Session Name | Length | Price | Click To Buy Now |
Achieve Your Goals | 14:59 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Feel Good About Yourself | 15:05 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Sugar Addiction | 15:25 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Get What You Want | 13:29 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Win Back Your Ex | 13:25 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Speak Up For Yourself | 15:20 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Sexual Arousal | 13:06 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Fear of Failure | 15:23 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Self Discipline | 13:03 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Insecurities in Relationships | 15:34 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Millionaire Mindset | 11:58 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Reduce Flatulence | 14:45 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Wake Up Early | 13:05 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Energy Boost | 14:51 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Beat Addictions | 15:26 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Confident Leader | 14:56 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Photographic Memory | 15:25 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Deep Sleep | 13:08 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Be Tidy | 12:01 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Forgive Others | 15:34 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Stop Jealousy | 15:07 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Accelerated Learning | 13:13 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Attract Good Luck | 13:29 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Flirting Mastery | 15:31 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Law of Attraction | 12:39 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Flatten Your Stomach | 15:11 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Attract Money | 11:13 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Attract Women | 11:40 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Weight Loss | 12:22 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Be Happy | 11:15 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Be More Extroverted | 12:49 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Become A Positive Thinker | 11:32 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Self Esteem Builder | 13:41 | $8.95 | ![]() |
Can’t see what you want?
>CLICK HERE for my collection of meditation MP3s<

Do you have habits and thought processes you’d like to change? Perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your life and want to shake things up? My HypnoBusters subliminal MP3s can help you…
Subliminal MP3 audios work in a similar way to hypnotherapy. Both add suggestions to your subconscious mind, but subliminal audio’s have a different approach…
Hypnotherapy uses trance to tune down your conscious and pass suggestions to your subconscious. Subliminal MP3 audio’s mask suggestions within music, so only your subconscious can hear them.
Subliminal MP3 downloads have the advantage that you can listen to them whilst doing other things. You can listen to them when driving, looking after children, working in the office, or even when walking. It is safe because there is no trance involved.
No one needs to know that it is subliminal music, or what it contains – all they hear is relaxing music.
Subliminal advertising has been made illegal in advertising in many countries including the UK and Australia. This is because authorities know these techniques powerfully influence the mind and are unfair to consumers.
HypnoBusters Subliminal MP3s use the power of subliminal messages for your benefit.
Subliminal messages are placed within pieces of relaxing music, making them pleasant to listen to. The music distracts your conscious mind while your subconscious hears the hidden messages. I decided against having an opening introduction so that you can listen to these MP3s without anyone knowing the content. You can play them in the background at work and no one is the wiser.
Positive affirmations are recorded and embedded within the music. They are recorded loud enough for your subconscious mind to hear them, but too quiet for your conscious mind. This allows the positive affirmations to be easily absorbed into your subconscious mind. This is where your automatic habits and urges come from.
Give yourself a treat and choose from my selection of subliminal MP3 audios in the table at the top of this page.
If you aren’t completely satisfied, I will refund you.
Hi Jon,
My hair started to turn grey/white and also having a lot of hair loss all of a sudden. Did a health check…all clear. Could you make a Hypnosis session for thick healthy young hair (dark hair in my case). I hear that greying/thinning hair can be reversed. Here’s hoping!
Thank you in advance! I very much appreciate the sessions and customer service.
are we supposed to hear the messages, because i cant really tell what the seld discipline one is saying
Hi Elemo,
The messages are masked within the music so that you can’t consciously hear them.
Jon, I cannot understand the difference between Hypnosis sessions and Subliminal music. If they both do the same thing, why people use self hypnosis when subliminal musics are easier to listen to and more accessible (you can listen to them everywhere)?
Hi Neda. Some people find that hypnosis works better for them, and others find subliminals are best. We’re all different. Also some people enjoy listening to my soothing voice without it being hidden in the music!
Hi Jon, would it be possible for you to make stop lip biting and skin picking subliminal?
Yes. I’ve had some issues with recording lately, but when things are fixed I’ll make the sessions.
Hey Jake would it be possible for you to make the “get what you want subliminal” with the music used for “law of attraction” ?
Hi Dexter. Sorry, it would be difficult to arrange as we’d have to record and edit the session from scratch.
Would the weight loss session still be effective if I dont have a very good diet? Thanks.
Yes Jake. It encourages you to be more active, eat a healthier diet, and consume a healthier amount of calories.
Hi, Jon! I’ve been listening to your hypnosis for a few years now. My all time favorite is one of your free hypnosis treatments: “Success in Life”. I found it very calming, and universally helpful with just about anything. Your calm, compassionate, nonjudgmental delivery is absolutely amazing. Hypnosis (your mp3’s & working with a hypnotherapist in person) helped me gain control over my eating disorders, panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive behavior.
I recently noticed that some people leave comments with requests for specific hypnosis session… So, I decided to try that myself.
I’d like to know if you would find “Calm Assertive Pack Leader” hypnosis session worth while to work on. I am looking for something geared towards canine companions. I’ve searched for quite a while, but all I could find is either business-geared leadership hypnosis (not quite the same since humans will often follow unstable, selfish, and not so fair/honest leaders); or dog/cat bonding hypnosis (may work in some case, but certain dog breeds require clear leadership to live a happy life). I am currently trying your subliminal sessions “Confident Leader” & “Self Discipline”. I am normally not a leader in human world (unless it’s absolutely necessary) and neither is my boyfriend; we recently rescued a young German Shepherd Dog from the local shelter; he is really smart & obedient, but he is trying to lead & protect the pack since me & my boyfriend are on equal dominance level. The bottom line is, one (or both) humans need to reprogram our minds into natural-born alpha mindset for a calm, fair, non-agressive, yet assertive, and stable leadership.
I don’t know if anybody else would find this helpful, but I would so appreciate a subliminal (or hypnosis) session that deals with aforementioned issues.
Also, do you do NLP (neuro linguistic programing) as well?
Thank you so much!
Hi, thank for your kind words about my sessions. There are basically 3 behaviours we can choose, that is passive, aggressive, and assertive. Obviously if you’re passive, a dog will try and dominate you. If you’re aggressive it may compete with you. So yes, assertive is the right mindset.
I think a general assertive hypnosis session will be very helpful to you. It doesn’t need to be specific to animals because the assertive mindset is the same no matter what you’re dealing with. I think this will get closer to the root of your problem, and will help you in all areas of your life. What do you think?
Is there anyway to tell what the subliminals are saying?
Hi Dexter,
If you let me know which sessions you’re interested in I can tell you the subliminal messages used for it.
Hi Jake,
Thanks for responding, and the attract good luck subliminal.
And law of attraction subliminal.
I know I will have a great life if I believe
I attract success into my life
Everything I want is being attracted into my life
I’m like a magnet for opportunities, and take advantage of them
I attract abundance into my life
Anything positive I think about I attract into my life
I feel lucky
I am lucky in all areas of my life
I am grateful for my good fortune in life
I thank my lucky stars all the time
I remain positive and attract luck into my life
My luck is increasing all the time
I was born to be lucky
I make my own luck in life
Thanks a lot Jake, you guys have amazing customer service.
Hey Jake would it be possible for you to make a subliminal to enhance focusing on what I want?
It’s on the list Dexter. I’ll let you know when it’s done.
Thanks for the quick response & for adding it to the list.
You’re welcome Dexter. The session is now available here –
How many times a day minimum should the subliminal mp3s be listened to for effective changes? Also how long does it take to see results? Thank you.
We recommend that you listen to a subliminal once or more a day. The great thing about subliminals is that they can be listened to at any time!
Typically people begin to notice a change after about a week, with that change becoming stronger as time goes on with repeated listenings.
Hi John..I am attracting my ex girl friend rather I would say My girl back… any mp3 to attract ex girl friend??
Hi Kris. The nearest we currently have is “Flirting Confidence” subliminal, which can be found here –
I can, if you wish, make a more specific subliminal “Win Back Your Ex”?
Yes Jon i would like a specific one if you can …much appreciated..Also could you do something to increase memory power to help with exams?
OK, it’s on the list Kris. I’ll let you know when it’s finished.
There is a memory hypnosis session available here and a memory subliminal here
But could do a specific memory subliminal for exams if you want?
Thanks Jon.I am ok with the links you provided. I did download the photographic memory ,weight loss and flirting masterly…I am just waiting for the Win your Ex Back one.
Hey Kris, the “Win back Your Ex” session is now online, available here
Hi Jon, i purchased several of your hypnosis and subliminals, i was wondering if you can do a hypnosis or subliminal for speaking up for your self
Yes sure Dino, I’ll add it to the list.
Thank you so much, i really enjoy the ones i’ve purchased
HI Dino. “Speak Up For Yourself” is now available here –
I see the “accelerated learning” MP3. I have difficulty finding any MP3’s, CD’s, etc. concerning learning music. I would love to see one on learning music theory and/or learning to play an instrument. More specifically, I would like to see an MP3 directly related to learning to play the guitar, along with theory. (I think there are many, many people out there who would be interested in a “guitar” MP3.) Thanks for your hard work.
Hi Marshall. We do have a hypnotherapy session for better guitar playing. We’ve had some great response from it – I’m a guitarist myself. It is more about improving feel and instinct than theory – can be found here…
Is it a good idea to listen or loop a recording a few times while you sleep? I’ve heard that this can help a lot.
I have been looking for good audios and when I saw your video, i trusted what you were saying, thanks.
Hi Clarissa,
Current research shows that the mind can still process information and stimulus in the early stages of sleep so it can be helpful to listen to one of our recordings as you go to bed.
Dear Jon, your mp3’s are great can you please do one on stopping Flatulence and wind. Thank You
Hi Chris. The session you requested has been made and is available here –
Thanks for your suggestion!
Hi, are the subliminal messages read out in the ultrasonic hearing range ?
Hi Richard. No, they are mixed in quietly in the normal hearing range so they are masked by the music. If you removed the music you would be able to hear them perfectly fine. This ensures your ear can easily pick them up, and process them subconsciously. I firmly believe this is the best way to deliver subconscious messages to your subconscious.
We have evolved over millions of years to be able to subconsciously hear quiet sounds within louder sounds. It’s in our best interests to be able to hear a predator within the sound of wind and rustling trees for example. Our subconscious mind can pick this up, and is much quicker than our conscious mind, saving valuable split seconds in reaction time.
Hi john… I have been regular user of your sessions and hv gained real success…
Can you pls,make some subliminal mp3 to overcome insecurities. In relationships. Thnx
Great suggestion! OK, I will put it on the list and let you know when it’s up.
Thnx alot John. I must say you are a genuine good human being.
Lots of prayers n best wishes For you. Thanks once again.
You’re most welcome. Glad to help.
Hi there. “Insecurities In Relationships” is now available. Thanks for your suggestion!
DO you have and provide the scripts for your subliminal recordings? I have purchased a few in the past from another company and they always have shown what is being said in them and I would like to know before I purchase some from you. Also do you or can you do a subliminal one for getting up early ?
Hi Leanne. We are in the process of creating individual sales pages with the scripts on them. The demand for these sessions seems to be crazy and we’re struggling keeping up! In the meantime, if you want to know a script, you can use the “contact us” form, which is under the “about” tab and we will get back to you as quickly as we can. You’re not the first person to request “Wake Up Early” so I will make it the next session I produce. It should be available in the next few days.
Thanks for the quick response!!! I am enjoying the recordings I have purchased!!
Excellent – glad to hear it Leanne!
Glad you’ve added more subliminals. These work really well for me. Could you do a session for being a confident leader? That would be awesome if you could.
I’ll pass the suggestion on to our hypnotherapist.
Hi Mathew, we now have a session for being a confident leader.
These work really well for me, better than the hypnosis. I feel great after listening to the self esteem session and the extrovert one. People have already started noticing a difference as I’m getting more talkative and confident.
I do feel more confident straight after listening. Weird. Good but weird.