Stammering Relief Hypnosis MP3

stammering relief hypnosisSpeak confidently with stammering relief hypnosis!

Stammering and stuttering is a complex speech disorder which effects around 1% of the adult population. A stammer or stutter becomes worse when feeling anxious, nervous or under stress. That is why they put you in a vicious circle…

Nervousness causes the stammer to get worse. The stammer then causes the nervousness to increase – and so on. You need to find a way to put a stop to this…

This hypnosis for stammering MP3 helps break this cycle. It reprograms your subconscious mind to stay calm when speaking, and to breath slowly and deeply.

This breaks the cycle and allows you to gain in confidence when speaking, causing you to relax,helping your stammer disappear.

“Before I couldn’t go to a job interview or ask a girl out. Now I feel a lot less nervous when I speak, and have my dream job and dream girl.”

Soon you will stop feeling so apprehensive before you speak. This allows you to start on a good foot, and keep going.

Download my Stammering Relief hypnosis MP3 and take the first steps to more fluid, confident speech. You will feel the effects of your stammer lessen greatly until it may be only barely noticeable…

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Track length 18:01


quickconfidencecaseQuick Confidence Booster Hypnosis

anxietyreleasecaseAnxiety Release Hypnosis

Recorded by Jon Rhodes

Confident Public Speaking Hypnosis MP3

confident public speaking hypnosisBecome a confident public speaker…

Just the thought of public speaking can make you feel physically weak. Your heart thumps inside your chest, and your hands and voice shake uncontrollably.

Why does this happen?

Your subconscious mind has decided that talking in front of audiences is dangerous. This is understandable as you are so heavily outnumbered.

To save you, your subconscious triggers yours automatic fight or flight response. Your heart beats faster to give you more energy. Hormones are released into your body which are designed to help you run and fight.

The problem is that you’re not running or fighting. Instead you shake with all this excessive energy you’re not using.

Here’s how I can help…

During this hypnosis for public speaking audio I will relax your conscious mind and tell your subconscious mind that you are perfectly safe when speaking in front of an audience. This will stop it from automatically triggering your fear response.

After listening to this session you will find it much easier to stay calm when delivering a speech of any kind.

Public speaking is important in all walks of life, whether you’re a teacher, businesswoman or man, comedian, or have just one speech to deliver at a social gathering. Being a great public speaker opens up many windows of opportunity.

“The idea of speaking in public used to give me the chills. Now I actually look forward to impressing people with the presentations I give at work.”

Anyone can become a great public speaker. You just need to stay relaxed when delivering your speech.

When you listen to my Confident Public Speaking Hypnosis MP3 you will remain relaxed throughout your speech. This helps you gain the confidence and self-belief to become a great public speaker. You will find public speaking as easy as talking to a friend.

Before you download Confident Public Speaking hypnosis download ask yourself these questions:

-> Do I feel nervous about speaking in front of a big crowd?
-> Would improved public speaking skills make my life better?
-> Would I like to enjoy public speaking?

If yes then download Confident Public Speaking hypnosis MP3 to keep you relaxed and strong enough to express yourself in front of people…

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$15 $9

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Track length: 16:30


quickconfidencecaseQuick Confidence Booster Hypnosis

anxietyreleasecaseAnxiety Release Hypnosis

Recorded by Jon Rhodes

Exam Success Hypnosis MP3

exam hypnosisAchieve the results you deserve!

If the idea of taking an exam fills you with fear then you’re not alone. If you are nervous, sweating and feeling sick, then it’s difficult to think straight.

Put yourself ahead of the rest and get the mental tools to gain top results with my Exam Success hypnosis download.

Get rid of exam nerves and walk into any exam with complete calm and confidence. I will teach your subconscious mind to replace nagging doubts or nervous energy with feelings of confidence and self-belief.

Do yourself justice and maximize your results. No longer worry about exam nerves or anxieties knocking you down. With hypnosis for exams, you will feel confident and self-assured that you are able to achieve the results you deserve.

“Your hypnosis MP3 for exams really helped to control my nerves. I aced every exam!”

Before you buy my Exam Success hypnosis download ask yourself these questions:

-> Do I worry about under performing in exams?

-> Do I suffer from exam nerves?
-> Would I like to walk into the exam full of self-belief?
-> Am I ready to maximize my ability?

If the answer is yes then download my Exam Success hypnosis download and guarantee yourself the grades you deserve…

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$15 $9

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Track length: 14:39


successfulthinkingcaseSuccessful Thinking Hypnosis

anxietyreleasecaseAnxiety Release Hypnosis

Recorded by Jon Rhodes

Ego Boost Hypnosis MP3

ego boost hypnosisGet what you deserve…

Do you lack the mental strength to go for the things in life you want? Perhaps you don’t feel capable or deserving?

This is a shame because it WILL hold you back. A shrinking violet rarely leads a successful and fulfilling life.

You NEED a strong ego

Having a strong ego is vital for success. Only by believing you are able AND deserving can you achieve things. People smell your fears and doubts, and WILL slam the door shut in your face.

What would an interviewer think if you applied for a job not truly believing you were deserving or capable of it? If you have no confidence in yourself, why should they? The same thing applies when meeting new romantic partners, business associates, friends etc.

You need to feel capable and deserving in order to attain the good things in life.

I can help you…

My Ego Boost MP3 strengthens your mind. It increases your confidence and self esteem. It has you believing you are able and deserving of the things you want in life.

This session feeds you many positive suggestions and imagery to your subconscious mind. This leads you to naturally feeling more capable and deserving of success. With this new found mental strength you can achieve anything.

Having a strong ego helps with pretty much every aspect of you life. It helps you find a new partner, succeed in business, get a better job, earn more money, have more friends, and enjoy life.

People will have confidence in you because you have confidence with yourself. They will want to associate with you, and will have faith in your abilities.

With a strong healthy ego you will finally be able to live the life you truly want to lead.

Don’t waste any more time living in the shadows. Download my Ego Boost Hypnosis MP3 and get the things in life you deserve…

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$15 $9

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Track length: 22:00


successfulthinkingcaseSuccessful Thinking Hypnosis

takeactionTake Action Hypnosis

Recorded by Jon Rhodes

Hypnotic Botox Hypnosis MP3

hypnotic botox hypnosis

Get smoother, younger looking skin…

Let’s face it, none of us are getting younger and this can be a depressing thought. However you CAN help yourself prolong your youth for a little longer…

Look younger and feel fresher with my hypnosis botox MP3.

This sessions works to achieve a similar result to a botox procedure – but with none of the harmful side effects. It’s a great botox alternative. Here’s how it works…

How it works

With a botox procedure, toxic botox is injected into your face. This causes the muscles in your face to relax. Once your muscles are relaxed, most of your fine lines disappear, leaving your skin looking smoother and younger. The hypnotic version is similar, but with a unique twist…

Instead of using a toxic injection, my hypnotic botox procedure directs your subconscious mind to relax the muscles in your face. This is a much safer and more natural procedure. No injections are needed.

Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach before a big event? Or blushed after being in an embarrassing situation? These are small examples of how your thoughts effect you physically. This session helps guide your thoughts to make a physical change to your face.

“I looked years younger after using botox hypnosis for just a few weeks!”

How to use it

Just like a botox procedure, you will see results quickly. This is great to use just before going for a night out, or anywhere you want to look your best. You can use it for special occasions, or as part of your daily skin care routine.

Just go somewhere you won’t be disturbed for about 20 minutes, get comfy and listen.

Hypnotic Botox is a great alternative to botox because once you’ve bought the MP3 you can listen to it as many times as you want. You don’t need to keep paying for injections.

Research has also shown that the long term effects of hypnosis lead to permanent improvement in your complexion (Hartland, J. (1970) Hypnosis in dermatology. British Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1: 2-7). Fine lines appear reduced, skin looks younger and smoother, and symptoms of common skin complaints are minimized.


Download right now to get your Hypnotic Botox MP3 instantly via email. Very soon you’ll feel sensational, and look younger…

Yes I want smoother younger looking skin right now…

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$15 $9

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thinkyourselfyoungerThink Yourself Younger Hypnosis

sensationskincaseSensational Skin Hypnosis

Recorded by Jon Rhodes