Find the answer to how is a phobia created…
Why do we get phobias?
Developing a phobia is natural within us all. It’s there to protect you, but sometimes things go wrong.
If you learn how a phobia is created, you’re better placed to deal with it. Here’s one way a phobia is typically formed…
Say you grew up in a remote rural area. Indigenous to this area is a small red beetle. It is so poisonous that one bite has you convulsing on the floor, dying in seconds.
As a two year old, you’ve never seen or heard of them yet. One day you’re walking with your mother through the forest. Your mother looks away for a moment and you spot one sat on a brown leaf. Curious, you walk over and attempt to pick it up.
Your mother turns round and freaks out. Panicking and screaming, she grabs you and runs you back home. You’ve never seen your mum, who is your source of strength and protection, so frightened before. Her reaction scared you more than anything before in your life. This thing must be REALLY dangerous.
For your own protection, you have now developed a healthy fear for these beetles. Whenever you see one, your mind automatically kicks into flight or fight mode and you run away from them, trembling with fear. There is no way you will ever approach one again, and no bad thing.

Here’s the twist…
What if this beetle was not really poisonous? What if, in the past, your grandfather died of a heart attack, at the same time as he touched one? Your grandmother wrongly believed that this was the cause. Whenever she saw one, she freaked out. Of course your Mum saw this on several occasions. Your mother naturally believed her Mum to be right, gained her mother’s fear, and passed it to you.
This is probably why so many people are frightened of spiders. It is passed from person to person. There are other ways you can acquire a phobia, which I’ll discuss in a few moments. But first, what is a phobia?
What is a phobia?
A phobia is defined as an irrational fear of something. There is nothing wrong with being frightened of something that can easily kill you. In fact it is very smart. If the beetle was highly poisonous, then you would be wise to avoid it at all costs.
However if it wasn’t poisonous, and you spent your life avoiding these creatures, then it could be said that it was an irrational fear.
This might not be much of a problem, but suppose it hampered you from hunting or gathering food. Then your life would be better with some help to remove this fear.
Other ways to get a phobia
Of course this isn’t the only way you can acquire a phobia. A dog might have barked at you loudly when a child, severely frightening you. After this one instance, you may have avoided dogs. The more you avoid them over the years, the more you reaffirm your fear. You deny yourself positive experiences with dogs, so you only have that one negative experience to draw from.
You might approach someone in your tender years and ask them on a date. They turn you down. This leaves you feeling rejected and humiliated. You avoid asking anyone else, and end up having difficulty asking anyone again.
TV also encourages your fears. CLICK HERE to read how.
No fear
Did you know we are all born without fears or phobias? They are acquired through your life. As three month old baby you will happily grab a rattlesnake. A three month old baby will let a spider run up its arm.
Most fears and phobias were created when we were very young. Often you won’t remember the time your fear was created – at least not consciously.
Your subconscious mind has a very long memory – for your protection. When a fear or phobia has been installed, it will automatically trigger your fear responses. When your life is in danger, a split second can be the difference between life and death. There is no time to think about it consciously. Your subconscious takes over, and quickly triggers fear.
Caught in two minds…
Suppose the rural area you live in starts getting developed. New people move into the area, with new ways of thinking and doing things. They tell you that the red beetle is not poisonous. To illustrate this, they pick one up and everything is fine.
These new people have no fear of these beetles, and nothing bad ever happens to them. You know they must be right.
You decide to confront your fear and pick one up.
As you approach the small red beetle, your heart starts to beat rapidly. You lift your hand and it starts shaking uncontrollably. You start to sweat and feel sick. You can’t do it.
Why can’t you pick it up, even though you know it is safe?
It’s because your subconscious mind is triggering your fear response. Your conscious mind knows it is safe, but that doesn’t matter. Your subconscious mind doesn’t. You’re literally caught in two minds, but it’s your subconscious mind that prevails.
It usually doesn’t matter what people say to you. They may talk total sense about your phobia, and you may agree with them. However they are appealing to your conscious mind. This isn’t the part of your mind that is triggering your fear response.
Hypnotherapy is very effective for treating phobias. This is because your conscious mind is tuned down. This allows for better communication with your subconscious mind.
A hypnotherapist can get to the root of your problem, and rapidly change your subconscious thinking. This leads to an almost immediate eradication of your phobia.
Final thoughts
Now you the answer to the question “How is a phobia created?” is a natural process that is designed to protect you. If it has no negative impact on your life, then it’s not so bad. However if your phobia stops you progressing in life, then you deserve help.
Fears can hamper your life in many ways. Fears can stop you finding love. They can stop you getting the job you really want. They can stop you making friends, speaking in public, even stop you seeking dental help. They are no laughing matter, and you deserve to find a solution.
If you need help conquering your fears and phobias, CLICK HERE and check out my collection of therapeutic hypnotherapy audio session.
Here’s a few examples of my sessions for fears and phobias. Click on the pictures for more information…