Hi. Can you explain to me how exactly your Breast Enhancement hypnosis session works?

Jon Rhodes
There is a part of the mind that is responsible for healing cuts, regulating the blood pressure, and growing new tissue. I talk to this part of the mind by using creative visualizations, and persuade it to place more resources to the breast in the blood flow. I also give suggestions that help the subject feel more feminine so that both their body and mind feel more willing to develop increased feminine traits. I have received emails from women who have been very pleased with the results.
Have you ever worked with a client who was terminally ill, to help them with pain relief? If so what are your experiences of this?
I have never personally worked with a terminally ill patient. One time I discussed the possibilities of hypnotherapy with a cancer patient, but unfortunately he lost his battle before we began any actual hypnotherapy.
I feel the most important thing you can give a terminally ill patient is the best possible quality of life whilst they are still here on earth. The medical profession also seems to take this view. This usually entails pain relief, and also helps with learning to live with their situation. I can only imagine what it must feel like to know that your time remaining is so limited. I expect that a person who learns to accept their situation and continue to live their life to the fullest will feel the least pain, and can still enjoy some quality of life.
I would never suggest that I can cure such terminal illnesses with hypnosis, unlike some that you will occasionally encounter. Stay away from these types of therapists as they are not to be trusted.
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Why are your prices on your mp3s and scripts so low in comparison to other hypnosis sites?
I became interested in online hypnosis as it is the best way of reaching as many people as possible with the therapeutic option of hypnosis. I wanted to create a means where there are as few barriers as possible for people to access hypnotherapy.
I think that the main barriers to hypnotherapy are misinformation and price. I try to provide free information about hypnotherapy on this site, and on many other sites that I contribute to, in order to raise awareness of the therapeutic possibilities of hypnosis. There are many rumours about hypnotherapy that are plainly untrue, and I believe that these rumours often dissuade people from the benefits of hypnotherapy.
Price is also a big factor that I believe puts people off hypnotherapy. Hiring a hypnotherapist is not cheap, and neither are some recorded sessions. I decided to strip everything back as much as possible to get as competitive price as I could for these sessions. I made the sessions available on download only in order to reduce costs of CD production, postage, and packaging. It was my goal to try and reach as many people as possible, and I think we have done well, as we now provide regular treatment to people in many countries across the world.
I saw on your Twitter feed that research shows hypnosis as a better alternative to anesthetic to sedate children before operations. Can you see a day where hypnotherapy is commonly used in place of anesthetic?
Yes, I have also read this report. In all honesty I cannot see a day where hypnotherapy is commonly used in place of anesthetic. This is purely for reasons of cost and convenience. Anesthetic is fairly predictable. A well trained anesthesiologist can quickly and efficiently put someone to sleep ready for an operation. The surgeons can then operate without any interruption or distraction.
Hypnosis is not always so predictable. A person may wake up during an operation, so will need a hypnotherapist on standby just in case. This increases the cost of the operation, not to mention potentially disrupting it should the patient wake. Some patients are also more suggestible than others. It may take just a few minutes to sufficiently anaesthetize one patient, and several hours with another. Surgeons just cannot operate with such unpredictability.
This is a shame because anesthetic is quite toxic and damaging, and a person undergoing an operation has the challenge of recovering from both the operation itself, and the anapestic. Hypnosis has no such side effects whatsoever, allowing the patients’ body to concentrate on recovering from the operation only. Perhaps in the future after more research, some hospitals will offer this option.
How do I go about recommending sessions that I’d like to see on HypnoBusters?
You can write to us via email to the email address you see on the home page. I’m reluctant to reproduce the address here as it might be picked up by the ‘spam bots’, but you will find it currently on the top right of the home page.
In the past we have been asked to do quite specific sessions. In an ideal world we would be able to meet every request for every session. Sadly this is not always possible. There are some sessions that I personally don’t feel are right to do in the audio format, and we must also compromise and provide sessions that are going to help as many people as possible.
That being said, we welcome your suggestions, and will seriously consider each and every one of them, so keep sending them in.
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