cost to hire a hypnotherapist.
2. You don’t need to book an appointment and travel to visit a clinical hypnotherapist. You can download the sessions immediately and listen to them in the comfort and privacy of your home.
3. The sessions can be listened to as many times as you wish in order to strengthen the effects.

If you have tried all the fad diets and they have not worked, then gastric band hypnotherapy could be the one for you. It doesn’t promise miracle weight loss. What it does promise is a reduction in your appetite, which leads to rapid weight loss.

UPDATE 20/08/2014 Feedback has shown that Gastric Band Hypnotherapy has been very effective for helping people shed large amounts of weight permanently. Here is an example below.

What Is Gastric Band Hypnosis?Please CLICK HERE to learn more about my Gastric Band Hypnotherapy MP3