Super Sprinting Hypnosis MP3

sprinting hypnosisSprint like a cheetah…

Being able to sprint fast gives you a MASSIVE advantage in many sports. You can leave your competition for dust and there is nothing they can do about it. This is truly an amazing feeling.

Whilst there is obviously a physical aspect to sprinting, there is also a BIG mental side. Pretty much all top sprinters use hypnosis for sprinting. That’s why you see them close there eyes before a race, using various mental techniques to prepare.

Hypnosis can train your body and mind to sprint closer to your optimum. It gives you the drive and determination to train at higher intensity levels.

Higher intensity training is essential for higher results. But that’s not all…

This session also helps co-ordinate your mind and body. It will help you run more efficiently, converting more of your strength and energy into speed.

Most people waste a lot of energy when sprinting, which results in slower times. Your mind controls EVERYTHING. To sprint faster, your mind and body need to be relaxed, especially when the pressure is on.

My Super Sprinting Hypnosis MP3 helps keep your mind and body calm. This results in a more flowing and efficient sprinting style, transferring more muscle power into speed.

This more relaxed style of running also reduces your chances of injury.

Imagine Yourself…

-> Training harder than ever before.
-> Effortlessly sprinting faster and more efficiently.
-> Having faith you can out-pace your competition.

If you want to increase your sprinting speed and efficiency, download my Super Sprinting hypnosis MP3 right now…

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$15 $9

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Track length: 14:42


sportssuccesscaseSporting Success Hypnosis

muscledevelopmentcaseMuscle Enhancement Hypnosis

Recorded by Jon Rhodes

Perfect Potting Pool/Snooker Hypnosis MP3

Pot em like a rocket!

snooker hypnosis

This is ideal for ANY cue game…

The key to winning any cue game, whether it’s snooker, pool,or billiards, is to keep making those pots and stay at the table.

While there is technique involved in potting, it is pretty easy to pick up. What isn’t so simple is mastering the mental side of potting.

The best players can visualise “energy lines” from the cue ball to the object and direct it into the pocket. All you need to do is stay calm and relaxed, and you have a good chance of making ANY pot.

This session will help you remain calm when taking on a pressure pot. With a relaxed arm you have a far greater chance of making the pot. You will also improve your ability to see the energy lines of where to hit the object ball.

Imagine yourself…

-> The pockets look so BIG you can pot with ease.
->Staying relaxed and excelling in those BIG moments.
-> Having confidence in your ability to pot.

My Perfect Potting hypnosis MP3 will help you to reach your full potential. Stun your opponents with your potting prowess…

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Track length: 21:11


breakmentalbarriersBreaking Mental Barriers Hypnosis

slowdownSlow Down Hypnosis

Recorded by Jon Rhodes

Punching Power Hypnosis MP3

punching power hypnosisSmack like Bruce Lee…

Having a strong punch is a powerful weapon in any fighters arsenal. Some people seem to be more naturally powerful punchers than others. This is because their mind is engaged.

Strength and weight do have a part to play in a powerful punch. What’s MORE important is hand speed.

Think about it – it would hurt much more being hit by a little boy riding fast on a bicycle than a truck hitting you at 5 MPH.

In order to hit quicker and harder you must first clear your mind. Then you must focus all your energy on that moment of impact.

bruce lee punching hypnosis

Punching Power Hypnosis borrows several techniques used by Bruce Lee to train your mind to deliver a more powerful punch. Once your subconscious mind has been programmed, you will naturally hit harder and faster. Your energy will go where it’s supposed to go – to the moment of impact. You will also waste less energy, helping you increase your punching stamina.

This will give you the edge over your competition. This is why so many boxers and MMA fighters employ sports hypnotherapists before big fights.

You don’t have to go to great expense though to experience highly effective sports hypnosis. My Punching Power hypnosis MP3 is the ultimate way to train your mind. Imagine throwing punches with the full weight of your body and mind behind them. You can make that image a reality with Punching Power hypnosis.

Punching Power hypnosis is the perfect complement to your physical training routine. At just under 20 minutes, you can listen to it before or after a training session or shortly before you go to bed to align your body and mind into one hard hitting, punching machine.

Download this session right now and enjoy quicker, harder and more efficient punching…

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$15 $9

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Track length: 18:51


exercisemotivationcaseExercise Motivation Hypnosis

muscledevelopmentcaseMuscle Enhancement Hypnosis

Recorded by Jon Rhodes

Game Boosting Golf Hypnosis MP3

golf hypnosis mp3Amaze your friends with your rapid improvement…

While golf requires a certain level of fitness and hand/eye co-ordination, the great players come into their own in the mental aspect of the game.

“90% of golf is played from the shoulders up.” Arnold Palmer.

For dedicated golf fans, Arnold Palmer needs no introduction. With seven major titles to his name, Arnold Palmer is considered one of the greatest players of all-time. One of the biggest reasons for his success was his realization that golf is more a mental game than a physical one.

“Golf Hypnosis will add a secret weapon to your game – mental training.”

One player who took Arnold Palmer’s quote to heart was Tiger Woods. Not only did Tiger start playing golf at a young age but he also discovered the secret that is open for anyone to unlock. Hypnosis for golf!

Tiger Woods is a known proponent of sports/golf hypnosis and visualization, which is why he dominated the greens for over a decade. While not everyone can be a Tiger Woods, hypnotherapy can be used to improve anyone’s game.

This session works on several aspects of your game. It will help you remain calm during pressure situations. It will help you strike the ball cleanly. It will also help you see the hole much bigger than before – a well known mental technique for improving putting.

In just a short period of time you will amaze your friends with your rapid improvement.

Enjoy playing your best golf.
Enjoy playing your best golf.

Picture Yourself…

-> Driving the ball straight down the fairway.
-> Hitting perfect approach shots.
-> Sinking even the most difficult of putts.

With this Game Boosting Golf hypnosis download, you can compliment your practice and unlock your golfing potential. It can be your little secret…

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$15 $9

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Track length: 21:05


sportssuccesscaseSporting Success Hypnosis

muscledevelopmentcaseMuscle Enhancement Hypnosis

Recorded by Jon Rhodes

Muscle Growth Hypnosis MP3

muscle hypnosisBuild bulging muscles the size of mountains… 

When younger, I would go the the gym and increase strength and muscle quite quickly. However after a few months I would hit a plateau. No matter how hard I trained or what new methods I used, I stayed the same. This was until I started using muscle hypnosis.

Arnold Schwarzenegger mind muscle

I did A LOT of research and found out your mind can help you build muscle. Arnold Schwarzenegger knew this back in the 1970’s, and became arguably the most successful body builder of all time.

I read up on many legendary bodybuilder’s mind techniques, and compared this with modern research. I discovered MANY things. For example…

Scientific studies show that mental imaging is almost as effective in building muscle as lifting weights. If you visualise a workout, it’s almost as good as actually doing one. The beauty is that you can’t over train this way. When combined with traditional workouts, they can produce amazing results.

A favourite of Arnie was to visualise his muscles as huge as mountains. This was a way for him to convince his mind to direct more resources to building muscle.

This hypnosis MP3 uses these techniques and more.

The connection between the mind and body is astonishing. You can imagine a situation, and your body will react as if that situation was reality. Imagine yourself in a dangerous situation and your heart will beat faster. Imagine an embarrassing situation and blood rushes to the surface of your skin, causing you to blush.

In this session I take you into the gym through a heavy workout designed to build your major muscles. You will feel the blood rush to your muscles just like from a real workout. Hypnosis has an added bonus that it relaxes you, which aids the recuperation of your muscles.

You will find a significant improvement in the growth of your muscles and blast through any plateaus you may have reached. This is a perfect session to listen to on rest days, or every day if you want to experience even faster muscle growth.

“My Muscle Growth hypnosis MP3 turns the mind into a natural muscle producer – aiding recovery and increasing muscular growth”

Before you buy my Develop Muscle hypnosis MP3 ask yourself these questions:

-> Have I hit a plateau where my muscles are gaining little?
-> Would I like to relax my muscles while strengthening them at the same time?
-> Would I like to build muscle faster?

If the answer is yes then download my Develop Muscle Hypnosis MP3 download and get ready for your muscles to explode…

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$15 $9

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Track length: 20:42


takeactionTake Action Hypnosis


Increase Your Appetite

Recorded by Jon Rhodes