Protecting Your Mental Health During The CoronaVirus

Protecting Your Mental Health During The CoronaVirus

Protecting Your Mental Health During The CoronaVirusWhilst the CoronaVirus is a threat to physical health. It also poses a threat to your mental health.

We worry about our loved ones. Particularly the most vulnerable. Our routines are thrown to disarray. We face a scarcity of food and resources. Plus isolation.

I thought I’d write a short article with some tips to help you stay in good mental shape during the CoronaVirus pandemic. A few simple things can make a big difference…


Take One Day At A Time

Whilst you need to make plans, you cannot plan for everything. Things are changing on a daily basis. So don’t get too stuck on future planning.

Have the odd think about the future, but try and keep most of your thoughts on today. This reduces your levels of anxiety. And if you can take care of today, everything WILL fall into place.

Think about what’s actually happening right now. You usually find it’s OK. And you feel more grounded and settled.

Get Out Into Nature

If you’re not on a complete lock down, it’s a good idea to get out into nature. There’s little chance of passing or catching the CoronaVirus when out in the wilderness.

Th exercise will do you good. As will the fresh air. We’re not designed to spend all our time stuck indoors.

Getting out into nature helps you feel connected. And it grounds you in the environment. It helps you feel more settled, and less isolated. This can make a HUGE difference.

Stay In Touch With Friends And Family

Whilst you might not be able to visit many people, you can still stay in touch. Technology allows us to message, chat, and video call each other.

Use this fantastic technology. We’ve never had so much simple and affordable technology for staying touch.

Take time to check in on elderly or vulnerable relatives who might be struggling with isolation. You’ll both benefit from the interactions. You’ll feel good for helping. And they’ll feel good that you care. Plus it helps ease your worries.

Limit The News

Limit your intake of news. The media is notoriously negative when reporting ANY news.

Negative news gets more attention. Which is good for them. But not good for you. It makes you feel that things are worse than they really are.

Fact Check Hearsay

I’ve heard many untrue rumours about the CoronaVirus. And they all paint a bleaker picture than the reality.

This is people worrying, and thinking the worst. Check reliable sources for the real information. Things usually aren’t as bad as many people think.

Stay Positive

Whilst it’s a difficult situation, stay positive. Think of the positives you can draw from it.

If you’re off work, it may give you chance to do more reading. Or more time to spend with your family. If you think hard enough, you CAN find positives.

Focus on these positives as much as you can. Write them down if this helps.

Final Thoughts

Whilst these are trying times, stay positive. And do what you can to keep your mental health well. Stay connected as much as your situation allows. And keep busy. You need to exercise your mind AND body.

Try new things to occupy your time. You might discover new hobbies or interests you never thought about before.

The CoronaVirus will soon be a moment in history. One you can look back on with pride at how you got through it.

Stay positive, and stay active. It will soon pass and life will return back to normal. Stay well.

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