5 Simple Mind Tricks To Improve Your Life…
As a clinical hypnotherapist, I use several simple techniques to make my life easier. They don’t require years of study with a master in the Tibetan hills. Or otherworldly powers. They are simple, easy to apply, and can be used straight away. But they have a powerful positive influence.
Please share this article with anyone you think could benefit from these life enhancing techniques.
Here are some techniques I use in every day life. They help me in various ways, and can help you too. My personal favourite is the third one…
Get into your bubble

Sometimes it’s difficult going to an unfamiliar situation. A job interview is a classic. You arrive at a strange place, meet people you don’t know, and talk about yourself intimately. This is a rare situation to find yourself in. It’s natural to feel threatened.
A good technique to help is to imagine a protective bubble around you. Spend a few minutes with your eyes closed imagining a protective bubble around you, and say to yourself the word “bubble” several times.
Once you’ve done this, use it immediately to retain this self programming. Go somewhere that’s just a little daunting and say to yourself the word “bubble”. Notice how much better you feel.
Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Protective Ball Of Energy Meditation MP3
Hear the crowd roar

It is well established in psychology that a cheering crowd helps raise performance. That’s why athletes often attempt to gee up the crowd.
When playing sport or at the gym, I imagine a crowd cheering me on. I see masses of people in my mind. I hear the roar of the crowd spurring me on. Chanting my name, and clapping. I find it incredible how much difference this makes.
Try this next time you are playing sport or at the gym. Let me know how it goes.

As I said earlier, this is my personal favourite…
We all feel nervous and anxious at times. But this technique is a belter. It’s simple yet so powerful. If you were to use only one technique from this article, use this.
When you’re feeling anxious, your breathing becomes shallow, quick and erratic.
In order to combat these feeling of anxiety, simply reverse these breathing trends.
Consciously breathe slowly, deeply, and evenly. You can do this at any time and in any situation. No one will know you are doing it.
Try it right now. Even though you might not being feeling that anxious. Just try 5 slow, deep, even breathes.
Feel a little more relaxed? Try this again when in a stressful situation. I promise you it helps.
Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Breathing Meditation MP3
The “power break”

Sometimes we have a lot on during the day. You might have been running round for hours, and have only a few minutes until you’re running around again.
What you need is a “Power Break”. With this technique you can enjoy an hours worth of relaxation in just 5 minutes. Here’s what you do.
Go into a room by yourself and make sure you won’t be disturbed. Either sit or lie down. (I personally prefer to lie down).
Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Breathe slowly, deeply and evenly, like we discussed in the previous technique. On every out breath say to yourself the word “relax”, and count your breaths.
So you would say “Relax 1”; “Relax 2”; “Relax 3”…and so on. Do this on every out breathe for as long as you wish. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes, you will feel much more relaxed.
Float off to sleep

Sometimes it’s difficult to get to sleep. The previous technique can help with this. But here’s another one I often use to help me get to sleep.
When I’m in bed I close my eyes and use my imagination. I imagine floating out of my body and travelling somewhere pleasant.
It can be anywhere, such as a tropical beach, a garden, to visit family, or go sight seeing. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a real place or imagined. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been there before. Just imagine being at this place and enjoying the experience.
This usually quickly allows me to drift off to sleep. This technique also increases your creative abilities if you do it regularly. You become better at imagining places in greater detail, which has a great knock on effect to aid creativity.
Final thoughts
These simple techniques have significantly helped me, and many people I have shown them to. They are all simple enough to be used right away, without any skills required.
But the more you use them, the more they help you.
If you think someone you know would benefit from some of these techniques, please share the good karma.