10 Benefits of Hypnosis Downloads

10 Benefits of Hypnosis Downloads

Learn The Benefits Of Hypnosis Downloads
Benefits of Hypnosis Downloads

Do hypnosis downloads work? Yes, it is perfectly possible to treat people using pre recorded sessions. There are also a number of advantages to this.

Here is a list of some of the benefits of hypnosis downloads…

1) They are cheaper than hiring a hypnotherapist.

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2) It is usually the more experienced clinical hypnotherapists who record their sessions, meaning you are more likely to receive high quality therapy.

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

3) You can listen to hypnosis downloads as many times as you wish, strengthening the suggestions each time you listen to them.

4) You can listen to the audio wherever you wish. You can relax on the beach, in your garden, or even on holiday. You could ask a hypnotherapist to accompany you to the beach, but you might get funny looks!

5) Most hypnosis downloads are accompanied by a calming soundtrack, which further aids the relaxation and therapeutic process.

6) You can purchase hypnosis downloads online without having to leave your home.

7) They can be delivered almost instantly. You do not need to wait for shipment of CD’s, or a ‘mutually convenient’ time to book an appointment.

8) Most offer a money back guarantee, which hypnotherapists rarely do.

9) You need not deal with a hypnotherapist face to face, which may be useful for shyer people, especially if you seek help for an embarrassing problem.

10) Confidentiality is assured. No one needs to know you have received therapy. You do not need to travel to a surgery where someone might see you walk in.


There are other benefits to hypnosis downloads, but these are the main ones.

Need help with ANYTHING in your life? CLICK HERE To Check out my big collection of therapeutic hypnosis audio sessions.