Refreshing sleep EVERY night…
Falling asleep is often easier said than done. Your head may be swirling with thoughts and worries, keeping your mind active and alert.
Perhaps you can manage to get to sleep, but wake up too soon, still tired but restless.
Either one is a problem that can effect the quality of your life. I know, I’ve been there.
There are many pills and medicines that claim to aid sleep, but these often exacerbate the problem and can lead to dependency. What you need is a natural sleep remedy…
This hypnosis for sleep session is based on techniques I have used on myself to help me sleep. For years I had trouble sleeping, and when I eventually fell asleep, I would usually wake after just a few hours. I have now trained myself to have a good night sleep every night and I can do the same for you.
Super Sleep hypnosis will relax you, no matter how big your worries, and allow you to have a long, peaceful, uninterrupted sleep every night. It is one of the most powerful drug-free sleep products available.
For best results, listen when in bed, or just before bed.
“I’ve never had a deeper sleep than I had after listening to your super sleep hypnosis MP3 before I went to bed.”
Having a good night’s sleep allows your brain to rest and recuperate for the day ahead. Your mind and body will feel energised, and you will wake up feeling motivated and ready for action.
Getting the right amount of sleep strengthens your immune system, helps your mental processing, heals wounds, reduces stress, and aids the general health of your body and mind.

Before you download my Super Sleep hypnosis audio ask yourself these questions:
-> Do I often struggle to get to sleep?
-> Does the sleep I get not feel adequate?
-> Do I want a natural sleep remedy?
Yes I want a safe and natural remedy to help me enjoy a refreshing sleep every night…
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Track length: 34:31
Recorded by Jon Rhodes
I bought this audio last week but still haven’t received the download link. Can you please help me out?
Also, Should I listen to this while trying to sleep, during the day, or before going to bed?
Thanks a lot!
I’ve just sent you an email containing the MP3 as an attachment for you. I’m sorry you didn’t receive it earlier.
The best time to listen to a session like this would be in bed if possible, if not shortly before before you go to bed.
Warm regards,
Just woke up after the best sleep in years. Thanks so much Hypnobusters!
Had best nights sleep I had in ages last night. Is it ok if I listen to this every night before bed, or is listening to it once enough?
Hi Rachel,
We typically recommend that you listen to a session once a day for around a month, and then once a month from then on. However with a sleep session you can just listen to it whenever you feel the need to.
Warm regards,