How many times have you rolled into work bleary-eyed, wishing you could have grabbed more sleep? And how many times have you heard your colleagues or friends express the same desire? Wouldn’t you like to learn how to stop feeling tired?

Jon Rhodes
Weariness seems to be a modern epidemic, and while it’s not debilitating it can have a negative impact on your life. You can miss out on opportunities and new experiences because you want to stay in your home and watch TV. That’s not living, it’s existing.
You can turn your tiredness around by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle…

First always remain well hydrated. Your body is around 70% water and uses two and half litres every day.
Tiredness is a common symptom of dehydration so it could be that you’re not taking in enough water. Aim to drink about two litres of water per day.
If you make just one change after reading this article, then please make sure your hydration levels are adequate.
You should also take a look at your diet. Foods high in fat or carbohydrates are harder to digest, so your body slows down while it’s digesting the food.
Whilst sugary foods give you a short-term boost, you will soon crash and burn. Instead you should include plenty of vitamins and minerals in your diet.
The easiest way to do this is to consume plenty of fruit and vegetables. Aim to eat at least two different pieces of fruit or veg as part of each meal, along with some lean meat (or protein substitute if you are vegetarian/vegan). You will find your energy levels greatly improve.
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Vitamin D

Recent research has also indicated that lower levels of vitamin D is responsibly for tiredness and aches and pains.
It is fairly common for people to have low levels of vitamin D during the winter months. This is especially so if you live somewhere low in sunshine, like England where I live!
It’s worth having your vitamin D levels tested to find out. Make sure you get plenty of sunshine during winter. Oily fish like salmon and tuna also contain good levels of vitamin D.
Regular exercise will help energise you. Although you burn energy when exercising, you gain energy in the long run.
Find physical activities that you enjoy. That way you will stick to them.
If you enjoy going to the gym, then great, do that. If you prefer a stroll in the woods, then this is also valuable exercise. Anything that gets you moving!
Exercise increases the efficiency of your body, gets your blood pumping, and helps eliminate waste from your system.
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Caffeine & Alcohol
While you boost your system with water, fruit and vegetables you should aim to reduce your intake of alcohol and caffeine. Much like sugar, caffeine has a “crash and burn” effect. It also badly effects your sleep.
Alcohol may help you drift off to sleep at night but as you sober, it becomes a stimulant which can ruin the quality of your sleep.
Sleep is a key area to work on to improve your energy. It is recommended to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. The easiest way to make sure you get the optimum amount of sleep is to set two alarms, one for when you need to wake up and one for when you should go to bed. Set your alarm for about an hour before you wish you fall asleep to give yourself time to get comfortable and relaxed. Your body appreciates routine and having a regular sleep pattern will make a world of difference.
Another way to improve your sleep is through the use of hypnotherapy. Hypnosis quietens your conscious mind, turning down all the mental chatter so you can drift to sleep without any worries on your mind.
That’s how to stop feeling tired!